Nara, Japan

Buddhism vs Modernism: The Double Face of Nara

Memorial day of only your once ????
Young cyclist from Nara standing next to a billboard with a mysterious caption.
Visitors to the balcony of the Nigatsu temple.
a sweet profession
Employees work in a traditional candy store.
autumn lake
Autumn colors of the Isuiem garden on a gray day.
Bike shopping
A resident of Nara examines products on a city street.
nigatsu, almost night
The illuminated Nigatsu temple in the twilight.
bank of
Residents of Nara examine the window of a street stall in Nara.
Silhouettes produced by the Yakushi pagodas over the sunset.
Sanjo-dori street moment
View of the long Sanjo-dori street.
group shopping
Group of students examines a jewelry store in Nara.
In the 74th century AD Nara was the Japanese capital. During XNUMX years of this period, emperors erected temples and shrines in honor of the Budismo, the newly arrived religion from across the Sea of ​​Japan. Today, only these same monuments, secular spirituality and deer-filled parks protect the city from the inexorable encirclement of urbanity.

On the bench immediately in front of the train, Yumi begins by shyly stating that she is from Osaka. As the conversation continues, he corrects and assumes that he was born and lives in Nara, Japan.I'm shy … I prefer to say I'm from Osaka ...".

It was with surprise that we learned that, for some of the younger inhabitants, Nara can be considered “countryside” in its undervalued facet, reason for retraction and even some shame, by the crude comparison to cosmopolitan and ultra-sophisticated Japan of Tokyo, Nagoya, Kobe or Osaka.

There seem to be no real reasons for this type of complex. Inheritance and living testimony of the medieval past of the country of the rising sun, skyscrapers and neons, the high definition screens of Japanese metropolises or the line of fire would never suit Nara. shinkansen (bullet train) that connects them and passes a few kilometers to their side.

Nara's style is another, comparable, on a reduced scale, to the neighbor Kyoto: not very luminous. Not really any less bright and showy.

Certain features that are unique to you – such as the largest wooden building in the world, the Todai-hee, the vast lawned gardens and the deer that roam them without a certain destination – enchanted the first visitors and have valued it, since then, to the point that UNESCO has qualified the “Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara” – ruins, six temples and eight primary forests – as a world heritage site.

Sanjo-dori Street, Nara, Japan

View of the long Sanjo-dori street.

The Modern and Busy Nara on Sanjo-dori Street

When we got off the long compositions Japanese Rail serving Nara, we arrived, of course, on time. As is universally known, when it comes to professional schedules and responsibilities, the Japanese are not sloppy.

Introduces us to the city in the long run sanjo-dori, the main shopping street and the one that leads to its historic area, where almost all the gardens and secular buildings can be found.

On both sides, different establishments succeed each other. A McDonalds that overlooks a kimono store, which is opposite a house of pachinko (game of luck that hooked many Japanese) which, in turn, reveals a convenience store and so on, without any thematic or visual logic.

For consistency with the inconsistency, on foot and by bicycle, people of all ages, nationalities and types pass us by.

Young cyclist at outdoors, Nara, Japan

Young cyclist from Nara standing next to a billboard with a mysterious caption.

Local wage earners are imprisoned in dark suits, boys and girls spending their ultimate freedom teenager: they, in mini-skirts to the limit, high boots and Soviet cap ushanka; they are less exposed to the cold, but equally surrendered to westernized visuals cool that decorate the windows.

Gangs of raucous students also cross paths, wearing children's uniforms from their schools and assorted Japanese and foreign visitors, from out-of-the-box backpackers to spruced up millionaires.

Pastry dough and the face-to-face with Secular Nara

A cluster of these characters witness the traditional production of green tea dough, used in various types of typical Japanese cakes, filled with a sweet bean cream.

The protagonists are two confectioners armed with mallets that alternately hammer the contents of a tub with all their might and shout in a military manner, with every movement. The choreography impresses other passersby who, little by little, join the audience.

Confectioners knead pastry dough, Sanjo-dori, Nara, Japan

Confectioners beat the dough used in the manufacture of traditional Japanese pastries, in Sanjo-dori.

Nearby, the rounded shores of Lake Sarusawano are a natural meeting point for outsiders. They are occupied by hyper-equipped amateur painters and photographers or with a compact machine at the ready, strategically positioned in front of the reflection of the highest pagoda (50.1 m) of the Kofuku-ji temple, another of the heritage highlights of Nara and former claimant to the title of the highest from Japan that lost, however, to a rival of Kyoto.

The current Kofuku-ji – consisting of only four buildings built later: the three- and five-story pagodas (goju-no-tou), the Treasure House and the Tokondo Hall – is a tiny part of the approximately 175 that formed it in the peak of its splendor and that disappeared during the 1300 years that have passed since the beginning of its construction, dated 710.

Pagoda silhouettes Yakushi, Nara

Silhouettes produced by the Yakushi pagodas over the sunset.

Although small, this is, even today, one of the main Japanese temples of the Hosso Buddhist chain, also known as yuishiki, that all existence is consciousness and, as such, that nothing exists beyond the mind.

Dessi Tambunan, an Indonesian with Japanese Anxiety

The conscience of Dessi Tambunan, a young expatriate Indonesian woman who welcomes us into her home shortly after we arrive in Nara, almost drove her to despair. “You know… I don't know what else I can do”, she vents in a pout, pulling at the tender look of a Java doll: “I do my best to adapt and be recognized as theirs. It never seems like enough.

They always look at me in a different way. I can't quite explain why but I've been here for almost three years. I still feel like I'm just a foreigner…” she continues in the purest of sincerities.

The outburst moves us. It gives us disturbing conclusions. The most obvious was that the young Indonesian woman had arrived in Japan with an anxiety the size of enormous expectations. A member of a wealthy and influential family in Jakarta, Dessi had been caught up in the dream of Japanese high society.

A wealthy, attractive and sensitive Japanese – as, in his view, they were almost all – would fall for his porcelain pout and life would be a fairy tale, far from the atrocious humidity, poverty and civilizational backwardness that, he considered it, they involved his, despite everything, dear tropical homeland.

The school of oriental dances and English that had opened in the center of Nara was operated thanks to some shy but courageous teenagers from Nara who sought to combat the secular rigidity and formality in which they were raised. But their bony hips prevented them from aspiring to the teacher's graceful movements and, on an oral level, the same kind of problem snarled and held back the teaching of the “world's language”.

A Personal Niponizing Project

Dessi complained about everything and more. Even so, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays there she left her studio-triplex mirrored at the beginning of the night to dress in a kimono and learn, kneeling among the good ladies of the city, the complex movements of the tea ceremony, which she saw as the passport to the desired integration. When he returned, he complained again about the irresolvable marginalization.

His existential project had started in neighboring Osaka, the great working metropolis of Kansai. But exorbitant rental prices and fierce competition forced her to move to Nara, a city that teenagers Sophisticated locals, fans of the ultimate Tokyo, see as old-fashioned and conservative and that the authorities continue to protect change in honor of the glorious past.

Nara: Capital for Nearly a Century and its Only Active Geisha

Nara, whose name is believed to come from the term Narashite, which means smoothed, it remained the Japanese capital for most of the XNUMXth century. It was originally called Heijō-kyō. Such as Kyoto, at a time when Japan was trying to follow the civilizational example of China, was built in the image of Chang'an, the present city of Xi'an, where the famous terracotta army is located.

Many of the works of that era were consumed by time and its advents. As for the living characters representing Japan's classical times, Nara has one more famous than any other. On the date of our visit, Kikuno was the only geisha residing in the city. The only one of two hundred that once coexisted there.

Geisha Kikuno in Nara, Japan

Kikuno assumes one of the poses that geishas refine as a form of sensuality.

Kikuno dedicated himself to the craft since he was 15 years old. She was now 45. Desi admired her enormously. He took us to one of his nightly shows. One of the many for which the geisha saw herself in demand on a daily basis, which is why, even being the protagonist - the artist only of the show, by the way – he ended up abandoning it in a hurry after two short dance performances.

Desi left the room sighing, inspired by another stream of laments about her situation. Still, we had time to comment on Kikuno's performance, his haste, and the slow extinction of geisha art in general in Japan.

The next day, Desi was busy with her chores. We continued the thorough exploration of Nara, with the exception of its large Buddhist temple, the All Ji, the biggest wooden building on the face of the Earth, to which we had already dedicated almost an entire afternoon.

Discovering Nara Florestal and Historic

We surrendered to the autumnal landscape of the parks, always keeping an eye out for the daring deer that got used to chasing passersby, eager for the cookies that visitors buy to give them.

We climbed Mount Kaigahira-yama, the highest in the city, at 822 meters. From the windy top, we admire the panoramic view of the modern houses scattered along the valley. Then, we went back down, looking for other historical and religious monuments that make Nara a special case.

The roof of the Todai-ji Temple and the houses of Nara, Japan

Panorama of Nara with the roof of the temple. Todai-hee highlighted.

Of all those we had gone through, the Kasuga Taisha shrine proved by far the most illuminated.

Kasuga Taisha's Dazzling Stone Lanterns

The path that precedes it reveals about two thousand stone lanterns that are lit during the days of such a Chugen Mantoro Festival. Every year, on the days – or rather the nights of August 14th and 15th – it generates a solemn mysterious atmosphere that dazzles Buddhist believers and non-believers alike.

Stone Lanterns of Kazuga Shrine, Nara, Japan

The stone lanterns of the Kazuga shrine.

We walked along the temple's long lanes among families proud of their children dressed in colorful kimonos. We see them stop to take a picture, every ten meters.

In every corner that stood out from the natural setting and during the various Buddhist rites that precede the entrance to the temples: purification with sacred water from the fountains, prayer and donation of yen believed to help obtain the benevolence of the gods and for out there.

So dictates the social and religious tradition that, due to the strong Japanese group psychology, most Japanese insist on respecting.

Father and Son, Kazuga Shrine, Nara, Japan

Father and son purify themselves with water at the entrance to the Kazuga shrine of Nara.

We regain our energy in the bucolic garden of Isuien, famous for its postcard scenes, especially from October to the end of November, when the leaves on the trees take on soft shades of red and yellow that blend in with the misty background of the surrounding mountain.

From there, we follow the ancient residential area of ​​Nara Nara Machi, the small neighborhood where a small percentage of the city's almost four hundred thousand inhabitants live. There are a succession of one-story dark wood houses, built in the XNUMXth century, some still used as homes, many – identified by letters in characters kanji, of Chinese origin – already converted into small craft businesses in which the gaijin (foreigners) poke their noses to satisfy curiosity

In historical terms, in this small residential and mercantile elder of Nara we were at the opposite end of the modern zone where the train had left us and of Avenida Sanjo dori.

Crows on a tree in Nara Park, Japan

Flock of crows occupy a leafless tree in Nara Park.

Tokyo, Japan

Pachinko: The Video - Addiction That Depresses Japan

It started as a toy, but the Japanese appetite for profit quickly turned pachinko into a national obsession. Today, there are 30 million Japanese surrendered to these alienating gaming machines.
Nara, Japan

The Colossal Cradle of the Japanese Buddhism

Nara has long since ceased to be the capital and its Todai-ji temple has been demoted. But the Great Hall remains the largest ancient wooden building in the world. And it houses the greatest bronze Vairocana Buddha.
Kyoto, Japan

Survival: The Last Geisha Art

There have been almost 100 but times have changed and geishas are on the brink of extinction. Today, the few that remain are forced to give in to Japan's less subtle and elegant modernity.
Osaka, Japan

In the Company of Mayu

Japanese nightlife is a multi-faceted, multi-billion business. In Osaka, an enigmatic couchsurfing hostess welcomes us, somewhere between the geisha and the luxury escort.
Tokyo, Japan

Japanese Style Passaport-Type Photography

In the late 80s, two Japanese multinationals already saw conventional photo booths as museum pieces. They turned them into revolutionary machines and Japan surrendered to the Purikura phenomenon.
Kyoto, Japan

An Almost Lost Millennial Japan

Kyoto was on the US atomic bomb target list and it was more than a whim of fate that preserved it. Saved by an American Secretary of War in love with its historical and cultural richness and oriental sumptuousness, the city was replaced at the last minute by Nagasaki in the atrocious sacrifice of the second nuclear cataclysm.
Kyoto, Japan

The Kyoto Temple Reborn from the Ashes

The Golden Pavilion has been spared destruction several times throughout history, including that of US-dropped bombs, but it did not withstand the mental disturbance of Hayashi Yoken. When we admired him, he looked like never before.
Tokyo, Japan

The Endless Night of the Rising Sun Capital

Say that Tokyo do not sleep is an understatement. In one of the largest and most sophisticated cities on the face of the Earth, twilight marks only the renewal of the frenetic daily life. And there are millions of souls that either find no place in the sun, or make more sense in the “dark” and obscure turns that follow.
Miyajima, Japan

Shintoism and Buddhism with the Tide

Visitors to the Tori of Itsukushima admire one of the three most revered scenery in Japan. On the island of Miyajima, Japanese religiosity blends with Nature and is renewed with the flow of the Seto Inland Sea.
Ogimashi, Japan

A Village Faithful to the A

Ogimashi reveals a fascinating heritage of Japanese adaptability. Located in one of the most snowy places on Earth, this village has perfected houses with real anti-collapse structures.
Tokyo, Japan

The Emperor Without Empire

After the capitulation in World War II, Japan underwent a constitution that ended one of the longest empires in history. The Japanese emperor is, today, the only monarch to reign without empire.
Tokyo, Japan

A Matchmaking Sanctuary

Tokyo's Meiji Temple was erected to honor the deified spirits of one of the most influential couples in Japanese history. Over time, it specialized in celebrating traditional weddings.
Okinawa, Japan

Ryukyu Dances: Centuries old. In No Hurry.

The Ryukyu kingdom prospered until the XNUMXth century as a trading post for the China and Japan. From the cultural aesthetics developed by its courtly aristocracy, several styles of slow dance were counted.
Iriomote, Japan

The Small Tropical Japanese Amazon of Iriomote

Impenetrable rainforests and mangroves fill Iriomote under a pressure cooker climate. Here, foreign visitors are as rare as the yamaneko, an elusive endemic lynx.
Nikko, Japan

The Tokugawa Shogun Final Procession

In 1600, Ieyasu Tokugawa inaugurated a shogunate that united Japan for 250 years. In her honor, Nikko re-enacts the general's medieval relocation to Toshogu's grandiose mausoleum every year.
Takayama, Japan

From the Ancient Japan to the Medieval Hida

In three of its streets, Takayama retains traditional wooden architecture and concentrates old shops and sake producers. Around it, it approaches 100.000 inhabitants and surrenders to modernity.
Okinawa, Japan

The Little Empire of the Sun

Risen from the devastation caused by World War II, Okinawa has regained the heritage of its secular Ryukyu civilization. Today, this archipelago south of Kyushu is home to a Japan on the shore, anchored by a turquoise Pacific ocean and bathed in a peculiar Japanese tropicalism.
Magome-Tsumago, Japan

Magome to Tsumago: The Overcrowded Path to the Medieval Japan

In 1603, the Tokugawa shogun dictated the renovation of an ancient road system. Today, the most famous stretch of the road that linked Edo to Kyoto is covered by a mob eager to escape.

The Beverage Machines Empire

There are more than 5 million ultra-tech light boxes spread across the country and many more exuberant cans and bottles of appealing drinks. The Japanese have long since stopped resisting them.
Hiroshima, Japan

Hiroshima: a City Yielded to Peace

On August 6, 1945, Hiroshima succumbed to the explosion of the first atomic bomb used in war. 70 years later, the city fights for the memory of the tragedy and for nuclear weapons to be eradicated by 2020.
Believers greet each other in the Bukhara region.
Bukhara, Uzbequistan

Among the Minarets of Old Turkestan

Situated on the ancient Silk Road, Bukhara has developed for at least two thousand years as an essential commercial, cultural and religious hub in Central Asia. It was Buddhist and then Muslim. It was part of the great Arab empire and that of Genghis Khan, the Turko-Mongol kingdoms and the Soviet Union, until it settled in the still young and peculiar Uzbekistan.
Host Wezi points out something in the distance
Cobue; Nkwichi Lodge, Mozambique

The Hidden Mozambique of the Creaking Sands

During a tour from the bottom to the top of Lake Malawi, we find ourselves on the island of Likoma, an hour by boat from Nkwichi Lodge, the solitary base of this inland coast of Mozambique. On the Mozambican side, the lake is known as Niassa. Whatever its name, there we discover some of the most stunning and unspoilt scenery in south-east Africa.
Amboseli National Park, Mount Kilimanjaro, Normatior Hill
Amboseli National Park, Kenya

A Gift from the Kilimanjaro

The first European to venture into these Masai haunts was stunned by what he found. And even today, large herds of elephants and other herbivores roam the pastures irrigated by the snow of Africa's biggest mountain.
Braga or Braka or Brakra in Nepal
Annapurna (circuit)
Annapurna Circuit: 6th – Braga, Nepal

The Ancient Nepal of Braga

Four days of walking later, we slept at 3.519 meters from Braga (Braka). Upon arrival, only the name is familiar to us. Faced with the mystical charm of the town, arranged around one of the oldest and most revered Buddhist monasteries on the Annapurna circuit, we continued our journey there. acclimatization with ascent to Ice Lake (4620m).
Visitors at Jameos del Agua
Architecture & Design
Lanzarote, Canary Islands

To César Manrique what is César Manrique's

By itself, Lanzarote would always be a Canaria by itself, but it is almost impossible to explore it without discovering the restless and activist genius of one of its prodigal sons. César Manrique passed away nearly thirty years ago. The prolific work he left shines on the lava of the volcanic island that saw him born.
Totems, Botko Village, Malekula, Vanuatu
Malekula, Vanuatu

Meat and Bone Cannibalism

Until the early XNUMXth century, man-eaters still feasted on the Vanuatu archipelago. In the village of Botko we find out why European settlers were so afraid of the island of Malekula.
cowboys oceania, rodeo, el caballo, perth, australia
Ceremonies and Festivities
Perth, Australia

The Oceania Cowboys

Texas is on the other side of the world, but there is no shortage of cowboys in the country of koalas and kangaroos. Outback rodeos recreate the original version and 8 seconds lasts no less in the Australian Western.
Table Mountain view from Waterfront, Cape Town, South Africa.
Table Mountain, South Africa

At the Adamastor Monster Table

From the earliest times of the Discoveries to the present, Table Mountain has always stood out above the South African immensity South African and the surrounding ocean. The centuries passed and Cape Town expanded at his feet. The Capetonians and the visiting outsiders got used to contemplating, ascending and venerating this imposing and mythical plateau.
Tsukiji fish market, Tokyo, Japan
Lunch time
Tokyo, Japan

The Fish Market That Lost its Freshness

In a year, each Japanese eats more than their weight in fish and shellfish. Since 1935, a considerable part was processed and sold in the largest fish market in the world. Tsukiji was terminated in October 2018, and replaced by Toyosu's.
Tabato, Guinea Bissau, Balafons
Tabato, Guinea Bissau

Tabatô: to the Rhythm of Balafom

During our visit to the tabanca, at a glance, the djidius (poet musicians)  mandingas are organized. Two of the village's prodigious balaphonists take the lead, flanked by children who imitate them. Megaphone singers at the ready, sing, dance and play guitar. There is a chora player and several djambes and drums. Its exhibition generates successive shivers.

Man: an Ever Tested Species

It's in our genes. For the pleasure of participating, for titles, honor or money, competitions give meaning to the world. Some are more eccentric than others.
travel western australia, surfspotting
Perth to Albany, Australia

Across the Far West of Australia

Few people worship evasion like the aussies. With southern summer in full swing and the weekend just around the corner, Perthians are taking refuge from the urban routine in the nation's southwest corner. For our part, without compromise, we explore endless Western Australia to its southern limit.
Impressions Lijiang Show, Yangshuo, China, Red Enthusiasm
Lijiang e Yangshuo, China

An Impressive China

One of the most respected Asian filmmakers, Zhang Yimou dedicated himself to large outdoor productions and co-authored the media ceremonies of the Beijing OG. But Yimou is also responsible for “Impressions”, a series of no less controversial stagings with stages in emblematic places.
Sunset, Avenue of Baobabs, Madagascar
Got2Globe Photo Portfolio

days like so many others

Ross Bridge, Tasmania, Australia
Discovering tassie, Part 3, Tasmania, Australia

Tasmania from Top to Bottom

The favorite victim of Australian anecdotes has long been the Tasmania never lost the pride in the way aussie ruder to be. Tassie remains shrouded in mystery and mysticism in a kind of hindquarters of the antipodes. In this article, we narrate the peculiar route from Hobart, the capital located in the unlikely south of the island to the north coast, the turn to the Australian continent.
East side of the volcano, Fogo Island, Cape Verde
Fogo Island, Cape Verde

Around the Fogo Island

Time and the laws of geomorphology dictated that the volcano-island of Fogo rounded off like no other in Cape Verde. Discovering this exuberant Macaronesian archipelago, we circled around it against the clock. We are dazzled in the same direction.
ala juumajarvi lake, oulanka national park, finland
Winter White
Kuusamo ao PN Oulanka, Finland

Under the Arctic's Icy Spell

We are at 66º North and at the gates of Lapland. In these parts, the white landscape belongs to everyone and to no one like the snow-covered trees, the atrocious cold and the endless night.
On the Crime and Punishment trail, St. Petersburg, Russia, Vladimirskaya
Saint Petersburg, Russia

On the Trail of "Crime and Punishment"

In St. Petersburg, we cannot resist investigating the inspiration for the base characters in Fyodor Dostoevsky's most famous novel: his own pities and the miseries of certain fellow citizens.
Girl plays with leaves on the shore of the Great Lake at Catherine Palace
Saint Petersburg, Russia

Golden Days Before the Storm

Aside from the political and military events precipitated by Russia, from mid-September onwards, autumn takes over the country. In previous years, when visiting Saint Petersburg, we witnessed how the cultural and northern capital was covered in a resplendent yellow-orange. A dazzling light that hardly matches the political and military gloom that had spread in the meantime.
Sheki, Autumn in the Caucasus, Azerbaijan, Autumn Homes
Sheki, Azerbaijan

autumn in the caucasus

Lost among the snowy mountains that separate Europe from Asia, Sheki is one of Azerbaijan's most iconic towns. Its largely silky history includes periods of great harshness. When we visited it, autumn pastels added color to a peculiar post-Soviet and Muslim life.
Mount Denali, McKinley, Sacred Ceiling Alaska, North America, Summit, Altitude Evil, Mountain Evil, Prevent, Treat
Natural Parks
Mount Denali, Alaska

The Sacred Ceiling of North America

The Athabascan Indians called him Denali, or the Great, and they revered his haughtiness. This stunning mountain has aroused the greed of climbers and a long succession of record-breaking climbs.
Guest, Michaelmas Cay, Great Barrier Reef, Australia
UNESCO World Heritage
Michaelmas Cay, Australia

Miles from Christmas (Part XNUMX)

In Australia, we live the most uncharacteristic of the 24th of December. We set sail for the Coral Sea and disembark on an idyllic islet that we share with orange-billed terns and other birds.
Couple visiting Mikhaylovskoe, village where writer Alexander Pushkin had a home
Saint Petersburg e Mikhaylovkoe, Russia

The Writer Who Succumbed to His Own Plot

Alexander Pushkin is hailed by many as the greatest Russian poet and the founder of modern Russian literature. But Pushkin also dictated an almost tragicomic epilogue to his prolific life.
Surfers walk along Tofo beach, Mozambique
Tofo, Mozambique

Between Tofo and Tofinho along a growing coastline

The 22km between the city of Inhambane and the coast reveal an immensity of mangroves and coconut groves, here and there, dotted with huts. Arrival in Tofo, a string of dunes above a seductive Indian Ocean and a humble village where the local way of life has long been adjusted to welcome waves of dazzled outsiders.
Annapurna Circuit: 5th - Ngawal a BragaNepal

Towards the Nepalese Braga

We spent another morning of glorious weather discovering Ngawal. There is a short journey towards Manang, the main town on the way to the zenith of the Annapurna circuit. We stayed for Braga (Braka). The hamlet would soon prove to be one of its most unforgettable places.
The Toy Train story
On Rails
Siliguri a Darjeeling, India

The Himalayan Toy Train Still Running

Neither the steep slope of some stretches nor the modernity stop it. From Siliguri, in the tropical foothills of the great Asian mountain range, the Darjeeling, with its peaks in sight, the most famous of the Indian Toy Trains has ensured for 117 years, day after day, an arduous dream journey. Traveling through the area, we climb aboard and let ourselves be enchanted.
Kente Festival Agotime, Ghana, gold
Kumasi to Kpetoe, Ghana

A Celebration-Trip of the Ghanian Fashion

After some time in the great Ghanaian capital ashanti we crossed the country to the border with Togo. The reasons for this long journey were the kente, a fabric so revered in Ghana that several tribal chiefs dedicate a sumptuous festival to it every year.
herd, foot-and-mouth disease, weak meat, colonia pellegrini, argentina
Daily life
Colónia Pellegrini, Argentina

When the Meat is Weak

The unmistakable flavor of Argentine beef is well known. But this wealth is more vulnerable than you think. The threat of foot-and-mouth disease, in particular, keeps authorities and growers afloat.
São João Farm, Pantanal, Miranda, Mato Grosso do Sul, sunset
Fazenda São João, Miranda, Brazil

Pantanal with Paraguay in Sight

When the Fazenda Passo do Lontra decided to expand its ecotourism, it recruited the other family farm, the São João. Further away from the Miranda River, this second property reveals a remote Pantanal, on the verge of Paraguay. The country and the homonymous river.
Bungee jumping, Queenstown, New Zealand
Scenic Flights
Queenstown, New Zealand

Queenstown, the Queen of Extreme Sports

In the century. XVIII, the Kiwi government proclaimed a mining village on the South Island "fit for a queen".Today's extreme scenery and activities reinforce the majestic status of ever-challenging Queenstown.