Meghalaya, India

The Bridges of the Peoples that Create Roots

Jingkieng Wahsurah
Another bridge from Nongblai's roots that crosses the river on the banks of the village just above a waterfall.
Almost in home
A young man from Nongriat descends a staircase, loaded, about to reach his village.
a dark rest
Chief Longneh Khong Sni's family in the room of his tiny stilt house in Nongblai village.
Jingkieng Wahlangseng
Chief Longneh Khong Sni with two of his sons over one of the bridges in the village of Nongblai
the betel nut
The yellowish fruits that are addictive and stimulate a good part of the population of Meghalaya, India and Asia.
The highest waterfall in India at 350 meters. It plunges into a huge drop in the Shillong plateau, Khasi Hills.
Tyrna village
Village of the Khasi Hills above Nongriat, downstream from the base of the Nohkalikai waterfall.
motherly laugh
A woman plays with her son in the main market of Cherrapunjee, or Sohra as the Khasi people call this town.
peace pipe
Nongblai Longneh Khong Sni chief smokes a pipe over the Jingkieng Wahlangseng Root Bridge.
on the way to the other side
Nongblai children cross the curved bridge of Wahsurah.
on the perch
Alarm clocks recharge for late-night service.
the half-slope
A resident of Nomblai on a shady stretch of the village's long climb to the top of the valley in which it is located.
photo of the photo
Morning Star guide stops for a photo on the way down to Nongblai.
vice palms
Betel nut palm forest, consumed in large quantities in Meghalaya and also in Nongblai.
almost night in the mountains
Sunset ends another productive day in Nongblai at around 17pm.
The unpredictability of rivers in the wettest region on Earth never deterred the Khasi and the Jaintia. Faced with the abundance of trees elastic fig tree in their valleys, these ethnic groups got used to molding their branches and strains. From their time-lost tradition, they have bequeathed hundreds of dazzling root bridges to future generations.

It was far from the reality of Christmas days that we pass by: sunny during the day, cooler after sunset, but dry. The province of Meghalaya, which translates as “abode of clouds”, is by far the wettest in India.

It has several villages in the top 10 of the world's rainfall. Of them, Cherrapunjee and Mawsynram boast numbers in the order of 25.000 mm annually. They compete for the absolute record against each other and with other Colombian towns.

As a rule, when May arrives, the heat generates intense evaporation from the Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal. Moisture-laden clouds are pushed over the subcontinent by southerly winds. The higher the nearby land, the more rain it provides.

Now Meghalaya occupies the plateau above the alluvial Bangladesh, a few kilometers from the coast of the Bay of Bengal. We soon noticed the rupture in the landscape between the two regions.

We were based in Shillong, the state capital. From there we left morning after morning heading south. On one of these journeys, we left with Cherrapunjee as our final destination.

A lot of twists and turns through hills and valleys later, Gus and Don, the driver and guide who helped us discover the province, brought the car to a halt at the edge of a horseshoe-shaped cliff lined with vendors. As soon as we approached the cliff, we realized how the scenery and the different views we had seen before mirrored the contrast between the two weather times of the year.

A distant waterfall – by the way the highest in India, at 340 meters – falls from the forested top of the plateau into a lagoon between green and blue.

Nohkalikai Waterfalls, Meghalaya, India

The highest waterfall in India at 350 meters. It plunges into a huge drop in the Shillong plateau, Khasi Hills.

The Impressive Nokhalikai, or Seven Sisters Falls

Its English-speaking name, Seven Sisters Falls, alludes to the fact that, in the rainy season, the jump we saw there multiplied by seven, each representing one of the states of the distinct North-East India: Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Tripura, Nagaland, Manipur , Meghalaya and Mizoram.

In the middle of the more-than-soggy monsoon phase, clouds fill the natural amphitheater at the foot. They also invade and irrigate most of the lush, rugged area above the Nohkalikai, the Khasi (local dialect) name for the waterfall, inspired by a legend involving Likai, a local woman, her son, husband and familiar cannibalism. In such a macabre way that we refuse to go into detail.

On really rainy days, more than a sequence of vertical torrents, the Nohkalikai come from every groove in the relief. They become a fluvial list hidden by the mist that always hangs there.

After the final chuáa of the impact on the rocks at the base, its flows continue, full, towards the Bangladesh's sandy plains. Along the way, they pass a series of self-degraded Khasi and Jaintia villages deep in the valleys.

Tyrna Village, Meghalaya, India

Village of the Khasi Hills above Nongriat, downstream from the base of the Nohkalikai waterfall.

Peoples of the Deep River Valleys

A few days later, on the way back from Nongblai, one of those villages, we asked the young native guide Morning Star Kongthaw what had caused people to inhabit such painfully accessible places. Morning Star hardly adorns the explanation: “Centuries ago, survival wasn't like it is today. Families had to find reliable food sources.

The rivers flowed down there. In addition to guaranteeing them fish and other animals, they allowed the cultivation of vegetables and fruits. For people, tiredness had little meaning compared to having their lives assured. For many, it's still like that.”

Nomblai resident on staircase, Meghalaya, India

A resident of Nomblai on a shady stretch of the village's long climb to the top of the valley in which it is located.

Two ethnic groups in particular occupied the fertile riverside corners of Meghalaya. They were the Khasi and the Pnar, or Jaintia, both matrilineal and that the British missionaries converted to the point where the Khasi and the Pnar formed, in Meghalaya, the most Christian and possibly less “Indian” state in India, where people share a notion of individual space and modesty towards others, uncommon in the subcontinent.

As we explored it, Meghalaya kept surrendering to intense christmas celebrations, as no other Indian state did.

When they settled at the bottom of the valleys of the Khasi Mountains, both the Khasi and the Pnar had to learn to obtain food from the streams and its banks. But not only. They were forced to anticipate the huge seasonal fluctuations in the volume of rivers and the room for maneuver to safeguard their homes and crops.

Bétele Palms in Nongblai, Meghalaya, India

Betel nut palm forest, consumed in large quantities in Meghalaya and also in Nongblai.

The Roots Bridges of Nongblai and So Many Other Villages

The other question requiring the best of your ingenuity was how to guarantee the crossing of the increased flows. The solution they came up with excelled in an astonishing organic pragmatism, much more moldable and resistant to raging torrents than steel and concrete, and virtually free of charge.

Now that tourism has arrived everywhere and knocked on their door, it fascinates the rest of the world. In many cases, it also represents a fruitful livelihood.

We began the incursion into Nongblai, this time led by Saddam, a Hindu chauffeur, more than a peculiar, tragicomic one. We picked up Morning Star a few kilometers from the beginning of the long staircase we had to walk.

For a good hour, we descend the high, uneven stone steps and, in shady areas, covered with slippery moss, the guide tells us that, during the rainy season, it formed a huge green carpet. At that time, we only saw the diverse vegetation that surrounded the stairs and the other side of the valley.

Access staircase to Nogriat, Meghalaya, India

Young man from Nongriat descends a staircase, loaded, about to reach his village

We are faced with only two or three villagers coming from the ascending direction, less tired than we might suppose. Finally, we saw the river's furrow and glimpsed the village's houses a few dozen meters above.

The ritual was sent to receive us by the head of the village. Morning Star even teaches us a few words in Khasi dialect – for example, the ever-helpful thank you, khublei shibun – but Longneh Khong Sni, in English, spoke nothing so all communication flowed through the guide.

Morning Star tells us that the Meghalaya tourism authorities had warned him of our visit at the last minute. As a result, the chief's family had not been able to welcome us as they would have liked.

The Providential Reception of Longneh Khong Sni

The descent had left us hungry. The hosts knew it. In agreement, they tell us to settle down on the wooden floor of the small stilt house and serve us tea, then white rice with an omelet, which we devour as if it were the most irresistible delicacy.

Chief Longneh Khong Sni at his home in Nongblai, Meghalaya, India

Chief Longneh Khong Sni's family in the room of his tiny stilt house in Nongblai village.

When the meal is over, the chef puffs on his pipe. I take the Morning Star ride and try for the first time chewing betel nut, so popular in those parts, all over India and Asia.

The taste turned out to be horrible. As if that wasn't enough, the semi-acid liquid gave me a huge cold sore. After ten minutes of accentuated salivation, I spat the reddish liquid in relief, washed my mouth and swore never again. "Just go there with the habit!" Morning Star assured me, stifling a laugh. By that time, I was convinced it was something I would never get used to.

Bethel Nut, Meghalaya, India

The yellowish fruits that are addictive and stimulate a good part of the population of Meghalaya, India and Asia.

We left the chief's home aimed at the river. It had been more than three hours since we had left the comfort of the Shillong hotel with a clear purpose in mind. An additional ten minutes of walking later, we come across the tour's superior reason for being: Jingkieng Wahlangseng.

Jingkieng Wahlangseng, the First of the Root Bridges

A massive, mossy tree bridge hugged the vast bedrock, with profuse aerial roots stretching from the thickest trunks, lined, braided, and carved to form a secure walkway. Others, younger and thinner, fell into the clear water in decorative fringes.

By intervention of the villagers of Nongblai who guide them with bamboo canes, the rubber tree (elastic fig tree) that had spawned it, had grown sideways, with powerful branches pointing in the direction where the sun crept in before disappearing behind the mountain.

We crossed it to and fro in absolute vegetal ecstasy. Meanwhile, the chief installs himself on the trunk in the company of two of his infant sons. He takes a few last breaths and is left to contemplate, in pure tranquility, the blessed scene in which he lived.

Roots Bridge, Jingkieng Wahlangseng

Chief Longneh Khong Sni with two of his sons over one of the bridges in the village of Nongblai.

"Did you like this one?" asks us Morning Star. In Meghalaya there are hundreds. It takes almost half a century to reach this size, but if no one cuts them, they just get bigger and stronger. Here, in the village, there are another five. Let's go to the next one?”.

In Search of the 2nd: Jingkieng Wahsurah

Of course we were. Too bad we don't have time to follow Morning Star for days, weeks on end, through the valleys of Meghalaya. To discover them, enjoy and cross them all, preferably in the rainy season when the landscape is even more lush and green.

Jingkieng Wahsurah, the bridge that followed, appeared in a sector of the same river cut by a large terrace and which housed a waterfall. The light entered there much less than in the area of ​​the previous bridge.

Yet, for more than a century, the elastic fig tree The resident had developed and greedily released its tentacles there. We were barely aware if the branches and roots covered by the moss belonged to one or more specimens.

Morning Star is gone. When we discovered him from the bridge, he was perched on one of the branches that extended downstream, photographing the bridge from below.

Jingkieng Wahsurah, Nongblai Village Roots Bridge, Meghalaya, India

Another bridge from Nongblai's roots that crosses the river on the banks of the village just above a waterfall.

We couldn't resist joining him along the same steep trail. To the astonishment of the village chief's children and two other newly-appeared children, little or not used to seeing strangers on such adventures.

The sun was already insinuating the southern edge of the valley and we still had two hours or more back in the highlands. Aware of the added difficulty of climbing in the dark, Morning Star urged us on.

We returned to Longneh Khong Sni's house, thanked him for the privilege of visiting the village and said goodbye to his wife and children. The chief had a meeting in the village at the top of the stairs, so he went up with us.

Roosters in Nongblai, Meghalaya, India

Alarm clocks recharge for late-night service

Back to the Meghalaya Highlands

Until more than halfway through, we completed the ascent tired but without too much complaining. From the hour and three quarters, with the pitch installed and the legs giving way to the weight of the photo backpacks and the intense wear and tear, we almost dragged ourselves to reach the last step, always encouraged by Morning Star who entertained himself to renew the promise that only five minutes to go.

We still had tea together masala at a local tea house. Finally, we climb into the car, given to Saddam's whims. We were both about to fall asleep, lulled by the curves, when we noticed that the driver had a video player installed over the steering wheel.

He saw some Bollywoodesque success as he led us down the road, which was almost always flanked by cliffs. Even so, we arrived safe and sound at Shillong. We spent the next day sore like we hadn't felt for a long time.

The beating did not deter us from repeating the dose.

Two days later, we descended (and, of course, climbed) 3000 or more excruciating steps to the depths of Nongriat. There we met and revered 180-year-old Umshiang. One of Meghalaya's amazing but rare root double bridges. Probably the most visited in the state, worthy of its own story.

Sunset over Nongblai, Meghalaya, India

Sunset ends another productive day in Nongblai at around 17pm.

The authors would like to thank the following entities for supporting this article:  Embassy of India in Lisbon; Ministry of Tourism, Government of India and Meghalaya Tourism.

They would like to thank and advise those interested in discovering this unique region of India to rely on the “native expert in Root Bridges and Meghalaya nature and culture” Morning Star Kongthaw:

Telm and Whats App: +91 80144 70908​

Facebook: MorningStar Kongthaw (Bah Morning)

Dawki, India

Dawki, Dawki, Bangladesh on sight

We descended from the high and mountainous lands of Meghalaya to the flats to the south and below. There, the translucent and green stream of the Dawki forms the border between India and Bangladesh. In a damp heat that we haven't felt for a long time, the river also attracts hundreds of Indians and Bangladeshis in a picturesque escape.
Jaisalmer, India

There's a Feast in the Thar Desert

As soon as the short winter breaks, Jaisalmer indulges in parades, camel races, and turban and mustache competitions. Its walls, alleys and surrounding dunes take on more color than ever. During the three days of the event, natives and outsiders watch, dazzled, as the vast and inhospitable Thar finally shines through.
Goa, India

The Last Gasp of the Goan Portugality

The prominent city of Goa already justified the title of “rome of the east” when, in the middle of the XNUMXth century, epidemics of malaria and cholera led to its abandonment. The New Goa (Pangim) for which it was exchanged became the administrative seat of Portuguese India but was annexed by the Indian Union of post-independence. In both, time and neglect are ailments that now make the Portuguese colonial legacy wither.
Tawang, India

The Mystic Valley of Deep Discord

On the northern edge of the Indian province of Arunachal Pradesh, Tawang is home to dramatic mountain scenery, ethnic Mompa villages and majestic Buddhist monasteries. Even if Chinese rivals have not passed him since 1962, Beijing look at this domain as part of your Tibet. Accordingly, religiosity and spiritualism there have long shared with a strong militarism.
Guwahati, India

The City that Worships Kamakhya and the Fertility

Guwahati is the largest city in the state of Assam and in North East India. It is also one of the fastest growing in the world. For Hindus and devout believers in Tantra, it will be no coincidence that Kamakhya, the mother goddess of creation, is worshiped there.
Dooars India

At the Gates of the Himalayas

We arrived at the northern threshold of West Bengal. The subcontinent gives way to a vast alluvial plain filled with tea plantations, jungle, rivers that the monsoon overflows over endless rice fields and villages bursting at the seams. On the verge of the greatest of the mountain ranges and the mountainous kingdom of Bhutan, for obvious British colonial influence, India treats this stunning region by Dooars.
Gangtok, India

An Hillside Life

Gangtok it is the capital of Sikkim, an ancient kingdom in the Himalayas section of the Silk Road, which became an Indian province in 1975. The city is balanced on a slope, facing Kanchenjunga, the third highest elevation in the world that many natives believe shelters a paradise valley of Immortality. Their steep and strenuous Buddhist existence aims, there, or elsewhere, to achieve it.
Morondava, Avenue of Baobabs, Madagascar

The Malagasy Way to Dazzle

Out of nowhere, a colony of baobab trees 30 meters high and 800 years old flanks a section of the clayey and ocher road parallel to the Mozambique Channel and the fishing coast of Morondava. The natives consider these colossal trees the mothers of their forest. Travelers venerate them as a kind of initiatory corridor.
Ooty, India

In Bollywood's Nearly Ideal Setting

The conflict with Pakistan and the threat of terrorism made filming in Kashmir and Uttar Pradesh a drama. In Ooty, we see how this former British colonial station took the lead.
Goa, India

To Goa, Quickly and in Strength

A sudden longing for Indo-Portuguese tropical heritage makes us travel in various transports but almost non-stop, from Lisbon to the famous Anjuna beach. Only there, at great cost, were we able to rest.

Hampi, India

Voyage to the Ancient Kingdom of Bisnaga

In 1565, the Hindu empire of Vijayanagar succumbed to enemy attacks. 45 years before, he had already been the victim of the Portugueseization of his name by two Portuguese adventurers who revealed him to the West.

Shillong, India

A Christmas Selfiestan at an India Christian Stronghold

December arrives. With a largely Christian population, the state of Meghalaya synchronizes its Nativity with that of the West and clashes with the overcrowded Hindu and Muslim subcontinent. Shillong, the capital, shines with faith, happiness, jingle bells and bright lighting. To dazzle Indian holidaymakers from other parts and creeds.
Siliguri a Darjeeling, India

The Himalayan Toy Train Still Running

Neither the steep slope of some stretches nor the modernity stop it. From Siliguri, in the tropical foothills of the great Asian mountain range, the Darjeeling, with its peaks in sight, the most famous of the Indian Toy Trains has ensured for 117 years, day after day, an arduous dream journey. Traveling through the area, we climb aboard and let ourselves be enchanted.
Maguri Bill, India

A Wetland in the Far East of India

The Maguri Bill occupies an amphibious area in the Assamese vicinity of the river Brahmaputra. It is praised as an incredible habitat especially for birds. When we navigate it in gondola mode, we are faced with much (but much) more life than just the asada.
Jaisalmer, India

The Life Withstanding in the Golden Fort of Jaisalmer

The Jaisalmer fortress was erected from 1156 onwards by order of Rawal Jaisal, ruler of a powerful clan from the now Indian reaches of the Thar Desert. More than eight centuries later, despite continued pressure from tourism, they share the vast and intricate interior of the last of India's inhabited forts, almost four thousand descendants of the original inhabitants.
Guwahati a Saddle Pass, India

A Worldly Journey to the Sacred Canyon of Sela

For 25 hours, we traveled the NH13, one of the highest and most dangerous roads in India. We traveled from the Brahmaputra river basin to the disputed Himalayas of the province of Arunachal Pradesh. In this article, we describe the stretch up to 4170 m of altitude of the Sela Pass that pointed us to the Tibetan Buddhist city of Tawang.
PN Kaziranga, India

The Indian Monoceros Stronghold

Situated in the state of Assam, south of the great Brahmaputra river, PN Kaziranga occupies a vast area of ​​alluvial swamp. Two-thirds of the rhinocerus unicornis around the world, there are around 100 tigers, 1200 elephants and many other animals. Pressured by human proximity and the inevitable poaching, this precious park has not been able to protect itself from the hyperbolic floods of the monsoons and from some controversies.
Majuli Island, India

An Island in Countdown

Majuli is the largest river island in India and would still be one of the largest on Earth were it not for the erosion of the river Bramaputra that has been making it diminish for centuries. If, as feared, it is submerged within twenty years, more than an island, a truly mystical cultural and landscape stronghold of the Subcontinent will disappear.
Chandor, Goa, India

A True Goan-Portuguese House

A mansion with Portuguese architectural influence, Casa Menezes Bragança, stands out from the houses of Chandor, in Goa. It forms a legacy of one of the most powerful families in the former province. Both from its rise in a strategic alliance with the Portuguese administration and from the later Goan nationalism.
Believers greet each other in the Bukhara region.
Bukhara, Uzbequistan

Among the Minarets of Old Turkestan

Situated on the ancient Silk Road, Bukhara has developed for at least two thousand years as an essential commercial, cultural and religious hub in Central Asia. It was Buddhist and then Muslim. It was part of the great Arab empire and that of Genghis Khan, the Turko-Mongol kingdoms and the Soviet Union, until it settled in the still young and peculiar Uzbekistan.
Host Wezi points out something in the distance
Cobue; Nkwichi Lodge, Mozambique

The Hidden Mozambique of the Creaking Sands

During a tour from the bottom to the top of Lake Malawi, we find ourselves on the island of Likoma, an hour by boat from Nkwichi Lodge, the solitary base of this inland coast of Mozambique. On the Mozambican side, the lake is known as Niassa. Whatever its name, there we discover some of the most stunning and unspoilt scenery in south-east Africa.
Rhinoceros, PN Kaziranga, Assam, India
PN Kaziranga, India

The Indian Monoceros Stronghold

Situated in the state of Assam, south of the great Brahmaputra river, PN Kaziranga occupies a vast area of ​​alluvial swamp. Two-thirds of the rhinocerus unicornis around the world, there are around 100 tigers, 1200 elephants and many other animals. Pressured by human proximity and the inevitable poaching, this precious park has not been able to protect itself from the hyperbolic floods of the monsoons and from some controversies.
Yak Kharka to Thorong Phedi, Annapurna Circuit, Nepal, Yaks
Annapurna (circuit)
Annapurna Circuit 11th: yak karkha a Thorong Phedi, Nepal

Arrival to the Foot of the Canyon

In just over 6km, we climbed from 4018m to 4450m, at the base of Thorong La canyon. Along the way, we questioned if what we felt were the first problems of Altitude Evil. It was never more than a false alarm.
Sculptural Garden, Edward James, Xilitla, Huasteca Potosina, San Luis Potosi, Mexico, Cobra dos Pecados
Architecture & Design
Xilitla, San Luis Potosí, Mexico

Edward James' Mexican Delirium

In the rainforest of Xilitla, the restless mind of poet Edward James has twinned an eccentric home garden. Today, Xilitla is lauded as an Eden of the Surreal.
Full Dog Mushing
Seward, Alaska

The Alaskan Dog Mushing Summer

It's almost 30 degrees and the glaciers are melting. In Alaska, entrepreneurs have little time to get rich. Until the end of August, dog mushing cannot stop.
portfolio, Got2Globe, Travel photography, images, best photographs, travel photos, world, Earth
Ceremonies and Festivities
Cape Coast, Ghana

The Divine Purification Festival

The story goes that, once, a plague devastated the population of Cape Coast of today Ghana. Only the prayers of the survivors and the cleansing of evil carried out by the gods will have put an end to the scourge. Since then, the natives have returned the blessing of the 77 deities of the traditional Oguaa region with the frenzied Fetu Afahye festival.
Tiredness in shades of green
Suzdal, Russia

The Suzdal Cucumber Celebrations

With summer and warm weather, the Russian city of Suzdal relaxes from its ancient religious orthodoxy. The old town is also famous for having the best cucumbers in the nation. When July arrives, it turns the newly harvested into a real festival.
Tsukiji fish market, Tokyo, Japan
Lunch time
Tokyo, Japan

The Fish Market That Lost its Freshness

In a year, each Japanese eats more than their weight in fish and shellfish. Since 1935, a considerable part was processed and sold in the largest fish market in the world. Tsukiji was terminated in October 2018, and replaced by Toyosu's.
Conversation between photocopies, Inari, Babel Parliament of the Sami Lapland Nation, Finland
Inari, Finland

The Babel Parliament of the Sami Nation

The Sami Nation comprises four countries, which ingest into the lives of their peoples. In the parliament of Inari, in various dialects, the Sami govern themselves as they can.
4th of July Fireworks-Seward, Alaska, United States
Seward, Alaska

The Longest 4th of July

The independence of the United States is celebrated, in Seward, Alaska, in a modest way. Even so, the 4th of July and its celebration seem to have no end.
DMZ, South Korea, Line of no return
DMZ, Dora - South Korea

The Line of No Return

A nation and thousands of families were divided by the armistice in the Korean War. Today, as curious tourists visit the DMZ, many of the escapes of the oppressed North Koreans end in tragedy.
Maksim, Sami people, Inari, Finland-2
Inari, Finland

The Guardians of Boreal Europe

Long discriminated against by Scandinavian, Finnish and Russian settlers, the Sami people regain their autonomy and pride themselves on their nationality.
Rainbow in the Grand Canyon, an example of prodigious photographic light
Got2Globe Photo Portfolio
Natural Light (Part 1)

And Light was made on Earth. Know how to use it.

The theme of light in photography is inexhaustible. In this article, we give you some basic notions about your behavior, to start with, just and only in terms of geolocation, the time of day and the time of year.
Viti levu, Fiji

The Unlikely Sharing of Viti Levu Island

In the heart of the South Pacific, a large community of Indian descendants recruited by former British settlers and the Melanesian indigenous population have long divided the chief island of Fiji.
Asparagus, Sal Island, Cape Verde
island of salt, Cape Verde

The Salt of the Island of Sal

At the approach of the XNUMXth century, Sal remained lacking in drinking water and practically uninhabited. Until the extraction and export of the abundant salt there encouraged a progressive population. Today, salt and salt pans add another flavor to the most visited island in Cape Verde.
Northern Lights, Laponia, Rovaniemi, Finland, Fire Fox
Winter White
Lapland, Finland

In Search of the Fire Fox

Unique to the heights of the Earth are the northern or southern auroras, light phenomena generated by solar explosions. You Sami natives from Lapland they believed it to be a fiery fox that spread sparkles in the sky. Whatever they are, not even the nearly 30 degrees below zero that were felt in the far north of Finland could deter us from admiring them.
Lake Manyara, National Park, Ernest Hemingway, Giraffes
Lake Manyara NP, Tanzania

Hemingway's Favorite Africa

Situated on the western edge of the Rift Valley, Lake Manyara National Park is one of the smallest but charming and richest in Europe. wild life of Tanzania. In 1933, between hunting and literary discussions, Ernest Hemingway dedicated a month of his troubled life to him. He narrated those adventurous safari days in “The Green Hills of Africa".
Homer, Alaska, Kachemak Bay
Anchorage to Homer, USA

Journey to the End of the Alaskan Road

If Anchorage became the great city of the 49th US state, Homer, 350km away, is its most famous dead end. Veterans of these parts consider this strange tongue of land sacred ground. They also venerate the fact that, from there, they cannot continue anywhere.
Sheki, Autumn in the Caucasus, Azerbaijan, Autumn Homes
Sheki, Azerbaijan

autumn in the caucasus

Lost among the snowy mountains that separate Europe from Asia, Sheki is one of Azerbaijan's most iconic towns. Its largely silky history includes periods of great harshness. When we visited it, autumn pastels added color to a peculiar post-Soviet and Muslim life.
Natural Parks

icy blue planet

They form at high latitudes and/or altitudes. In Alaska or New Zealand, Argentina or Chile, rivers of ice are always stunning visions of an Earth as frigid as it is inhospitable.
Museum of Petroleum, Stavanger, Norway
UNESCO World Heritage
Stavanger, Norway

The Motor City of Norway

The abundance of offshore oil and natural gas and the headquarters of the companies in charge of exploiting them have promoted Stavanger from the Norwegian energy capital preserve. Even so, this city didn't conform. With a prolific historical legacy, at the gates of a majestic fjord, cosmopolitan Stavanger has long propelled the Land of the Midnight Sun.
Earp brothers look-alikes and friend Doc Holliday in Tombstone, USA
tombstone, USA

Tombstone: the City Too Hard to Die

Silver veins discovered at the end of the XNUMXth century made Tombstone a prosperous and conflictive mining center on the frontier of the United States to Mexico. Lawrence Kasdan, Kurt Russell, Kevin Costner and other Hollywood directors and actors made famous the Earp brothers and the bloodthirsty duel of “OK Corral”. The Tombstone, which, over time, has claimed so many lives, is about to last.
Cahuita, Costa Rica, Caribbean, beach
Cahuita, Costa Rica

An Adult Return to Cahuita

During a backpacking tour of Costa Rica in 2003, the Caribbean warmth of Cahuita delights us. In 2021, after 18 years, we return. In addition to an expected, but contained modernization and hispanization of the town, little else had changed.
Newar celebration, Bhaktapur, Nepal
Bhaktapur, Nepal

The Nepalese Masks of Life

The Newar Indigenous People of the Kathmandu Valley attach great importance to the Hindu and Buddhist religiosity that unites them with each other and with the Earth. Accordingly, he blesses their rites of passage with newar dances of men masked as deities. Even if repeated long ago from birth to reincarnation, these ancestral dances do not elude modernity and begin to see an end.
The Toy Train story
On Rails
Siliguri a Darjeeling, India

The Himalayan Toy Train Still Running

Neither the steep slope of some stretches nor the modernity stop it. From Siliguri, in the tropical foothills of the great Asian mountain range, the Darjeeling, with its peaks in sight, the most famous of the Indian Toy Trains has ensured for 117 years, day after day, an arduous dream journey. Traveling through the area, we climb aboard and let ourselves be enchanted.
Merida cable car, Renovation, Venezuela, altitude sickness, mountain prevent to treat, travel
Mérida, Venezuela

The Vertiginous Renovation of the World's Highest Cable Car

Underway from 2010, the rebuilding of the Mérida cable car was carried out in the Sierra Nevada by intrepid workers who suffered firsthand the magnitude of the work.
Busy intersection of Tokyo, Japan
Daily life
Tokyo, Japan

The Endless Night of the Rising Sun Capital

Say that Tokyo do not sleep is an understatement. In one of the largest and most sophisticated cities on the face of the Earth, twilight marks only the renewal of the frenetic daily life. And there are millions of souls that either find no place in the sun, or make more sense in the “dark” and obscure turns that follow.
Gandoca Manzanillo Refuge, Bahia
Gandoca-Manzanillo (Wildlife Refuge), Costa Rica

The Caribbean Hideaway of Gandoca-Manzanillo

At the bottom of its southeastern coast, on the outskirts of Panama, the “Tica” nation protects a patch of jungle, swamps and the Caribbean Sea. As well as a providential wildlife refuge, Gandoca-Manzanillo is a stunning tropical Eden.
The Sounds, Fiordland National Park, New Zealand
Scenic Flights
Fiordland, New Zealand

The Fjords of the Antipodes

A geological quirk made the Fiordland region the rawest and most imposing in New Zealand. Year after year, many thousands of visitors worship the sub-domain slashed between Te Anau and Milford Sound.