Montalegre, Portugal

Through Alto do Barroso, Top of Trás-os-Montes

On the way to the farm
Residents of Pitões das Júnias cross one of its granite streets on a tractor.
blessed cattle
Priest sprinkles Barrosã cows with holy water during the Blessing of the Gado de Ferral
Pitões against Fragas II
Houses of Pitões das Júnias, below pointy cliffs in the Serra do Gerês
suspicious horses
Garranos worried by the presence of humans in their territory of the Plateau of Mourela.
The homes of Pitões das Júnias
Close-up view of the granite and tile houses of Pitões das Júnias, Barroso region, Trás-os-Montes
granite art
Granite rocks near the village of Sirvozelo, Barroso, Trás-os-Montes, Portugal
The Religious Walls of Rio
Mr. Artur drives his golden retriever near the church in Paredes do Rio.
Oldest Monastery II
Monastery of Santa Maria das Júnias about to give way to the shade
the oldest monastery
The ruins of the Monastery of Santa Maria das Júnias, near Pitões das Júnias
Morning in Sirvozelo
Panoramic view of Sirvozelo with its peculiar mix of homes, beds and rounded cliffs
Walls & Walls
Sunset gilds the towers of Montalegre Castle and the village houses
Great Barrosã
Barrosã cow at Bênção do Gado de Ferral
Open bar
Cows quench their thirst at a drinking fountain in Paredes do Rio
Junia's pythons
Panoramic of the village of Pitões das Júnias, one of the highest in Portugal
we moved from Terras de Bouro for those of Barroso. Based in Montalegre, we wander around the discovery of Paredes do Rio, Tourém, Pitões das Júnias and its monastery, stunning villages on the border of Portugal. If it is true that Barroso has had more inhabitants, visitors should not miss it.

João Dias joins us at one of the tables in his Casa do Castelo, an elegant and welcoming inn-restaurant, as the name suggests, adjacent to the walls of the fortress overlooking Montalegre.

The topics of conversation follow the rhythm of the mouthfuls in the delicious Baroque cuisine that we taste.

As you would expect in these ruthless weather confines, the weather comes to the fore. "You are seeing Oscar Branco, right?" John asks us. “He was from here. His father used to say "in Montalegre there are only two seasons: the winter and the post office (where he worked)." In the middle of the Portuguese summer, we soon realized that, humor and drama aside, it was far from being like that.

Days followed, dry and warm. We could feel its breath on our skin shortly after each morning game and, as a rule, it was still fresh from the top of the village.

The Alvor Shades of Montalegre Castle

In the first of these, we hurried down the alleys to the south of the castle, determined to follow the soft sunlight on the walls. Most of the residents dozed off. Three or four dogs, surprised by our clumsy passage, barked their indignation at us.

Montalegre Castle, Barroso, Trás-os-Montes, Portugal

Towers of Montalegre Castle above the village houses

We didn't know about those places. Despite this, we found a corner there from which we could contemplate the slow yellowing of the towers that crown the village since 1273, still in the reign of D. Afonso III, although most of its construction as a key fortification in the region of Montalegre will have elapsed during that of the settler king Dom Dinis.

There is no lack of settlements in the vast Lands of Barroso that can be seen from its battlements, Gerês mountain to the west, that of Larouco to the east and, to the north, the imminent Galicia.

With the sun already climbing the plane of the towers, we return to Casa do Castelo. From there, we point to one of the many local villages that continue to suffer from depopulation. We take the M308 road.

We will soon wind towards the west, in the company of the Alto Cávado which is born there and irrigates an eponymous reservoir from which it emerges as a mere Cávado. We pass south of Frades. From Sezelhe. From Travassos do Rio and Covelães.

The Cávado and the road continue towards Albufeira de Paradela. We stayed in Paredes do Rio. We walked along Rua da Igreja.

We spoke with Mr. Arthur, an old man we found trying to limit the drenched misadventures of the Lion, his golden retriever.

Resident Paredes-do-Rio, Barroso region, Montalegre, Portugal

Mr. Artur drives his golden retriever near the church in Paredes do Rio.

Discovering the Walls of Rio

We pass the doors of Casa da Travessa, a manor house of carved granite, when Mr. Acácio, owner of the inn and member of the Paredes de Rio Social and Cultural Association, approaches us: “Ah, you are the ones who come to visit us from Lisbon. They called us from Montalegre and told us about it.” From then on, we followed him in guided tour mode. Acácio takes us straight to the ex libris historic village, Pisão.

Several corgas flow down the slope that leads the village down towards Cávado. Always rural, in need of a driving force to process their agricultural production, the inhabitants of Paredes do Rio spared no effort. The first mill was followed by a second.

To those, others. At one point, there were already eight. In more recent times, the late Mr. Adelino Gil, who lived among the mills, secured the village with a Pisão, a water device that powered a generator, an electric saw and two huge hammers that punished wool wet in hot water, so to make it strong and waterproof.

The Multipurpose Invention of Pisão

Over the years, Pisão had different uses. The most popular continues to be the production of burel, the famous black handcrafted fabric, used in the capes, pants and collections still worn by the natives of this northern ray.

In our days, Pisão was bequeathed to the Cultural Association. The community oven in Paredes do Rio is also still operational. During the mostly cold weather in the region, it served as a House of People and socializing. It welcomed debates and discussions.

It sheltered travelers and homeless people who were allowed to spend the night in the wood-fueled heat while the bread stews. Often in batches of thirty.

Before leaving Paredes do Rio, we still had a look at the community tank. When we approach it, a small herd of cows blocks our way.

Another villager led them to the nearby drinking fountain, beneath a cornfield embellished with sunflowers. He didn't exactly follow them in the traditional way of other eras: on foot and with a hoe on his shoulder. He did this behind the wheel of a convenient little blue quad.

The Enigmatic Monastery of Santa Maria das Júnias

We return to the M308. We go back towards Montalegre. Arriving in Covelães, we turn onto the M513 that leads to Tourem and Galega Spain.

Halfway through this stretch, we cut to Pitões das Júnias and, no longer resisting the appeal of its mysticism, we went down in search of the Monastery of Santa Maria das Júnias.

We found it in the depths of a narrow valley, in the vicinity of a stream that, farther down, plunges into a waterfall at that dark hour, hidden between the cliffs.

Monastery of Santa Maria das Júnias, Pitões das Júnias, Barroso, Trás-os-Montes, Portugal

Monastery of Santa Maria das Júnias about to give way to the shade

We immediately noticed the combination of the structure's Romanesque and Gothic styles. It is believed that the monastery was built, little by little, even before the establishment of the Portuguese nation (early XNUMXth century), in place of a hermitage retreat used since the XNUMXth century.

From Medieval Origin to XNUMXth Century Ruin

At first, it was occupied by the monks of the Order of St. Benedict. In the middle of the XNUMXth century, it became Cistercience and was added to the Galician Abbey of Oseira.

Nestled in an unlikely niche, this has never turned out to be a conventional monastery. As a rule, even isolated, the monasteries used to subsist on the cultivation of groves. Instead, the monks of Junias devoted themselves to animal husbandry and herding. Even so, they prospered as much or more than other contemporary monasteries.

Over the years, the Monastery of Santa Maria das Júnias brought together more and more lands from the region of Barroso and Galicia. During this period, its relief justified several expansion and improvement works that continued into the Modern Age, until almost the middle of the XNUMXth century.

But the monastery's adventurous location imposed distinct setbacks. The stream that we heard and saw flow in the back of the building silted up and destroyed part of the added structures. In the middle of the XNUMXth century, an overwhelming fire ruined other dependencies.

Anyway, by that time, the monastery had already been abandoned. In 1834, the male religious orders were extinguished. Shortly after, the last monk of the abbey of Júnias assumed the role of parish priest of the neighboring village of Pitões.

The monastery was handed over to the valley that received it. And at the time.

ruins of the Monastery of Santa Maria das Júnias, Barroso, Trás-os-Montes, Portugal

The ruins of the Monastery of Santa Maria das Júnias, near Pitões das Júnias

Raia ex-Smuggler from Tourém

The shadow soon took hold of the thalweg and highlighted the gleaming granite ruins. We then realized that the day was running out and we dedicated what was left of it to other essential parts of Barroso.

From Pitões, we return to the M513. We point to a strange Portuguese rectangular bulge in Galicia and a border village situated almost at the top of this mapped peninsula.

We crossed the bridge over the eastern arm of the Encourage of rooms, that is what the Galicians call the dam. From there, we are at the top of the parish of Tourém and already in Galicia. Thus, we enter one of the only two exclaves in the territory of Portugal, alongside that of Mourão.

Like so many others in our border towns, in times of closed borders, Tourém prospered. It's something we notice when we walk along its long main street.

This can be seen in the abundance of homes, in the unobstructed dimensions of homes and in materials far more modern than the rough granite from other parts and, today, in a much better state of conservation.

“Tourém, was always a case apart…” explains João Dias, himself experienced in crossing borders. João emigrated early to Boston, United States. Thanks to a lot of dedication and work to match, she returned to Montalegre and managed to find financial comfort that is rare in this bordering region and, for a long time, a slave to agriculture and livestock.

From Codfish to Mattresses: merchandise for all tastes

In Tourém, with Spain beyond Salas, favored by the scarcity of various goods and a somewhat permissive fiscal guard, many villagers who still speak a miscellany of Portuguese and Galician today resorted to the only alternative financially comparable to emigration: smuggling. That's how they guided their lives.

Merchants got used to hiring merchandisers who charged upwards of 1000 escudos (5€) an hour, at that time, a real luxury.

The chosen goods formed an unusual assortment: the Portuguese mainly wanted cod and bananas. But they also ordered mattresses, oil, cows, beehives and other disparate products. The Spaniards, on the other hand, favored clothing, home textiles and televisions.

The business prospered until the borders were opened. From 1990 onwards, most of these men had to adapt to a new reality: rural life, raising cattle. In any case, almost everyone had accumulated good savings and the ever-available European funds only eased the transition.

The Elusive Garranos of the Mourela Plateau

The afternoon starts to give way to the night. We cross Tourém in the opposite direction and re-enter the green hills and valleys of the Planalto da Mourela, at an altitude of 1200m. We cross lands idolized by bird watchers who look for, among dozens of birds, the red-backed shrike. Without expecting it, the backs we saw are different.

Garranos in the Mourela Plateau, Montalegre, Barroso, Trás-os-Montes, Portugal

Garranos worried by the presence of humans in their territory of the Plateau of Mourela.

A herd of Garrano grazes on a slope lined with gorse and tender herbs. Some are black, some are a golden brown, all of them wild. At the signal of the leading stallion, they dodge our attempts to approach at a trot. They end up trotting behind a ridge.

Add to the sides of Couto Misto, a microstate that, favored by a combination of political circumstances, remained independent from Portugal, the northern kingdoms and, later, Spain, it is estimated that from the 1868th century until XNUMX .

When we got back to Montalegre, the setting sun had already washed over the castle towers and the houses of the village from which they stood out.

We re-sheltered in Casa do Castelo. We recover energy. And we resumed the prolific conversation with João Dias.

Back to Junias. Now to your Pitões

The next morning, in his company, we went off to Pitões das Júnias.

As we climb the 1100 meters that make the village one of the highest in Portugal, we see it set in its gray and tile-red granite tones, between a harmonious patch of walled plantations and the rocky cliffs of Serra do Gerês .

House of Pitões das Júnias, Montalegre, Barroso, Trás-os-Montes

Casario de Pitões das Júnias located at the foot of sharp cliffs

We enter the town on Avenida de São Rosendo and Rua Rigueiro. Arriving at Largo Eiró, João Dias meets an acquaintance. We leave them to the conversation. On our own, we continue to unveil the village which, among its approximately two hundred inhabitants, has several returned emigrants and Brazilians who, like the newcomer rural tourism, help to revive it.

It's time to point to Braga. Along the way, João Dias still takes us to Sirvozelo, another charming village, set between large rounded granite boulders. Then escort us to Ferral where one of the frequent livestock competitions takes place.

We went up to the event's precinct at the exact moment of Bênção do Gado. There we watched the priest on duty spraying with holy water Barrosã cows with the biggest horns we have ever witnessed in Portuguese cattle.

Bênção do Gado de Ferral, granite and tile houses from Pitões das Júnias, Barroso region, Trás-os-Montes

Priest sprinkles Barrosã cows with holy water during the Blessing of the Gado de Ferral

Patient owners of animals hold them by the snouts, to avoid interactions that could ruin the priest's religious passage.

Not everything goes as it's supposed to. Some of the cattle raisers complain, in a derisive way, of having been more blessed – read sprinkled – than the cows themselves. We told João Dias what happened and shared generous laughs. After which we said goodbye to Ferral, the host and Barroso.

Book Outdoor Activities and Stays in Traditional Houses in the Barroso and PN Peneda-Gerês region at:

Pico Island, The Azores

Pico Island: the Azores Volcano with the Atlantic at its Feet

By a mere volcanic whim, the youngest Azorean patch projects itself into the rock and lava apogee of Portuguese territory. The island of Pico is home to its highest and sharpest mountain. But not only. It is a testament to the resilience and ingenuity of the Azoreans who tamed this stunning island and surrounding ocean.
São Miguel, The Azores

São Miguel Island: Stunning Azores, By Nature

An immaculate biosphere that the Earth's entrails mold and soften is displayed, in São Miguel, in a panoramic format. São Miguel is the largest of the Portuguese islands. And it is a work of art of Nature and Man in the middle of the North Atlantic planted.
Santa Maria, The Azores

Santa Maria: the Azores Mother Island

It was the first in the archipelago to emerge from the bottom of the sea, the first to be discovered, the first and only to receive Cristovão Colombo and a Concorde. These are some of the attributes that make Santa Maria special. When we visit it, we find many more.
Terceira Island, The Azores

Terceira Island: Journey through a Unique Archipelago of the Azores

It was called the Island of Jesus Christ and has radiated, for a long time, the cult of the Holy Spirit. It houses Angra do Heroísmo, the oldest and most splendid city in the archipelago. These are just two examples. The attributes that make Terceira island unique are endless.
Flores Island, The Azores

The Atlantic ends of the Azores and Portugal

Where, to the west, even on the map the Americas appear remote, the Ilha das Flores is home to the ultimate Azorean idyllic-dramatic domain and almost four thousand Florians surrendered to the dazzling end-of-the-world that welcomed them.
Castro Laboreiro, Portugal  

From Castro de Laboreiro to Raia da Serra Peneda - Gerês

We arrived at (i) the eminence of Galicia, at an altitude of 1000m and even more. Castro Laboreiro and the surrounding villages stand out against the granite monumentality of the mountains and the Planalto da Peneda and Laboreiro. As do its resilient people who, sometimes handed over to Brandas and sometimes to Inverneiras, still call these stunning places home.
Sistelo, Peneda-Gerês, Portugal

From the "Little Portuguese Tibet" to the Corn Presidia

We leave the cliffs of Srª da Peneda, heading for Arcos de ValdeVez and the villages that an erroneous imaginary dubbed Little Portuguese Tibet. From these terraced villages, we pass by others famous for guarding, as golden and sacred treasures, the ears they harvest. Whimsical, the route reveals the resplendent nature and green fertility of these lands in Peneda-Gerês.
Campos do GerêsTerras de Bouro, Portugal

Through the Campos do Gerês and the Terras de Bouro

We continue on a long, zigzag tour through the domains of Peneda-Gerês and Bouro, inside and outside our only National Park. In this one of the most worshiped areas in the north of Portugal.
Porto Santo, Portugal

Praised Be the Island of Porto Santo

Discovered during a stormy sea tour, Porto Santo remains a providential shelter. Countless planes that the weather diverts from neighboring Madeira guarantee their landing there. As thousands of vacationers do every year, they surrender to the softness and immensity of the golden beach and the exuberance of the volcanic sceneries.
Pico do Arieiro - Pico Ruivo, Madeira, Portugal

Pico Arieiro to Pico Ruivo, Above a Sea of ​​Clouds

The journey begins with a resplendent dawn at 1818 m, high above the sea of ​​clouds that snuggles the Atlantic. This is followed by a winding, ups and downs walk that ends on the lush insular summit of Pico Ruivo, 1861 meters away.
Paul do Mar a Ponta do Pargo a Achadas da Cruz, Madeira, Portugal

Discovering the Madeira Finisterre

Curve after curve, tunnel after tunnel, we arrive at the sunny and festive south of Paul do Mar. We get goosebumps with the descent to the vertiginous retreat of Achadas da Cruz. We ascend again and marvel at the final cape of Ponta do Pargo. All this, in the western reaches of Madeira.
Terra Chã and Pico Branco footpaths, Porto Santo

Pico Branco, Terra Chã and Other Whims of the Golden Island

In its northeast corner, Porto Santo is another thing. With its back facing south and its large beach, we unveil a mountainous, rugged and even wooded coastline, dotted with islets that dot an even bluer Atlantic.
Graciosa, The Azores

Her Grace the Graciosa

Finally, we will disembark in Graciosa, our ninth island in the Azores. Even if less dramatic and verdant than its neighbors, Graciosa preserves an Atlantic charm that is its own. Those who have the privilege of living it, take from this island of the central group an esteem that remains forever.
Corvo, The Azores

The Unlikely Atlantic Shelter on Corvo Island

17 km2 of a volcano sunk in a verdant caldera. A solitary village based on a fajã. Four hundred and thirty souls snuggled by the smallness of their land and the glimpse of their neighbor Flores. Welcome to the most fearless of the Azorean islands.
São Jorge, The Azores

From Fajã to Fajã

In the Azores, strips of habitable land at the foot of large cliffs abound. No other island has as many fajãs as the more than 70 in the slender and elevated São Jorge. It was in them that the jorgenses settled. Their busy Atlantic lives rest on them.
Funchal, Madeira

Portal to a Nearly Tropical Portugal

Madeira is located less than 1000km north of the Tropic of Cancer. And the luxuriant exuberance that earned it the nickname of the garden island of the Atlantic can be seen in every corner of its steep capital.
Ponta de Sao Lourenco, Madeira, Portugal

The Eastern, Somehow Extraterrestrial, Madeira Tip

Unusual, with ocher tones and raw earth, Ponta de São Lourenço is often the first sight of Madeira. When we walk through it, we are fascinated, above all, with what the most tropical of the Portuguese islands is not.
Vale das Furnas, São Miguel

The Azorean Heat of Vale das Furnas

We were surprised, on the biggest island of the Azores, with a caldera cut by small farms, massive and deep to the point of sheltering two volcanoes, a huge lagoon and almost two thousand people from São Miguel. Few places in the archipelago are, at the same time, as grand and welcoming as the green and steaming Vale das Furnas.
Ilhéu de Cima, Porto Santo, Portugal

The First Light of Who Navigates From Above

It is part of the group of six islets around the island of Porto Santo, but it is far from being just one more. Even though it is the eastern threshold of the Madeira archipelago, it is the island closest to Portosantenses. At night, it also makes the fanal that confirms the right course for ships coming from Europe.
Pico Island, The Azores

The Island East of the Pico Mountain

As a rule, whoever arrives at Pico disembarks on its western side, with the volcano (2351m) blocking the view on the opposite side. Behind Pico Mountain, there is a whole long and dazzling “east” of the island that takes time to unravel.
Believers greet each other in the Bukhara region.
Bukhara, Uzbequistan

Among the Minarets of Old Turkestan

Situated on the ancient Silk Road, Bukhara has developed for at least two thousand years as an essential commercial, cultural and religious hub in Central Asia. It was Buddhist and then Muslim. It was part of the great Arab empire and that of Genghis Khan, the Turko-Mongol kingdoms and the Soviet Union, until it settled in the still young and peculiar Uzbekistan.
Host Wezi points out something in the distance
Cobue; Nkwichi Lodge, Mozambique

The Hidden Mozambique of the Creaking Sands

During a tour from the bottom to the top of Lake Malawi, we find ourselves on the island of Likoma, an hour by boat from Nkwichi Lodge, the solitary base of this inland coast of Mozambique. On the Mozambican side, the lake is known as Niassa. Whatever its name, there we discover some of the most stunning and unspoilt scenery in south-east Africa.
Masai Mara Reservation, Masai Land Travel, Kenya, Masai Convivial
Masai Mara, Kenya

A Journey Through the Masai Lands

The Mara savannah became famous for the confrontation between millions of herbivores and their predators. But, in a reckless communion with wildlife, it is the Masai humans who stand out there.
Annapurna Circuit, Manang to Yak-kharka
Annapurna (circuit)
Annapurna 10th Circuit: Manang to Yak Kharka, Nepal

On the way to the Annapurnas Even Higher Lands

After an acclimatization break in the near-urban civilization of Manang (3519 m), we made progress again in the ascent to the zenith of Thorong La (5416 m). On that day, we reached the hamlet of Yak Kharka, at 4018 m, a good starting point for the camps at the base of the great canyon.
Architecture & Design
Castles and Fortresses

A Defending World: Castles and Fortresses that Resist

Under threat from enemies from the end of time, the leaders of villages and nations built castles and fortresses. All over the place, military monuments like these continue to resist.

Mountains of Fire

More or less prominent ruptures in the earth's crust, volcanoes can prove to be as exuberant as they are capricious. Some of its eruptions are gentle, others prove annihilating.
Ceremonies and Festivities
Pueblos del Sur, Venezuela

The Pueblos del Sur Locainas, Their Dances and Co.

From the beginning of the XNUMXth century, with Hispanic settlers and, more recently, with Portuguese emigrants, customs and traditions well known in the Iberian Peninsula and, in particular, in northern Portugal, were consolidated in the Pueblos del Sur.
La Paz, Baja California, corner of the capital, with El Quinto Sol
La Paz , Baja California Sur, Mexico

In the Peace of the Gulf of California

Los Cabos and the bottom of the long peninsula are home to most of the resorts and Gringos. La Paz receives its own, but remains the great genuine city of Baja California, with a desert and marine environment that is one of the most exuberant in Mexico.
Lunch time

A Market Economy

The law of supply and demand dictates their proliferation. Generic or specific, covered or open air, these spaces dedicated to buying, selling and exchanging are expressions of life and financial health.
Tabatô, Guinea Bissau, tabanca Mandingo musicians. Baidi
Tabato, Guinea Bissau

The Tabanca of Mandinga Poets Musicians

In 1870, a community of traveling Mandingo musicians settled next to the current city of Bafatá. From the Tabatô they founded, their culture and, in particular, their prodigious balaphonists, dazzle the world.
Swimming, Western Australia, Aussie Style, Sun rising in the eyes
Busselton, Australia

2000 meters in Aussie Style

In 1853, Busselton was equipped with one of the longest pontoons in the world. World. When the structure collapsed, the residents decided to turn the problem around. Since 1996 they have been doing it every year. Swimming.
DMZ, South Korea, Line of no return
DMZ, Dora - South Korea

The Line of No Return

A nation and thousands of families were divided by the armistice in the Korean War. Today, as curious tourists visit the DMZ, many of the escapes of the oppressed North Koreans end in tragedy.
Intha rowers on a channel of Lake Inlé
Inle Lake, Myanmar

The Dazzling Lakustrine Burma

With an area of ​​116km2, Inle Lake is the second largest lake in Myanmar. It's much more than that. The ethnic diversity of its population, the profusion of Buddhist temples and the exoticism of local life make it an unmissable stronghold of Southeast Asia.
View of Fa Island, Tonga, Last Polynesian Monarchy
Got2Globe Photo Portfolio
Got2Globe Portfolio

Exotic Signs of Life

tarsio, bohol, philippines, out of this world
Bohol, Philippines

Other-wordly Philippines

The Philippine archipelago spans 300.000 km² of the Pacific Ocean. Part of the Visayas sub-archipelago, Bohol is home to small alien-looking primates and the extraterrestrial hills of the Chocolate Hills.
Cable car Achadas da Cruz to Quebrada Nova, Madeira Island, Portugal
Paul do Mar a Ponta do Pargo a Achadas da Cruz, Madeira, Portugal

Discovering the Madeira Finisterre

Curve after curve, tunnel after tunnel, we arrive at the sunny and festive south of Paul do Mar. We get goosebumps with the descent to the vertiginous retreat of Achadas da Cruz. We ascend again and marvel at the final cape of Ponta do Pargo. All this, in the western reaches of Madeira.
Reindeer Racing, Kings Cup, Inari, Finland
Winter White
Inari, Finland

The Wackiest Race on the Top of the World

Finland's Lapps have been competing in the tow of their reindeer for centuries. In the final of the Kings Cup - Porokuninkuusajot - , they face each other at great speed, well above the Arctic Circle and well below zero.
shadow vs light
Kyoto, Japan

The Kyoto Temple Reborn from the Ashes

The Golden Pavilion has been spared destruction several times throughout history, including that of US-dropped bombs, but it did not withstand the mental disturbance of Hayashi Yoken. When we admired him, he looked like never before.
Argentinean flag on the Perito Moreno-Argentina lake-glacier
Perito Moreno Glacier, Argentina

The Resisting Glacier

Warming is supposedly global, but not everywhere. In Patagonia, some rivers of ice resist. From time to time, the advance of the Perito Moreno causes landslides that bring Argentina to a halt.
Mother Armenia Statue, Yerevan, Armenia
Yerevan, Armenia

A Capital between East and West

Heiress of the Soviet civilization, aligned with the great Russia, Armenia allows itself to be seduced by the most democratic and sophisticated ways of Western Europe. In recent times, the two worlds have collided in the streets of your capital. From popular and political dispute, Yerevan will dictate the new course of the nation.
Praslin Island, Cocos from the Sea, Seychelles, Eden Cove
Natural Parks

Praslin, Seychelles


The Eden of the Enigmatic Coco-de-Mer

For centuries, Arab and European sailors believed that the largest seed in the world, which they found on the coasts of the Indian Ocean in the shape of a woman's voluptuous hips, came from a mythical tree at the bottom of the oceans. The sensual island that always generated them left us ecstatic.
Maksim, Sami people, Inari, Finland-2
UNESCO World Heritage
Inari, Finland

The Guardians of Boreal Europe

Long discriminated against by Scandinavian, Finnish and Russian settlers, the Sami people regain their autonomy and pride themselves on their nationality.
Couple visiting Mikhaylovskoe, village where writer Alexander Pushkin had a home
Saint Petersburg e Mikhaylovkoe, Russia

The Writer Who Succumbed to His Own Plot

Alexander Pushkin is hailed by many as the greatest Russian poet and the founder of modern Russian literature. But Pushkin also dictated an almost tragicomic epilogue to his prolific life.
Mangrove between Ibo and Quirimba Island-Mozambique
Ibo Island a Quirimba IslandMozambique

Ibo to Quirimba with the Tide

For centuries, the natives have traveled in and out of the mangrove between the island of Ibo and Quirimba, in the time that the overwhelming return trip from the Indian Ocean grants them. Discovering the region, intrigued by the eccentricity of the route, we follow its amphibious steps.
Mount Lamjung Kailas Himal, Nepal, altitude sickness, mountain prevent treat, travel
Annapurna Circuit: 2th - Chame a Upper BananaNepal

(I) Eminent Annapurnas

We woke up in Chame, still below 3000m. There we saw, for the first time, the snowy and highest peaks of the Himalayas. From there, we set off for another walk along the Annapurna Circuit through the foothills and slopes of the great mountain range. towards Upper Banana.
Back in the sun. San Francisco Cable Cars, Life Ups and Downs
On Rails
San Francisco, USA

San Francisco Cable Cars: A Life of Highs and Lows

A macabre wagon accident inspired the San Francisco cable car saga. Today, these relics work as a charm operation in the city of fog, but they also have their risks.
city ​​hall, capital, oslo, norway
Oslo, Norway

An Overcapitalized Capital

One of Norway's problems has been deciding how to invest the billions of euros from its record-breaking sovereign wealth fund. But even immoderate resources don't save Oslo from its social inconsistencies.
Daily life
Arduous Professions

the bread the devil kneaded

Work is essential to most lives. But, certain jobs impose a degree of effort, monotony or danger that only a few chosen ones can measure up to.
Juvenile lions on a sandy arm of the Shire River
Liwonde National Park, Malawi

The Prodigious Resuscitation of Liwonde NP

For a long time, widespread neglect and widespread poaching had plagued this wildlife reserve. In 2015, African Parks stepped in. Soon, also benefiting from the abundant water of Lake Malombe and the Shire River, Liwonde National Park became one of the most vibrant and lush parks in Malawi.
Passengers, scenic flights-Southern Alps, New Zealand
Scenic Flights
Aoraki / Mount Cook, New Zealand

The Aeronautical Conquest of the Southern Alps

In 1955, pilot Harry Wigley created a system for taking off and landing on asphalt or snow. Since then, his company has unveiled, from the air, some of the greatest scenery in Oceania.