Ras R'mal, Djerba, Tunisia

The Island of the Flamingos that the Pirates Seized

The Quasi-Island Flamingos
strange sand
juvenile flamingos
Bathers of the Day
Shallow waters
Horse Stunts
islamic bath
The Anchorage
one of the caleches
The Chariot Driver
Scout Passengers
Scout Passengers II
acrobatic pirates
A Pontoon of Many
Bass Sea Fishing
Back to Houmt Souk
Until some time ago, Ras R'mal was a large sandbar, home to a myriad of birds. Djerba's international popularity has made it the lair of an unusual tourist operation.

Shortly after the driver appears, we realize that, even at the wheel of a good jeep, he is anxious about the mission he has been given.

In conversation with another, the day before, we had gotten the idea that, even if it was there in plain sight, taxi drivers and the like considered the sometimes sandy, sometimes muddy peninsula of Ras R'Mal a fearsome exogenous domain.

Mahmoud is over 60 years old. He hadn't ventured that way in decades, if he ever had. When he passes from the asphalt to the damp, beaten earth of the route that starts at the isthmus, he gets nervous and on the phone.

Ahead, a young motorcyclist is waiting for him on his way to fishing. Relieved to find him, Mahmoud finally deigns to explain to us what was going on. “The paths here can be treacherous. He knows them. I am not. Let's go after him.”

The Path to the “Unknown” by Ras R'Mal

No sooner said than done. We progress north. To those and, we quickly despair, in a slow-motion mode imposed by the weak and old engine of the fisherman's motorcycle.

We tried to distract ourselves from the ridiculous slowness of the journey. Moments later, we confirmed that, in the middle of summer, the road did not even go into soggy areas. And if that happened, the shallow puddles would have little or no effect on the Jeep's 4×4 power.

We complained to Mahmoud about that rhythm. We convinced him that we are used to off-road routes and that, if he trusted us, we would keep him out of trouble. Mahmoud nods.

Thanks to the fisherman guide. Say goodbye.

From then on, according to the constant hints of “this way” and “that way” that we transmit to you, we approach the middle and the narrowest point of the narrow tongue of land.

The houses of Houmt Souk, the capital of the island of Djerba, remain south of the shallow water lagoon known as Bhar Mayet.

In the distance, towards the open Mediterranean Sea, we see what appear to be large wooden boats.

The Flamingos and the Pirate Ships

We are still trying to confirm it when, in another direction, on the edge of the lagoon, a flock of stiff birds captures our attention.

We zoom in with the telephoto lens.

Then we bring the boats together. The amplified view of both confirms that we are in the right place. And with luck.

Of the two terms, the popularization of Ilha dos Flamingos, sinned by the incorrect use of “ilha”. Even at the fullest of tides, that splinter of land held on to Djerba, specifically, to the area occupied by the village of Mizraya.

It is, therefore, a quasi-island, if such a classification makes sense.

The name was right, however, in the presence of the wading creatures.

We had them, by the hundreds, ahead of us. Despite our gradual but ambitious incursion, they are not willing to disband.

We photographed the flamingos.

In doing so, we found that they are white and gray, with parts of the wings and the tips of the beaks black.

They scoured the salty and brackish waters, looking for the crustaceans that feed and rouse them.

They were part of a community of various other birds, herons, storks, spoonbills.

Its presence, part of a much more complex ecosystem, earned, in 2007, the Ras R'mal peninsula the status of Ramsar wetland. Supposedly protected.

Ras R'mal's (Lightly) Protected Wetland

In reality, vulnerable.

We are in that ornithological entertainment when, from the direction of the boats, a serpentine line of humans appears. Their wandering path brings them on our path.

And not the birds.

After a few minutes, instead of two, there are twenty of us observing them. The group takes its time. When the guide dictates the return, we follow them.

Aimed at anchored boats, and at the most open area of ​​the peninsula.

From Pantanal dos Flamingos to Ilha dos Piratas

Following the entourage, we arrived at the foot of a first ship, anchored against a pontoon, also made of wood.

Along the south bank of the peninsula, there were others, very similar or almost the same, all with rope ladders hanging from the masts, all with the masts aiming at the blue sky over the Gulf of Gabès.

A few passengers are refreshing themselves, with the translucent water up to their knees.

Many more are on the inside of the peninsula, now having lunch in the shade of structures set up there, now bathing and distracted by the shopping opportunities and attractions offered on the endless beach.

In other times, the peninsula or quasi-island of Ras R'mal, kept to its fauna and flora, only disturbed, from time to time, by a few fishermen or date gatherers.

That was until Djerba established itself as one of the popular destinations in the south of the Mediterranean, served by dozens of flights departing from different parts of Europe.

In this process, as the resorts multiplied along the north coast of the island, it became imperative to find coastal areas with a beach look and atmosphere, alternatives to the beaches of the resorts, too close to where guests were staying.

Alternatives to others in the interior of the island, if Erriadh and its neighborhood of Djerbahood.

The Beach and the Pirated Imagery that Attracts Thousands of Visitors

Ras R'mal was right next door. Djerba equipped itself with the boats that ensured the crossing from Houmt Souk. And crews like pirates, in charge of serving and encouraging the passengers.

We were supposed to land on Ras R'mal aboard one of them. Prone to improvisation, we found ourselves on land, making the journey on wheels.

Finally, we regained our place within the entourage of the ship "Elissa".

We had lunch. After that we cross the sea of ​​dunes and smooth sand that separates the south from the north of the peninsula.

On foot, between the dunes and a wandering fleet of traditional carriages.

We walk toward a line of burlap-covered parasols, each with its own pair of plastic chaise lounges.

Each of these hats shelters its family of visitors and bathers.

Some of them are European tourists who are used to the exhibition of bikinis and skimpy bathing suits.

A few are Tunisian or from neighboring countries and the Middle East.

The tenets of the Muslim faith oblige their women to bathe in full clothing.

We observe a group of friends enjoying a sea massage, one of them enthusiastically doubling over, with a long soaked hijab hanging down the back of her neck.

The men, those, bathe with relative ease, a little t-shirt on.

Camel Rides and Acrobatics on Horses

Indifferent to marine recreation, a platoon of entertainers and traders suggest their products and services. They display necklaces, bracelets and typical hats, small pieces of pottery from Djerba and items that are necessary for the beach, rather than handcrafted.

Owners of dromedaries, usually Amazigh natives, drive them here and there, selling rides on the solitary bumps of the camelids.

A duo of young Djerbians trot on horses. When they see us from heavy cameras and photographic lenses, they arrest us with a display of galloping acrobatics that dazzles us.

As synchronized as on the trip to the island, the boats set sail on the way back, forming a convenient nautical queue.

The “Elissa” also departs from the wharf that sheltered it, towards the end of the northeast tip of the peninsula and, in order to avoid shallows, in a pre-defined contour by buoys that redirect the ships back to Houmt Souk.

Still at the beginning of the route, we pass by fishermen who impose themselves on one of these shallows, their rods stuck in the sand and heading towards Djerba.

On board, to the delight of the passengers, the crew of fake pirates resumes the exhibition that, like the arrival, we had missed, made of juggling with ropes and masts, animated by the successes reggaeton from the moment.

Underneath their leaps, flights and somersaults, a Tunisian group of scouts gets excited and puts on their own show.

They make the deck a dance floor.

In the absence of girls, they rub their legs and buttocks against each other, striving to emulate the formula of perreo we Puerto Rico has imposed on the world for a long time.

The “Elissa” docks. Side by side with eight or nine other pirate ships.

Pirates watch passengers disembark. With the day won, both take refuge at the starting points. Vacationers in Djerbian resorts on their holidays.

The pirates, in the Djerbian homes the holidaymakers help support.



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Djerba, Tunisia

The Tunisian Island of Conviviality

The largest island in North Africa has long welcomed people who could not resist it. Over time, Phoenicians, Greeks, Carthaginians, Romans, Arabs called it home. Today, Muslim, Christian and Jewish communities continue an unusual sharing of Djerba with its native Berbers.
Erriadh, Djerba, Tunisia

A Village Made Fleeting Art Gallery

In 2014, an ancient Djerbian settlement hosted 250 murals by 150 artists from 34 countries. The lime walls, the intense sun and the sand-laden winds of the Sahara erode the works of art. Erriadh's metamorphosis into Djerbahood is renewed and continues to dazzle.
Tataouine, Tunisia

Festival of the Ksour: Sand Castles That Don't Collapse

The ksour were built as fortifications by the Berbers of North Africa. They resisted Arab invasions and centuries of erosion. Every year, the Festival of the Ksour pays them the due homage.
Matmata Tataouine:  Tunisia

Star Wars Earth Base

For security reasons, the planet Tatooine from "The Force Awakens" was filmed in Abu Dhabi. We step back into the cosmic calendar and revisit some of the Tunisian places with the most impact in the saga.  
Chebika, Tamerza, Mides, Tunisia

Where the Sahara sprouts from the Atlas Mountains

Arriving at the northwest edge of Chott el Jérid, the large salt lake reveals the northeast end of the Atlas mountain range. Its slopes and gorges hide waterfalls, winding streams of palm trees, abandoned villages and other unexpected mirages.
Edfu to Kom Ombo, Egypt

Up the River Nile, through the Upper Ptolemaic Egypt

Having accomplished the unmissable embassy to Luxor, to old Thebes and to the Valley of the Kings, we proceed against the current of the Nile. In Edfu and Kom Ombo, we surrender to the historic magnificence bequeathed by successive Ptolemy monarchs.
White Desert, Egypt

The Egyptian Shortcut to Mars

At a time when conquering the solar system's neighbor has become an obsession, an eastern section of the Sahara Desert is home to a vast related landscape. Instead of the estimated 150 to 300 days to reach Mars, we took off from Cairo and, in just over three hours, we took our first steps into the Oasis of Bahariya. All around, almost everything makes us feel about the longed-for Red Planet.
luxor, Egypt

From Luxor to Thebes: Journey to Ancient Egypt

Thebes was raised as the new supreme capital of the Egyptian Empire, the seat of Amon, the God of Gods. Modern Luxor inherited the Temple of Karnak and its sumptuousness. Between one and the other flow the sacred Nile and millennia of dazzling history.
Aswan, Egypt

Where the Nile Welcomes the Black Africa

1200km upstream of its delta, the Nile is no longer navigable. The last of the great Egyptian cities marks the fusion between Arab and Nubian territory. Since its origins in Lake Victoria, the river has given life to countless African peoples with dark complexions.
Mount Sinai, Egypt

Strength in the Legs, Faith in God

Moses received the Ten Commandments on the summit of Mount Sinai and revealed them to the people of Israel. Today, hundreds of pilgrims climb, every night, the 4000 steps of that painful but mystical ascent.
Oviedo Lagoon, Dominican Republic

The Dead Sea (nothing) of the Dominican Republic

The hypersalinity of the Laguna de Oviedo fluctuates depending on evaporation and water supplied by rain and the flow coming from the neighboring mountain range of Bahoruco. The natives of the region estimate that, as a rule, it has three times the level of sea salt. There, we discover prolific colonies of flamingos and iguanas, among many other species that make up one of the most exuberant ecosystems on the island of Hispaniola.
Residents walk along the trail that runs through plantations above the UP4
Gurué, Mozambique, Part 1

Through the Mozambican Lands of Tea

The Portuguese founded Gurué in the 1930th century and, from XNUMX onwards, flooded it with camellia sinensis the foothills of the Namuli Mountains. Later, they renamed it Vila Junqueiro, in honor of its main promoter. With the independence of Mozambique and the civil war, the town regressed. It continues to stand out for the lush green imposing mountains and teak landscapes.
Host Wezi points out something in the distance
Cobue; Nkwichi Lodge, Mozambique

The Hidden Mozambique of the Creaking Sands

During a tour from the bottom to the top of Lake Malawi, we find ourselves on the island of Likoma, an hour by boat from Nkwichi Lodge, the solitary base of this inland coast of Mozambique. On the Mozambican side, the lake is known as Niassa. Whatever its name, there we discover some of the most stunning and unspoilt scenery in south-east Africa.
hippopotami, chobe national park, botswana
Chobe NP, Botswana

Chobe: A River on the Border of Life with Death

Chobe marks the divide between Botswana and three of its neighboring countries, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Namibia. But its capricious bed has a far more crucial function than this political delimitation.
Young people walk the main street in Chame, Nepal
Annapurna (circuit)
Annapurna Circuit: 1th - Pokhara a ChameNepal

Finally, on the way

After several days of preparation in Pokhara, we left towards the Himalayas. The walking route only starts in Chame, at 2670 meters of altitude, with the snowy peaks of the Annapurna mountain range already in sight. Until then, we complete a painful but necessary road preamble to its subtropical base.
Sheets of Bahia, Eternal Diamonds, Brazil
Architecture & Design
Sheets of Bahia, Brazil

Lençóis da Bahia: not Even Diamonds Are Forever

In the XNUMXth century, Lençóis became the world's largest supplier of diamonds. But the gem trade did not last as expected. Today, the colonial architecture that he inherited is his most precious possession.
Era Susi towed by dog, Oulanka, Finland
PN Oulanka, Finland

A Slightly Lonesome Wolf

Jukka “Era-Susi” Nordman has created one of the largest packs of sled dogs in the world. He became one of Finland's most iconic characters but remains faithful to his nickname: Wilderness Wolf.
shadow of success
Ceremonies and Festivities
Champoton, Mexico

Rodeo Under Sombreros

Champoton, in Campeche, hosts a fair honored by the Virgén de La Concepción. O rodeo Mexican under local sombreros reveals the elegance and skill of the region's cowboys.
Tiredness in shades of green
Suzdal, Russia

The Suzdal Cucumber Celebrations

With summer and warm weather, the Russian city of Suzdal relaxes from its ancient religious orthodoxy. The old town is also famous for having the best cucumbers in the nation. When July arrives, it turns the newly harvested into a real festival.
Cocoa, Chocolate, Sao Tome Principe, Agua Izé farm
Lunch time
São Tomé and Principe

Cocoa Roças, Corallo and the Chocolate Factory

At the beginning of the century. In the XNUMXth century, São Tomé and Príncipe generated more cocoa than any other territory. Thanks to the dedication of some entrepreneurs, production survives and the two islands taste like the best chocolate.
Cuada village, Flores Island, Azores, rainbow quarter
Aldeia da Cuada, Flores Island, Azores

The Azorean Eden Betrayed by the Other Side of the Sea

Cuada was founded, it is estimated that in 1676, next to the west threshold of Flores. In the XNUMXth century, its residents joined the great Azorean stampede to the Americas. They left behind a village as stunning as the island and the Azores.
combat arbiter, cockfighting, philippines

When Only Cock Fights Wake Up the Philippines

Banned in much of the First World, cockfighting thrives in the Philippines where they move millions of people and pesos. Despite its eternal problems, it is the sabong that most stimulates the nation.
trip around the world, symbol of wisdom illustrated in a window at Inari airport, Finnish Lapland
Around the World - Part 1

Traveling Brings Wisdom. Find out how to travel around the world.

The Earth turns on itself every day. In this series of articles, you will find indispensable clarifications and advice for those who make a point of going around it at least once in their life.
Women with long hair from Huang Luo, Guangxi, China
Longsheng, China

Huang Luo: the Chinese Village of the Longest Hairs

In a multi-ethnic region covered with terraced rice paddies, the women of Huang Luo have surrendered to the same hairy obsession. They let the longest hair in the world grow, years on end, to an average length of 170 to 200 cm. Oddly enough, to keep them beautiful and shiny, they only use water and rice.
View of Fa Island, Tonga, Last Polynesian Monarchy
Got2Globe Photo Portfolio
Got2Globe Portfolio

Exotic Signs of Life

Ilhéu das Rolas, São Tomé and Príncipe, equator, inlet
Rolas Islet, São Tomé and Principe

Rolas Islet: São Tomé and Principe at Latitude Zero

The southernmost point of São Tomé and Príncipe, Ilhéu das Rolas is lush and volcanic. The big news and point of interest of this island extension of the second smallest African nation is the coincidence of crossing the Equator.
Fuerteventura Canary Island Weather, PN Corralejo, Playa del Pozo
Fuerteventura, Canary Islands

Fuerteventura: Canary Island and Time Raft

A short ferry crossing and we disembark in Corralejo, at the top northeast of Fuerteventura. With Morocco and Africa a mere 100km away, we get lost in the wonders of unique desert, volcanic and post-colonial sceneries.
Northern Lights, Laponia, Rovaniemi, Finland, Fire Fox
Winter White
Lapland, Finland

In Search of the Fire Fox

Unique to the heights of the Earth are the northern or southern auroras, light phenomena generated by solar explosions. You Sami natives from Lapland they believed it to be a fiery fox that spread sparkles in the sky. Whatever they are, not even the nearly 30 degrees below zero that were felt in the far north of Finland could deter us from admiring them.
silhouette and poem, Cora coralina, Goias Velho, Brazil
Goiás Velho, Brazil

The Life and Work of a Marginal Writer

Born in Goiás, Ana Lins Bretas spent most of her life far from her castrating family and the city. Returning to its origins, it continued to portray the prejudiced mentality of the Brazilian countryside
Lenticular cloud, Mount Cook, New Zealand.
Mount cook, New Zealand

The Cloud Piercer Mountain

Aoraki/Mount Cook may fall far short of the world's roof but it is New Zealand's highest and most imposing mountain.
Girl plays with leaves on the shore of the Great Lake at Catherine Palace
Saint Petersburg, Russia

Golden Days Before the Storm

Aside from the political and military events precipitated by Russia, from mid-September onwards, autumn takes over the country. In previous years, when visiting Saint Petersburg, we witnessed how the cultural and northern capital was covered in a resplendent yellow-orange. A dazzling light that hardly matches the political and military gloom that had spread in the meantime.
El Tatio Geisers, Atacama, Chile, Between ice and heat
Natural Parks
El Tatio, Chile

El Tatio Geysers – Between the Ice and the Heat of the Atacama

Surrounded by supreme volcanoes, the geothermal field of El Tatio, in the Atacama Desert it appears as a Dantesque mirage of sulfur and steam at an icy 4200 m altitude. Its geysers and fumaroles attract hordes of travelers.
Semeru (far) and Bromo volcanoes in Java, Indonesia
UNESCO World Heritage
Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park Indonesia

The Volcanic Sea of ​​Java

The gigantic Tengger caldera rises 2000m in the heart of a sandy expanse of east Java. From it project the highest mountain of this Indonesian island, the Semeru, and several other volcanoes. From the fertility and clemency of this sublime as well as Dantesque setting, one of the few Hindu communities that resisted the Muslim predominance around, thrives.
Earp brothers look-alikes and friend Doc Holliday in Tombstone, USA
tombstone, USA

Tombstone: the City Too Hard to Die

Silver veins discovered at the end of the XNUMXth century made Tombstone a prosperous and conflictive mining center on the frontier of the United States to Mexico. Lawrence Kasdan, Kurt Russell, Kevin Costner and other Hollywood directors and actors made famous the Earp brothers and the bloodthirsty duel of “OK Corral”. The Tombstone, which, over time, has claimed so many lives, is about to last.
Tobago, Pigeon Point, Scarborough, Pontoon
Scarborough a Pigeon Point, Tobago

Probing the Capital Tobago

From the walled heights of Fort King George, to the threshold of Pigeon Point, southwest Tobago around the capital Scarborough reveals unrivaled controversial tropics.
Sanahin Cable Car, Armenia
Alaverdi, Armenia

A Cable Car Called Ensejo

The top of the Debed River Gorge hides the Armenian monasteries of Sanahin and Haghpat and terraced Soviet apartment blocks. Its bottom houses the copper mine and smelter that sustains the city. Connecting these two worlds is a providential suspended cabin in which the people of Alaverdi count on traveling in the company of God.
Chepe Express, Chihuahua Al Pacifico Railway
On Rails
Creel to Los Mochis, Mexico

The Barrancas del Cobre & the CHEPE Iron Horse

The Sierra Madre Occidental's relief turned the dream into a construction nightmare that lasted six decades. In 1961, at last, the prodigious Chihuahua al Pacifico Railroad was opened. Its 643km cross some of the most dramatic scenery in Mexico.
Sentosa Island, Singapore, Family on Sentosa Artificial Beach
Sentosa, Singapore

Singapore's Fun Island

It was a stronghold where the Japanese murdered Allied prisoners and welcomed troops who pursued Indonesian saboteurs. Today, the island of Sentosa fights the monotony that gripped the country.
Casario, uptown, Fianarantsoa, ​​Madagascar
Daily life
Fianarantsoa, Madagascar

The Malagasy City of Good Education

Fianarantsoa was founded in 1831 by Ranavalona Iª, a queen of the then predominant Merina ethnic group. Ranavalona Iª was seen by European contemporaries as isolationist, tyrant and cruel. The monarch's reputation aside, when we enter it, its old southern capital remains as the academic, intellectual and religious center of Madagascar.
ice tunnel, black gold route, Valdez, Alaska, USA
Valdez, Alaska

On the Black Gold Route

In 1989, the Exxon Valdez oil tanker caused a massive environmental disaster. The vessel stopped plying the seas, but the victim city that gave it its name continues on the path of crude oil from the Arctic Ocean.
Napali Coast and Waimea Canyon, Kauai, Hawaii Wrinkles
Scenic Flights
napali coast, Hawaii

Hawaii's Dazzling Wrinkles

Kauai is the greenest and rainiest island in the Hawaiian archipelago. It is also the oldest. As we explore its Napalo Coast by land, sea and air, we are amazed to see how the passage of millennia has only favored it.