Albuquerque, USA

When the Drums Sound, the Indians Resist

Native American Crowd
Thousands of Native Americans swirl around The Pit.
The Future of the Tribe
Indigenous youth watches the unfolding of traditional dances, further down in the pavilion.
in full adolescence
Young people participating in a competition, dressed and painted to perfection.
in ecstasy
Indian girl twirls during a Native American dance display.
Headdresses and more Headdresses
Hundreds of Indians display the costumes of their tribes during the Pow-wow of Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Indigenous young man late for the event
Native American has help finishing his costume in The Pit arena parking lot.
a communal drum
Drum players display the melodies and rhythms of their tribes.
Native American-Pow Pow-Albuquerque-New Mexico-United States
Native American with a lush headdress.
A Mere Retouching
Indigenous women touch up their looks in a bathroom.
Native American Elegance
Indigenous participant of the Gathering of the Nations prepares to enter the grounds of The Pit in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
A spectator apart
Indigenous dressed in formal wear stands out from the rest of the public.
Dance Exhibition-Pow Pow-Albuquerque-New Mexico-United States
Indigenous shows an intense dance of their tribe.
Marjorie Tahbone
Winner of the Miss Indian World contest parades around the enclosure.
Native American Elegance
Three-feather headdress on the head of a young indigenous woman.
A Communal Drum II
Drummers and singer carry out their exhibition.
With more than 500 tribes present, the pow wow "Gathering of the Nations" celebrates the sacred remnants of Native American cultures. But it also reveals the damage inflicted by colonizing civilization.

The weekend arrives and Albuquerque switches to its playful mode. Various sporting and musical events take place on the premises of the local university.

Aware of the inevitable student irreverence, a battalion of superb New Mexico police patrols the vast academic facilities with a mission to avoid overly chaotic parking lots and behavior.

One of them, extroverted as well as haughty, notices our car's license plate and the disorganized air inside and can't resist commenting: “California??

Participant, Pow Pow, Albuquerque-New Mexico, United States

Native American has help finishing his costume in The Pit arena parking lot.

You've really come from far away. Are they coming because of the concert or the Indians ?? By that time, we had no idea of ​​one thing or the other. Comparing the eccentricity of the hypotheses, we choose to question the authority over the latter.

The Amazing Discovery of Albuquerque Pow Wow

The agent tells us that The Pit – the large sports arena that is home to the local basketball team, the Lobos – is about to host a Gathering of the nations. Faster than we expected, we confirmed the information.

We left the old but elegant Buick Le Saber arranged within the legality between the institution's pavilions. We cross a busy avenue and come across another crowded parking lot.

We noticed that, there, instead of euphoric teenagers, they get out of their cars and cross the road Indians confused, dressed, painted and adorned with feathers, feathers, jewelry and other ethnic ornaments that sometimes formed similar looks, in other cases, completely different.

We approached the caravans that make up box office and discovered the posters that, even if no longer needed, proved that one of the biggest was held there. pow wows (indigenous meetings) from North America.

Elements from over 500 tribes had come from the four corners of the US and Canada to celebrate their mother cultures and renew spiritual beliefs.

They were divided into different age groups, from the elderly to children, with the purpose of participating in 32 dance competitions, others in singing, in drum competitions and even in the Miss Indian World competition.

We entered the pavilion.

Hundreds of these participants and many more supporters walk up and down the upper aisle entertained to socialize, buy food and drink or peek at the numerous small business stalls.

Native Crowd, Americans-Pow Pow-Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States

Thousands of Native Americans swirl around The Pit.

The Gathering of the Nations Ceremonial Gathering

We found a stairwell opening and finally managed to peek into the arena. The benches are full of people and color.

Below, an exuberant army of Indians dances around the ring, in sync with the hypnotic soundtrack produced by groups of drummers and singers from a falsetto deep tribal.

The various drums distributed around the enclosure are huge and echo the heartbeat of the Earth. We are punished by groups of powerful men, some of which are also exaggerated in size.

Drum Show, Pow Wow, Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States

Drummers and singer carry out their exhibition.

We had already noticed the type of food fast food served by most of the stalls and bars abroad and on the top floor, in everything consistent with what undermines the health of the American nation.

Shown before us were some of the most unlikely victims of the Yankee obsession with easy and immediate profit. In the audience itself, who admired his musical gifts, there were numerous large natives.

Once upon a time, their tribes survived on what they gathered from Nature and hunted.

High Headdress, Pow Pow-Albuquerque-New Mexico, United States

Native American with a lush headdress.

The Generalized Destruction of Native American Civilizations

Centuries after the conquest of West, after repeated persecutions, slaughters and confinement on reservations, the Indians were reduced from many millions to just 500.000, a tiny population if we take into account the total population of the United States and Canada, almost 350 million.

We are now also victimized by sugary drinks and king size burgers, dogs, clubs, burritos, nachos and french fries soaked in oils and sauces, one of several cultural aggressions that they suffer in an already long process of conformation.

Driven by the shrewdness of its brands, the capitalist civilization developed by the European settlers of North America conquered the world with relative ease.

Coming from an intimate relationship with the land, the natives could never resist. That weekend, the headdresses, typical costumes and exuberant rituals of each tribe have temporary prominence.

Native Americans Parade, Pow Pow-Albuquerque-New Mexico, United States

Hundreds of Indians display the costumes of their tribes during the Pow-wow of Albuquerque, New Mexico.

After the participations, most of the natives give in to jeans, sneakers and compliments of fashion, to the t-shirts and baseball and baseball caps, to the made expressions and packaged notions of the nation that has shattered the identities of its tribes.

The Gathering of the Nations Resistance Demonstration

The Gathering of The Nations we watched, like others across North America, were still impressive manifestations of resistance and survival.

During the Eagle Staff's sacred Great Entrance – the banner that symbolizes the unity of all Native Americans – representatives from each tribe line up to hear the Eagle Staff Song and the gathering's MC (Master of Ceremonies) speech.

They also share a prayer to the Creator of the World, a communal prayer for happiness and for the cure of the ills caused by man on Mother Earth.

Native American in the Crowd, Pow Pow-Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States

Indigenous dressed in formal wear stands out from the rest of the public.

We had already descended on the playing field when the inter-tribal dance competitions continued, all with simplistic names inspired by Nature or by everyday life: Dance of the Beautiful Shawl, Dance of Smoke, Dance of the Blanket or Dance of the Owl.

The singing followed, interspersed with more majestic displays by the drummers and curious juvenile tastings. At the level at which the action was taking place, participants circled the field over and over again.

Some passed very close to us, given to the rhythm, their heads swaying low, repeating movements of pure trance.

Trance Dance, Pow Pow, Albuquerque-New Mexico, United States

Indigenous shows an intense dance of their tribe.

An Unusual Sponsored and Awarded Spirituality

Certain exhibits radiated deep spirituality. When we least expected it, the song ended and the MC announced the sponsoring brand of the upcoming competition, or the value of his prize in dollars.

All mysticism was gone. It wasn't the next test that brought him back.

The presenter gives the signal and the dancers hurry to leave the field. Little by little, women from different tribes and regions of North America, from the Tiwa from the Puebla civilization around Taos, the tribes of Florida those of the northernmost part of Canada.

Native American Women, Pow Wow, Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States

Indigenous women touch up their looks in a bathroom.

Place for the Miss Indian World Election

They start by lining up in front of the main bench, but once the presentation is over, they are free for another dance that a panel of juries evaluates with strict criteria.

The results of the dance are added to the Public Discourse, Personal Interview, Traditional Presentation and Rehearsal. The final score determines the election of Miss Indian World.

Dance, Pow Pow, Albuquerque-New Mexico, United States

Indian girl twirls during a Native American dance display.

As a rule, last year's winner appears to the public to summarize in a few words the honor of the title.

We see Canadian Dakota Brook Brant, from the clan Mohawk Turtle does it with a somewhat automated confidence and pride that lives up to the title: “I was glad I was chosen to serve as an ambassador. It was a pleasure to help build healthy relationships among our relatives throughout the Indian territory.”

Marjorie Tahbone, an Alaskan Inupiaq/Kiowa, short, round and, in a way, gawky is anything but the prototype of a conventional Miss World or Universe.

Miss Indian World Winner, Pow Wow, Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States

Winner of the Miss Indian World contest parades around the enclosure.

Despite the surprise that arouses us, he collects the new crown, awarded according to values ​​that have little to do with those we are used to in these events. As a reward, he spent the year traveling the world promoting the culture of Native American tribes.

Fawn Wood: The Chosen Voice of the Gathering of the Nations

Enter Fawn Wood. In the center of the arena and the attention, this singer, famous among the indigenous people, sings a theme that those present seem to know. It makes them vibrate, alternating with its high-pitched and powerful voice, much appreciated guttural sounds and English lyrics that speak of jealousy, love and loved ones but already broken.

In between the songs, the MC intervenes again: “don't forget that we have Fawn's CDs for sale. Here in Dallas, keep asking me to repeat the warning!"

Native American, Pow Pow, Albuquerque-New Mexico, United States

Indigenous participant of the Gathering of the Nations prepares to enter the grounds of The Pit in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Fawn moves on to another theme. Halfway through, two spectators approach her and leave money at her feet. Before long, hundreds of others do the same, and the dollar smear that will complete your paycheck expands.

The final day of the Gathering of The Nations draws to a close but The Pit's outdoor bunkers don't disarm. To the Americanized way of doing things, while the meeting drags on The Profit Must Go On.

We left the room wondering how much longer Native Americans will be able to avoid the total bankruptcy of their cultures.

Key West, USA

The Tropical Wild West of the USA

We've come to the end of the Overseas Highway and the ultimate stronghold of propagandism Florida Keys. The continental United States here they surrender to a dazzling turquoise emerald marine vastness. And to a southern reverie fueled by a kind of Caribbean spell.
Cape Coast, Ghana

The Divine Purification Festival

The story goes that, once, a plague devastated the population of Cape Coast of today Ghana. Only the prayers of the survivors and the cleansing of evil carried out by the gods will have put an end to the scourge. Since then, the natives have returned the blessing of the 77 deities of the traditional Oguaa region with the frenzied Fetu Afahye festival.
Tulum, Mexico

The Most Caribbean of the Mayan Ruins

Built by the sea as an exceptional outpost decisive for the prosperity of the Mayan nation, Tulum was one of its last cities to succumb to Hispanic occupation. At the end of the XNUMXth century, its inhabitants abandoned it to time and to an impeccable coastline of the Yucatan peninsula.
Jaisalmer, India

There's a Feast in the Thar Desert

As soon as the short winter breaks, Jaisalmer indulges in parades, camel races, and turban and mustache competitions. Its walls, alleys and surrounding dunes take on more color than ever. During the three days of the event, natives and outsiders watch, dazzled, as the vast and inhospitable Thar finally shines through.
Bhaktapur, Nepal

The Nepalese Masks of Life

The Newar Indigenous People of the Kathmandu Valley attach great importance to the Hindu and Buddhist religiosity that unites them with each other and with the Earth. Accordingly, he blesses their rites of passage with newar dances of men masked as deities. Even if repeated long ago from birth to reincarnation, these ancestral dances do not elude modernity and begin to see an end.
tombstone, USA

Tombstone: the City Too Hard to Die

Silver veins discovered at the end of the XNUMXth century made Tombstone a prosperous and conflictive mining center on the frontier of the United States to Mexico. Lawrence Kasdan, Kurt Russell, Kevin Costner and other Hollywood directors and actors made famous the Earp brothers and the bloodthirsty duel of “OK Corral”. The Tombstone, which, over time, has claimed so many lives, is about to last.
Bacolod, Philippines

A Festival to Laugh at Tragedy

Around 1980, the value of sugar, an important source of wealth on the Philippine island of Negros, plummeted and the ferry “Don Juan” that served it sank and took the lives of more than 176 passengers, most of them from Negrès. The local community decided to react to the depression generated by these dramas. That's how MassKara arose, a party committed to recovering the smiles of the population.
Grand Canyon, USA

Journey through the Abysmal North America

The Colorado River and tributaries began flowing into the plateau of the same name 17 million years ago and exposed half of Earth's geological past. They also carved one of its most stunning entrails.
Monument Valley, USA

Indians or Cowboys?

Iconic Western filmmakers like John Ford immortalized what is the largest Indian territory in the United States. Today, in the Navajo Nation, the Navajo also live in the shoes of their old enemies.
Navajo nation, USA

The Navajo Nation Lands

From Kayenta to Page, passing through Marble Canyon, we explore the southern Colorado Plateau. Dramatic and desert, the scenery of this indigenous domain, cut out in Arizona, reveals itself to be splendid.
PN Tayrona, Colombia

Who Protects the Guardians of the World?

The natives of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta believe that their mission is to save the Cosmos from the “Younger Brothers”, which are us. But the real question seems to be, "Who protects them?"
Red Center, Australia

Australia's Broken Heart

The Red Center is home to some of Australia's must-see natural landmarks. We are impressed by the grandeur of the scenarios but also by the renewed incompatibility of its two civilizations.
Florida Keys, USA

The Caribbean Stepping Stone of the USA

Os United States continental islands seem to close to the south in its capricious peninsula of Florida. Don't stop there. More than a hundred islands of coral, sand and mangroves form an eccentric tropical expanse that has long seduced American vacationers.
Miami, USA

A Masterpiece of Urban Rehabilitation

At the turn of the 25st century, the Wynwood neighbourhood remained filled with abandoned factories and warehouses and graffiti. Tony Goldman, a shrewd real estate investor, bought more than XNUMX properties and founded a mural park. Much more than honoring graffiti there, Goldman founded the Wynwood Arts District, the great bastion of creativity in Miami.
Miami beach, USA

The Beach of All Vanities

Few coasts concentrate, at the same time, so much heat and displays of fame, wealth and glory. Located in the extreme southeast of the USA, Miami Beach is accessible via six bridges that connect it to the rest of Florida. It is meager for the number of souls who desire it.
Little Havana, USA

Little Havana of the Nonconformists

Over the decades and until today, thousands of Cubans have crossed the Florida Straits in search of the land of freedom and opportunity. With the US a mere 145 km away, many have gone no further. His Little Havana in Miami is today the most emblematic neighborhood of the Cuban diaspora.
Mount Denali, Alaska

The Sacred Ceiling of North America

The Athabascan Indians called him Denali, or the Great, and they revered his haughtiness. This stunning mountain has aroused the greed of climbers and a long succession of record-breaking climbs.
Juneau, Alaska

The Little Capital of Greater Alaska

From June to August, Juneau disappears behind cruise ships that dock at its dockside. Even so, it is in this small capital that the fate of the 49th American state is decided.
Talkeetna, Alaska

Talkeetna's Alaska-Style Life

Once a mere mining outpost, Talkeetna rejuvenated in 1950 to serve Mt. McKinley climbers. The town is by far the most alternative and most captivating town between Anchorage and Fairbanks.
Las Vegas, USA

Where sin is always forgiven

Projected from the Mojave Desert like a neon mirage, the North American capital of gaming and entertainment is experienced as a gamble in the dark. Lush and addictive, Vegas neither learns nor regrets.
Residents walk along the trail that runs through plantations above the UP4
Gurué, Mozambique, Part 1

Through the Mozambican Lands of Tea

The Portuguese founded Gurué in the 1930th century and, from XNUMX onwards, flooded it with camellia sinensis the foothills of the Namuli Mountains. Later, they renamed it Vila Junqueiro, in honor of its main promoter. With the independence of Mozambique and the civil war, the town regressed. It continues to stand out for the lush green imposing mountains and teak landscapes.
Host Wezi points out something in the distance
Cobue; Nkwichi Lodge, Mozambique

The Hidden Mozambique of the Creaking Sands

During a tour from the bottom to the top of Lake Malawi, we find ourselves on the island of Likoma, an hour by boat from Nkwichi Lodge, the solitary base of this inland coast of Mozambique. On the Mozambican side, the lake is known as Niassa. Whatever its name, there we discover some of the most stunning and unspoilt scenery in south-east Africa.
Esteros del Iberá, Pantanal Argentina, Alligator
Iberá Wetlands, Argentina

The Pantanal of the Pampas

On the world map, south of the famous brazilian wetland, a little-known flooded region appears, but almost as vast and rich in biodiversity. the Guarani expression Y bera defines it as “shining waters”. The adjective fits more than its strong luminance.
Yak Kharka to Thorong Phedi, Annapurna Circuit, Nepal, Yaks
Annapurna (circuit)
Annapurna Circuit 11th: yak karkha a Thorong Phedi, Nepal

Arrival to the Foot of the Canyon

In just over 6km, we climbed from 4018m to 4450m, at the base of Thorong La canyon. Along the way, we questioned if what we felt were the first problems of Altitude Evil. It was never more than a false alarm.
shadow vs light
Architecture & Design
Kyoto, Japan

The Kyoto Temple Reborn from the Ashes

The Golden Pavilion has been spared destruction several times throughout history, including that of US-dropped bombs, but it did not withstand the mental disturbance of Hayashi Yoken. When we admired him, he looked like never before.
Tibetan heights, altitude sickness, mountain prevent to treat, travel

Altitude Sickness: the Grievances of Getting Mountain Sick

When traveling, it happens that we find ourselves confronted with the lack of time to explore a place as unmissable as it is high. Medicine and previous experiences with Altitude Evil dictate that we should not risk ascending in a hurry.
Ceremonies and Festivities
Look-alikes, Actors and Extras

Make-believe stars

They are the protagonists of events or are street entrepreneurs. They embody unavoidable characters, represent social classes or epochs. Even miles from Hollywood, without them, the world would be more dull.
Horta, Faial, City that faces the North to the Atlantic
Horta, Azores

The City that Gives the North to the Atlantic

The world community of sailors is well aware of the relief and happiness of seeing the Pico Mountain, and then Faial and the welcoming of Horta Bay and Peter Café Sport. The rejoicing does not stop there. In and around the city, there are white houses and a green and volcanic outpouring that dazzles those who have come so far.
Obese resident of Tupola Tapaau, a small island in Western Samoa.
Lunch time
Tonga, Western Samoa, Polynesia

XXL Pacific

For centuries, the natives of the Polynesian islands subsisted on land and sea. Until the intrusion of colonial powers and the subsequent introduction of fatty pieces of meat, fast food and sugary drinks have spawned a plague of diabetes and obesity. Today, while much of Tonga's national GDP, Western Samoa and neighbors is wasted on these “western poisons”, fishermen barely manage to sell their fish.
Peasant woman, Majuli, Assam, India
Majuli Island, India

An Island in Countdown

Majuli is the largest river island in India and would still be one of the largest on Earth were it not for the erosion of the river Bramaputra that has been making it diminish for centuries. If, as feared, it is submerged within twenty years, more than an island, a truly mystical cultural and landscape stronghold of the Subcontinent will disappear.
Bungee jumping, Queenstown, New Zealand
Queenstown, New Zealand

Queenstown, the Queen of Extreme Sports

In the century. XVIII, the Kiwi government proclaimed a mining village on the South Island "fit for a queen".Today's extreme scenery and activities reinforce the majestic status of ever-challenging Queenstown.
Prayer flags in Ghyaru, Nepal
Annapurna Circuit: 4th – Upper Banana to Ngawal, Nepal

From Nightmare to Dazzle

Unbeknownst to us, we are faced with an ascent that leads us to despair. We pulled our strength as far as possible and reached Ghyaru where we felt closer than ever to the Annapurnas. The rest of the way to Ngawal felt like a kind of extension of the reward.
Aswan, Egypt, Nile River meets Black Africa, Elephantine Island
Aswan, Egypt

Where the Nile Welcomes the Black Africa

1200km upstream of its delta, the Nile is no longer navigable. The last of the great Egyptian cities marks the fusion between Arab and Nubian territory. Since its origins in Lake Victoria, the river has given life to countless African peoples with dark complexions.
sunlight photography, sun, lights
Got2Globe Photo Portfolio
Natural Light (Part 2)

One Sun, So Many Lights

Most travel photos are taken in sunlight. Sunlight and weather form a capricious interaction. Learn how to predict, detect and use at its best.
Nelson Dockyards, Antigua Docks,
English Harbor, four days in Antigua

Nelson's Dockyard: The Former Naval Base and Abode of the Admiral

In the XNUMXth century, as the English disputed control of the Caribbean and the sugar trade with their colonial rivals, they took over the island of Antigua. There they came across a jagged cove they called English Harbour. They made it a strategic port that also housed the idolized naval officer.
Jean Marie Tjibaou Cultural Center, New Caledonia, Greater Calhau, South Pacific
Grande Terre, New Caledonia

South Pacific Great Boulder

James Cook thus named distant New Caledonia because it reminded him of his father's Scotland, whereas the French settlers were less romantic. Endowed with one of the largest nickel reserves in the world, they named Le Caillou the mother island of the archipelago. Not even its mining prevents it from being one of the most dazzling patches of Earth in Oceania.
Reindeer Racing, Kings Cup, Inari, Finland
Winter White
Inari, Finland

The Wackiest Race on the Top of the World

Finland's Lapps have been competing in the tow of their reindeer for centuries. In the final of the Kings Cup - Porokuninkuusajot - , they face each other at great speed, well above the Arctic Circle and well below zero.
José Saramago in Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain, Glorieta de Saramago
Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain

José Saramago's Basalt Raft

In 1993, frustrated by the Portuguese government's disregard for his work “The Gospel According to Jesus Christ”, Saramago moved with his wife Pilar del Río to Lanzarote. Back on this somewhat extraterrestrial Canary Island, we visited his home. And the refuge from the portuguese censorship that haunted the writer.
Cachena cow in Valdreu, Terras de Bouro, Portugal
Campos do GerêsTerras de Bouro, Portugal

Through the Campos do Gerês and the Terras de Bouro

We continue on a long, zigzag tour through the domains of Peneda-Gerês and Bouro, inside and outside our only National Park. In this one of the most worshiped areas in the north of Portugal.
Girl plays with leaves on the shore of the Great Lake at Catherine Palace
Saint Petersburg, Russia

Golden Days Before the Storm

Aside from the political and military events precipitated by Russia, from mid-September onwards, autumn takes over the country. In previous years, when visiting Saint Petersburg, we witnessed how the cultural and northern capital was covered in a resplendent yellow-orange. A dazzling light that hardly matches the political and military gloom that had spread in the meantime.
View of La Graciosa de Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain
Natural Parks
La Graciosa, Canary Islands

The Most Graceful of the Canary Islands

Until 2018, the smallest of the inhabited Canaries did not count for the archipelago. Arriving in La Graciosa, we discover the insular charm of the now eighth island.
Twyfelfontein, Ui Aes, Twyfelfontein, Adventure Camp
UNESCO World Heritage
Twyfelfontein - Ui Aes, Namíbia

The Rupestrian Namibia Uncovered

During the Stone Age, the now hay-covered valley of the Aba-Huab River was home to a diverse fauna that attracted hunters. In more recent times, colonial era fortunes and misfortunes coloured this part of Namibia. Not as many as the more than 5000 petroglyphs that remain at Ui Aes / Twyfelfontein.
In elevator kimono, Osaka, Japan
Osaka, Japan

In the Company of Mayu

Japanese nightlife is a multi-faceted, multi-billion business. In Osaka, an enigmatic couchsurfing hostess welcomes us, somewhere between the geisha and the luxury escort.
Magnificent Atlantic Days
Morro de São Paulo, Brazil

A Divine Seaside of Bahia

Three decades ago, it was just a remote and humble fishing village. Until some post-hippie communities revealed the Morro's retreat to the world and promoted it to a kind of bathing sanctuary.
Pemba, Mozambique, Capital of Cabo Delgado, from Porto Amélia to Porto de Abrigo, Paquitequete
Pemba, Mozambique

From Porto Amélia to the Shelter Port of Mozambique

In July 2017, we visited Pemba. Two months later, the first attack took place on Mocímboa da Praia. Nor then do we dare to imagine that the tropical and sunny capital of Cabo Delgado would become the salvation of thousands of Mozambicans fleeing a terrifying jihadism.
Executives sleep subway seat, sleep, sleep, subway, train, Tokyo, Japan
On Rails
Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo's Hypno-Passengers

Japan is served by millions of executives slaughtered with infernal work rates and sparse vacations. Every minute of respite on the way to work or home serves them for their inemuri, napping in public.
Arduous Professions

the bread the devil kneaded

Work is essential to most lives. But, certain jobs impose a degree of effort, monotony or danger that only a few chosen ones can measure up to.
Visitors at Talisay Ruins, Negros Island, Philippines
Daily life
Talisay City, Philippines

Monument to a Luso-Philippine Love

At the end of the 11th century, Mariano Lacson, a Filipino farmer, and Maria Braga, a Portuguese woman from Macau, fell in love and got married. During the pregnancy of what would be her 2th child, Maria succumbed to a fall. Destroyed, Mariano built a mansion in his honor. In the midst of World War II, the mansion was set on fire, but the elegant ruins that endured perpetuate their tragic relationship.
Curieuse Island, Seychelles, Aldabra turtles
Felicité Island and Curieuse Island, Seychelles

From Leprosarium to Giant Turtles Home

In the middle of the XNUMXth century, it remained uninhabited and ignored by Europeans. The French Ship Expedition “La Curieuse” revealed it and inspired his baptism. The British kept it a leper colony until 1968. Today, Île Curieuse is home to hundreds of Aldabra tortoises, the longest-lived land animal.
Napali Coast and Waimea Canyon, Kauai, Hawaii Wrinkles
Scenic Flights
napali coast, Hawaii

Hawaii's Dazzling Wrinkles

Kauai is the greenest and rainiest island in the Hawaiian archipelago. It is also the oldest. As we explore its Napalo Coast by land, sea and air, we are amazed to see how the passage of millennia has only favored it.