The Brazilian currency is the Real (BRL). There are ATMs in the main cities and even towns in the country. Most of the more sophisticated establishments allow payments with credit and debit cards. The appreciation of the value of the Real against the Euro and the recent turmoil in the Brazilian economy, fueled by successive oil discoveries, caused product prices to increase substantially for European visitors as well.
Prices range from €10 or €15 per night in a double room in inns and conventional hotels outside the big cities to many hundreds of euros in the refined hotels of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Brasília and the luxury resorts around these cities and one of the most popular beach resorts in the country.
You can count on abysmal differences between the cost of food in a sophisticated neighborhood in São Paulo and a village lost in the middle of the Sertão. Count from €4 or €5 for a traditional complete meal in the interior of Brazil, up to a minimum of €30 in a more refined restaurant in São Paulo or Rio de Janeiro.
Just for bad luck, there would not be internet available at the inn or hotel of your choice. If that happens, you'll definitely find several internet houses in the vicinity with good speed and prices that cost a maximum of €2 per hour of browsing.