São Tomé and Principe

Cocoa Roças, Corallo and the Chocolate Factory

a lot to choose
Workers select cocoa nuts in the Água Izé farm, in the south of São Tomé.
bush in the jungle
Buildings of one of the many gardens lost in the tropical rainforest of the island of Príncipe.
A versatile fruit
An already ripe example of cocoa fruit, still far from the chocolate that its nuts later give rise to.
shelters of time
The villages of the Água Izé farm, one of the oldest and largest in São Tomé, are still one of the most inhabited today.
Claudio "Chocolate" Corallo
Claudio Corallo during one of his presentations of the best cocoa and chocolate in São Tomé and Príncipe.
Countryside silhouettes
Workers choose cocoa on the Agostinho Neto farm, in the north of São Tomé.
Assorted cocoa
Multicolored profusion of cocoa fruits in the São João dos Angolares farm.
Product of Sao Tome
Worker transports a sack of cocoa produced and packaged in the Água Izé farm, in the south of São Tomé.
View of the Terreiro Velho garden, with the Ilhéu do Boné do Joquei, as the furthest away.
pure cocoa
A handful of cocoa, São Tomé and Príncipe's biggest export has long been.
At the beginning of the century. In the XNUMXth century, São Tomé and Príncipe generated more cocoa than any other territory. Thanks to the dedication of some entrepreneurs, production survives and the two islands taste like the best chocolate.

We are in Santo António de Príncipe. Mr. Armandinho leads the service pick up of the boss, the Secretary of State for Economy Silvino Palmer.

Drive along the red, winding road that plows through the lush jungle of prince's island between Santo António – the only city on the island – and the depths of the forest to the south.

After passing the Porto Real garden and the also decaying hamlet of São Joaquim, we point to Terreiro Velho. The property awakens old memories in Armando's mind.

Luckily for us, the former striker of the Santomean national team does not shy away from sharing them. “Well, so now we're on our way to Terreiro Velho. It has a fabulous view, you will see. It belonged to a Portuguese gentleman named Jerónimo Carneiro. Do you know how you got it? Cheating!”

“Cheating? But what kind of cheating?” we asked him, intrigued by the simplicity of the description. ”Armandinho is surprised by our ignorance: “Oh, what cheat do you think it was? To letters, of course! Don't ask me for details that I wasn't there but almost everyone in my generation knows that.”

Cocoa, Chocolate, Sao Tome Principe, garden

Buildings of one of the many gardens lost in the tropical rainforest of the island of Príncipe.

Later, in conversation with Silvino Palmer, in his office, he is inclined to say that this was not the case. And yet, Armandinho had every reason to know the story, whether it was real or not.

Armandinho has always lived in the Sundy farm, which was once owned by the Jerónimo Carneiro family. His parents had arrived in the Prince in one of the waves of emigration from Cape Verde, coming from the island of Praia. "When? This is harder to say.

Well, I was born in 1953.” Let us know without hesitation. "I have an idea it was right after the war."

The Unannounced Visit to Terreiro Velho's Cocoa Farm

The road conquers a hill, opens into the raised clearing and reveals a gate. “We're already here, says Francisco Ambrósio, a former student from Castelo Branco and an aspiring European football star, tells us from the hangar, now a teacher at several schools in Príncipe.

Roça de Terreiro Velho, Príncipe island, São Tomé and Príncipe

Guard at the entrance of the Terreiro Velho farm, now owned by the Italian chocolate producer Claudio Corallo, resident in São Tomé

Another young man in charge of keeping the fields opens the way for us and gives us permission to explore.

We left the questionnaire on Jerónimo Carneiro and the vehicle and set out to discover, guided by Armando, Francisco and Eduardo, a friend of the latter, who had gone all the way, outdoors, on top of the van's box.

We noticed the miniature railroad tracks that were once used to drive cocoa shipments from the plantations to the dryers. We admire the main building on the farm. "Look here!" Armando suggests that he talks to the property's foreman on the edge of the high ground.

We went even under the big trees that gave them to spare. From there, in your company, we discover a heart-shaped cove, filled with a turquoise Gulf of Guinea that gently rocks against the tropicality of the island.


View of the Terreiro Velho garden, with the Ilhéu do Boné do Joquei, as the furthest away.

The undergrowth, in particular, was so dense and invasive that it had taken over two nearby rocky ridges and the islet of Cap de Joquei, far away.

Fresh Cocoa To Quench Tropical Thirst

While we were enjoying the scenery, Francisco and Eduardo had descended to the plantation that stretched down the slope. After some time, they reappear and offer us cocoa pods already broken in half, ripe and succulent.

Half dehydrated by the mid-morning heat, we devoured them in three strokes. Thus, we have our first taste of the most profitable and notorious raw material in São Tomé and Príncipe: two wonderful cocoa, beautiful and yellow.

Cocoa, Chocolate, Sao Tome Principe

An already ripe example of cocoa fruit, still far from the chocolate that its nuts later give rise to.

We realized, however, that, despite the Prince's small size, with the exception of the foreman – who had his second home in Terreiro Velho – it had been a long time since our cicerones went there.

It was with a shared interest but very little information on your part that we descended the stairs to the area of ​​choice, drying and roasting, under sheet roofs.

It was Children's Day, a kind of holiday in Prince. We were also on the first farm we visited in the archipelago. The absence of workers didn't bother us out there.

On the contrary, the chocolatey aroma that radiated from the still warm deposits satiated our senses. At the same time, the certainty that we would have countless other cacao incursions soothed our curiosity and creative spirit.

Italian Claudio Corallo's Cocoa and Chocolate Barracks

A few days later, we flew to São Tomé. As is supposed, in the capital, we visited Claudio Corallo's house and factory. The chocolatier of the moment welcomes us willing to share much of his wisdom about cocoa and the art of transforming it.

We then realized that, without knowing it, we had taken the ideal route. Decades after the term of Jerónimo Carneiro, Terreiro Velho was now in the possession of that Italian expatriate. It had become a sacred cocoa domain.

As Cláudio explains to his successive visitors, until 1800 cocoa production was exclusive to South America. After the turn of the century, D. João VI realized that Portugal would be left without Brazil.

It ensured that cocoa from Bahia – one of the crown's main sources of income – would be transferred to São Tomé and Príncipe, its calmer colony with a more compatible climate.

Cocoa, Chocolate, Sao Tome Principe, Sao Joao Angolares

Multicolored profusion of cocoa fruits in the São João dos Angolares farm.

In 1900, the archipelago remained the largest producer of cocoa in the world. However, in more recent times, the original cacao trees were replaced by others, hybrids, more productive but, as Claudio Corallo concluded, of inferior quality. Only the small, isolated island of Principe was safe from this blemish.

Claudio Corallo. After Old Zaire, the Sweet Life of São Tomé and Príncipe

After living and producing coffee in Zaire, Claudio Corallo was forced to leave the increasingly unstable Zaire of Mobutu Sese Seko.

In São Tomé and Príncipe, he embarked on a new demand for cocoa and the perfect chocolate. In the second of the islands, Claudio began by finding Terreiro Velho and ideal cocoa trees to combat the biggest problem of cocoa and chocolate for a long time: bitterness.

During the competition in which we participated in his small factory on the edge of São Tomé's coastal avenue, the first moments are dedicated to exemplifying how well-cultivated and processed cocoa – and, accordingly, the derived chocolate – are not bitter, unlike the that became popular. How bitterness is always the product of defects.

Claudio Corallo, Cocoa, Chocolate, Sao Tome Principe

Claudio Corallo during one of his presentations of the best cocoa and chocolate in São Tomé and Príncipe.

An Exhaustive Tasting of the World's Best Cocoa and Chocolate

Then Claudio gives us and the other participants a taste of cocoa and chocolate nuts with different percentages of cocoa and sugar combined with different kinds of coffee, raisins, ginger and others.

It does it in a tutorial way so that our sights, tastes and smells would lose the least amount of information. "Now bite everything at once!" he instructs us concerned that we might feel the explosive but short-lived taste of a certain Arabica coffee.

Among the various flavors and aromas of cocoa, coffee and chocolate, the experience proved to be delicious. It made us aware of how true chocolate is anything but what multinational brands put on store shelves and hypermarkets.

And for the pivotal role of São Tomé and Príncipe – the second smallest nation in Africa after Seychelles – in the world cocoa market.

Resuscitation of Cocoa Production in São Tomé and Príncipe

With this raw material showing increasing profits from the beginning of the XNUMXth century onwards, more Portuguese owners and companies invested in new cocoa plantations on both islands.

Cocoa, Chocolate, Sao Tome Principe, Roça Agostinho Neto

Workers choose cocoa on the Agostinho Neto farm, in the north of São Tomé.

The labor was provided by workers brought from Angola, later from Cape Verde, as Cesária Évora sang in “Saudade” and even from Macau.

The small archipelago's cocoa production proved to be so fruitful that it thwarted British claims to lead this trade.

It increased London's pressure on what it called the slave labor, illegal because it obeys fictitious contracts and does not foresee the right of interruption or return to the place of origin, although, after the abolition of slavery in 1876, it started to include a payment.

Sao Tome and Principe and Cocoa Produced over Ecuador

This is how Miguel Sousa Tavares portrayed the theme in his famous 2003 best-seller, “Ecuador”, starring pinga-amor Luís Bernardo Valença.

In the novel, Luís Bernardo is appointed governor of São Tomé and Príncipe by King Dom Carlos. After a short period of adaptation to the equatorial exile, more than feeling compassion for the wronged farm workers, the governor lost his passion for the wife of the consul that Great Britain had dispatched from India with the mission of finding out about the failure of the Portuguese colonists.

It also earns the distrust and enmity of the community of owners and administrators.

After the turn of the XNUMXth century, cocoa production declined in São Tomé and Príncipe. It suffered some depletion of the soils. but above all the archipelago's lack of scale and international competition.

pure cocoa

A handful of cocoa, São Tomé and Príncipe's biggest export has long been.

The Post-Independence Abandonment That Leads the Farms to Ruin

After the independence of Portugal, there was also the inability of the São Toméan governments to take advantage of the infrastructures – many of them exemplary – built by the largest owners, to continue with a production that was even recovering from 1945 to 1975.

The swiddens were almost abandoned, with their former workers inhabiting the sanzalas unable to ensure, by themselves, the maintenance of the owners' mansions, the work buildings or the hospitals that some of the swiddens had.

Cocoa in São Tomé and Príncipe declined. It has not disappeared.

Times have passed. Some communities now live on the farms with conditions only slightly better than those in which their more distant ancestors aged.

Cocoa, Chocolate, Sao Tome Principe, garden

The villages of the Água Izé farm, one of the oldest and largest in São Tomé, are still one of the most inhabited today.

The specter of unemployment is so worrisome in the small African nation that the fact that a farm continues to produce and export cocoa is seen as a gift.

This, no matter how tedious and underpaid the work.

The Roça de Água Izé. And So Many Others Afterwards

That's what we found when, on the way to the south of São Tomé, we passed Água Izé, one of the oldest, largest and most inhabited in the archipelago.

There, in one of the various warehouses near the entrance, we find a team of choice in full operation. They were mainly São Toméan women of Cape Verdean or Angolan descent, with shiny skins and difficult smiles.

Gentle in removing the defective nuts from the large bowls, while two or three young men line up large sacks that are already full, identified with “Cocoa Fino. Izé water. Product of São Tomé & Principe”.

Product of Sao Tome

Worker transports a sack of cocoa produced and packaged in the Água Izé farm, in the south of São Tomé.

A swarm of curls appears out of nowhere. Inaugurates its inevitable collection of “doxi, doxi”, “pencil, pencil tree” with each mistake seeming to be four, as the curious Santomean accent dictates.

It may or may not have been the children's begging that inspired the older ones, but when the kids finally calm down, one of the workers inaugurates a high-pitched Creole chant.

In three times, the other women accompany her in a shared hymn that sounded to us with regret, as if we had gone back in the centuries to the local era of slavery or what followed.

Cocoa, Chocolate, Sao Tome Principe, Agua Izé farm

Workers select cocoa nuts in the Água Izé farm, in the south of São Tomé.

During the time we were in São Tomé, we investigated the reality of several other farms.

In those of Porto Alegre, Bombay, Monte Café, Agostinho Neto, whatever they were, the decay of buildings was repeated as an inevitability of destiny.

In almost all of them, cocoa continued to feed an already centuries-old history of prosperity and survival.

Ibo Island, Mozambique

Island of a Gone Mozambique

It was fortified in 1791 by the Portuguese who expelled the Arabs from the Quirimbas and seized their trade routes. It became the 2nd Portuguese outpost on the east coast of Africa and later the capital of the province of Cabo Delgado, Mozambique. With the end of the slave trade at the turn of the XNUMXth century and the passage from the capital to Porto Amélia, Ibo Island found itself in the fascinating backwater in which it is located.
Príncipe, São Tomé and Principe

Journey to the Noble Retreat of Príncipe Island

150 km of solitude north of the matriarch São Tomé, the island of Príncipe rises from the deep Atlantic against an abrupt and volcanic mountain-covered jungle setting. Long enclosed in its sweeping tropical nature and a contained but moving Luso-colonial past, this small African island still houses more stories to tell than visitors to listen to.
Ilha de Mozambique, Mozambique  

The Island of Ali Musa Bin Bique. Pardon... of Mozambique

With the arrival of Vasco da Gama in the extreme south-east of Africa, the Portuguese took over an island that had previously been ruled by an Arab emir, who ended up misrepresenting the name. The emir lost his territory and office. Mozambique - the molded name - remains on the resplendent island where it all began and also baptized the nation that Portuguese colonization ended up forming.
World Food

Gastronomy Without Borders or Prejudice

Each people, their recipes and delicacies. In certain cases, the same ones that delight entire nations repel many others. For those who travel the world, the most important ingredient is a very open mind.

The Asian Food Capital

There were 4 ethnic groups in Singapore, each with its own culinary tradition. Added to this was the influence of thousands of immigrants and expatriates on an island with half the area of ​​London. It was the nation with the greatest gastronomic diversity in the Orient.
Mendoza, Argentina

Journey through Mendoza, the Great Argentine Winemaking Province

In the XNUMXth century, Spanish missionaries realized that the area was designed for the production of the “Blood of Christ”. Today, the province of Mendoza is at the center of the largest winemaking region in Latin America.
São Tomé, São Tomé and Príncipe

Journey to where São Tomé points the Equator

We go along the road that connects the homonymous capital to the sharp end of the island. When we arrived in Roça Porto Alegre, with the islet of Rolas and Ecuador in front of us, we had lost ourselves time and time again in the historical and tropical drama of São Tomé.
Rolas Islet, São Tomé and Principe

Rolas Islet: São Tomé and Principe at Latitude Zero

The southernmost point of São Tomé and Príncipe, Ilhéu das Rolas is lush and volcanic. The big news and point of interest of this island extension of the second smallest African nation is the coincidence of crossing the Equator.
São Tomé, São Tomé and Principe

Through the Tropical Top of São Tomé

With the homonymous capital behind us, we set out to discover the reality of the Agostinho Neto farm. From there, we take the island's coastal road. When the asphalt finally yields to the jungle, São Tomé had confirmed itself at the top of the most dazzling African islands.
Sao Tome (city), São Tomé and Principe

The Capital of the Santomean Tropics

Founded by the Portuguese, in 1485, São Tomé prospered for centuries, like the city because of the goods in and out of the homonymous island. The archipelago's independence confirmed it as the busy capital that we trod, always sweating.
Saudade, São Tomé, São Tomé and Principe

Almada Negreiros: From Saudade to Eternity

Almada Negreiros was born in April 1893, on a farm in the interior of São Tomé. Upon discovering his origins, we believe that the luxuriant exuberance in which he began to grow oxygenated his fruitful creativity.
Addiction São Tomé, São Tomé and Principe

From Roça to Roça, Towards the Tropical Heart of São Tomé

On the way between Trindade and Santa Clara, we come across the terrifying colonial past of Batepá. Passing through the Bombaim and Monte Café roças, the island's history seems to have been diluted in time and in the chlorophyll atmosphere of the Santomean jungle.
Roca Sundy, Príncipe Island, São Tomé and Principe

The Certainty of Relativity

In 1919, Arthur Eddington, a British astrophysicist, chose the Roça Sundy to prove Albert Einstein's famous theory. More than a century later, the island of Príncipe that welcomed him is still among the most stunning places in the Universe.
Believers greet each other in the Bukhara region.
Bukhara, Uzbequistan

Among the Minarets of Old Turkestan

Situated on the ancient Silk Road, Bukhara has developed for at least two thousand years as an essential commercial, cultural and religious hub in Central Asia. It was Buddhist and then Muslim. It was part of the great Arab empire and that of Genghis Khan, the Turko-Mongol kingdoms and the Soviet Union, until it settled in the still young and peculiar Uzbekistan.
Host Wezi points out something in the distance
Cobue; Nkwichi Lodge, Mozambique

The Hidden Mozambique of the Creaking Sands

During a tour from the bottom to the top of Lake Malawi, we find ourselves on the island of Likoma, an hour by boat from Nkwichi Lodge, the solitary base of this inland coast of Mozambique. On the Mozambican side, the lake is known as Niassa. Whatever its name, there we discover some of the most stunning and unspoilt scenery in south-east Africa.
Serengeti, Great Savannah Migration, Tanzania, wildebeest on river
Serengeti NP, Tanzania

The Great Migration of the Endless Savanna

In these prairies that the Masai people say syringet (run forever), millions of wildebeests and other herbivores chase the rains. For predators, their arrival and that of the monsoon are the same salvation.
Mount Lamjung Kailas Himal, Nepal, altitude sickness, mountain prevent treat, travel
Annapurna (circuit)
Annapurna Circuit: 2th - Chame a Upper BananaNepal

(I) Eminent Annapurnas

We woke up in Chame, still below 3000m. There we saw, for the first time, the snowy and highest peaks of the Himalayas. From there, we set off for another walk along the Annapurna Circuit through the foothills and slopes of the great mountain range. towards Upper Banana.
Engravings, Karnak Temple, Luxor, Egypt
Architecture & Design
luxor, Egypt

From Luxor to Thebes: Journey to Ancient Egypt

Thebes was raised as the new supreme capital of the Egyptian Empire, the seat of Amon, the God of Gods. Modern Luxor inherited the Temple of Karnak and its sumptuousness. Between one and the other flow the sacred Nile and millennia of dazzling history.
The small lighthouse at Kallur, highlighted in the capricious northern relief of the island of Kalsoy.
Kalsoy, Faroe Islands

A Lighthouse at the End of the Faroese World

Kalsoy is one of the most isolated islands in the Faroe archipelago. Also known as “the flute” due to its long shape and the many tunnels that serve it, a mere 75 inhabitants inhabit it. Much less than the outsiders who visit it every year, attracted by the boreal wonder of its Kallur lighthouse.
Christmas scene, Shillong, Meghalaya, India
Ceremonies and Festivities
Shillong, India

A Christmas Selfiestan at an India Christian Stronghold

December arrives. With a largely Christian population, the state of Meghalaya synchronizes its Nativity with that of the West and clashes with the overcrowded Hindu and Muslim subcontinent. Shillong, the capital, shines with faith, happiness, jingle bells and bright lighting. To dazzle Indian holidaymakers from other parts and creeds.
on Stage, Antigua, Guatemala
four days in Antigua, Guatemala

Hispanic Guatemala, the Antigua Fashion

In 1743, several earthquakes razed one of the most charming pioneer colonial cities in the Americas. Antigua has regenerated but preserves the religiosity and drama of its epic-tragic past.
Obese resident of Tupola Tapaau, a small island in Western Samoa.
Lunch time
Tonga, Western Samoa, Polynesia

XXL Pacific

For centuries, the natives of the Polynesian islands subsisted on land and sea. Until the intrusion of colonial powers and the subsequent introduction of fatty pieces of meat, fast food and sugary drinks have spawned a plague of diabetes and obesity. Today, while much of Tonga's national GDP, Western Samoa and neighbors is wasted on these “western poisons”, fishermen barely manage to sell their fish.
Tiredness in shades of green
Suzdal, Russia

The Suzdal Cucumber Celebrations

With summer and warm weather, the Russian city of Suzdal relaxes from its ancient religious orthodoxy. The old town is also famous for having the best cucumbers in the nation. When July arrives, it turns the newly harvested into a real festival.
Swimming, Western Australia, Aussie Style, Sun rising in the eyes
Busselton, Australia

2000 meters in Aussie Style

In 1853, Busselton was equipped with one of the longest pontoons in the world. World. When the structure collapsed, the residents decided to turn the problem around. Since 1996 they have been doing it every year. Swimming.
trip around the world, symbol of wisdom illustrated in a window at Inari airport, Finnish Lapland
Around the World - Part 1

Traveling Brings Wisdom. Find out how to travel around the world.

The Earth turns on itself every day. In this series of articles, you will find indispensable clarifications and advice for those who make a point of going around it at least once in their life.
Tabatô, Guinea Bissau, tabanca Mandingo musicians. Baidi
Tabato, Guinea Bissau

The Tabanca of Mandinga Poets Musicians

In 1870, a community of traveling Mandingo musicians settled next to the current city of Bafatá. From the Tabatô they founded, their culture and, in particular, their prodigious balaphonists, dazzle the world.
portfolio, Got2Globe, Travel photography, images, best photographs, travel photos, world, Earth
Got2Globe Photo Portfolio
Portfolio Got2globe

The Best in the World – Got2Globe Portfolio

patriot march

Formosa but Unsafe

Portuguese navigators could not imagine the imbroglio reserved for the Formosa they baptized. Nearly 500 years later, even though it is uncertain of its future, Taiwan still prospers. Somewhere between independence and integration in greater China.
View of La Graciosa de Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain
La Graciosa, Canary Islands

The Most Graceful of the Canary Islands

Until 2018, the smallest of the inhabited Canaries did not count for the archipelago. Arriving in La Graciosa, we discover the insular charm of the now eighth island.
ala juumajarvi lake, oulanka national park, finland
Winter White
Kuusamo ao PN Oulanka, Finland

Under the Arctic's Icy Spell

We are at 66º North and at the gates of Lapland. In these parts, the white landscape belongs to everyone and to no one like the snow-covered trees, the atrocious cold and the endless night.
Lake Manyara, National Park, Ernest Hemingway, Giraffes
Lake Manyara NP, Tanzania

Hemingway's Favorite Africa

Situated on the western edge of the Rift Valley, Lake Manyara National Park is one of the smallest but charming and richest in Europe. wild life of Tanzania. In 1933, between hunting and literary discussions, Ernest Hemingway dedicated a month of his troubled life to him. He narrated those adventurous safari days in “The Green Hills of Africa".
Motorcyclist in Sela Gorge, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Guwahati a Saddle Pass, India

A Worldly Journey to the Sacred Canyon of Sela

For 25 hours, we traveled the NH13, one of the highest and most dangerous roads in India. We traveled from the Brahmaputra river basin to the disputed Himalayas of the province of Arunachal Pradesh. In this article, we describe the stretch up to 4170 m of altitude of the Sela Pass that pointed us to the Tibetan Buddhist city of Tawang.
Mother Armenia Statue, Yerevan, Armenia
Yerevan, Armenia

A Capital between East and West

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Hammock in Palmeiras, Praia de Uricao-Mar des caraibas, Venezuela
Natural Parks
Henri Pittier NP, Venezuela

PN Henri Pittier: between the Caribbean Sea and the Cordillera da Costa

In 1917, botanist Henri Pittier became fond of the jungle of Venezuela's sea mountains. Visitors to the national park that this Swiss created there are, today, more than they ever wanted
PN Timanfaya, Mountains of Fire, Lanzarote, Caldera del Corazoncillo
UNESCO World Heritage
PN Timanfaya, Lanzarote, Canary Islands

PN Timanfaya and the Fire Mountains of Lanzarote

Between 1730 and 1736, out of nowhere, dozens of volcanoes in Lanzarote erupted successively. The massive amount of lava they released buried several villages and forced almost half of the inhabitants to emigrate. The legacy of this cataclysm is the current Martian setting of the exuberant PN Timanfaya.
Visitors to Ernest Hemingway's Home, Key West, Florida, United States
Key West, United States

Hemingway's Caribbean Playground

Effusive as ever, Ernest Hemingway called Key West "the best place I've ever been...". In the tropical depths of the contiguous US, he found evasion and crazy, drunken fun. And the inspiration to write with intensity to match.
Jabula Beach, Kwazulu Natal, South Africa
Saint Lucia, South Africa

An Africa as Wild as Zulu

On the eminence of the coast of Mozambique, the province of KwaZulu-Natal is home to an unexpected South Africa. Deserted beaches full of dunes, vast estuarine swamps and hills covered with fog fill this wild land also bathed by the Indian Ocean. It is shared by the subjects of the always proud Zulu nation and one of the most prolific and diverse fauna on the African continent.
Mauritius Island, Indian voyage, Chamarel waterfall

A Mini India in the Southwest of the Indian Ocean

In the XNUMXth century, the French and the British disputed an archipelago east of Madagascar previously discovered by the Portuguese. The British triumphed, re-colonized the islands with sugar cane cutters from the subcontinent, and both conceded previous Francophone language, law and ways. From this mix came the exotic Mauritius.
End of the World Train, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
On Rails
Ushuaia, Argentina

Last Station: End of the World

Until 1947, the Tren del Fin del Mundo made countless trips for the inmates of the Ushuaia prison to cut firewood. Today, passengers are different, but no other train goes further south.
Phi Phi Islands, Thailand

Back to Danny Boyle's The Beach

It's been 15 years since the debut of the backpacker classic based on the novel by Alex Garland. The film popularized the places where it was shot. Shortly thereafter, the XNUMX tsunami literally washed some away off the map. Today, their controversial fame remains intact.
Visitors at Talisay Ruins, Negros Island, Philippines
Daily life
Talisay City, Philippines

Monument to a Luso-Philippine Love

At the end of the 11th century, Mariano Lacson, a Filipino farmer, and Maria Braga, a Portuguese woman from Macau, fell in love and got married. During the pregnancy of what would be her 2th child, Maria succumbed to a fall. Destroyed, Mariano built a mansion in his honor. In the midst of World War II, the mansion was set on fire, but the elegant ruins that endured perpetuate their tragic relationship.
Esteros del Iberá, Pantanal Argentina, Alligator
Iberá Wetlands, Argentina

The Pantanal of the Pampas

On the world map, south of the famous brazilian wetland, a little-known flooded region appears, but almost as vast and rich in biodiversity. the Guarani expression Y bera defines it as “shining waters”. The adjective fits more than its strong luminance.
Passengers, scenic flights-Southern Alps, New Zealand
Scenic Flights
Aoraki / Mount Cook, New Zealand

The Aeronautical Conquest of the Southern Alps

In 1955, pilot Harry Wigley created a system for taking off and landing on asphalt or snow. Since then, his company has unveiled, from the air, some of the greatest scenery in Oceania.