Marinduque, Philippines

The Philippine Passion of Christ

Antipos (self-flagellators) bleed after they cut themselves in the tropical surroundings of a Gasan cemetery.
Living in a cemetery
Another group of bloodied antipos on graves in Gasan's cemetery.
Faithful hold the litter with an illuminated statue of the Virgin Mary.
A poppy (a woman who lost her child) lurks under a vegetable veil.
old conviviality
Antipos scour off near tombs in Gasan Cemetery.
faith meeting
Families from the island of Marinduque meet at the cemetery of Gasan, one of the main settlements on the island.
Christian blood
Flagellator injures an arm to produce more blood.
body of Christ
Believers accompany a walk in which the representation of the body of Christ follows.
sudden weakness
Flagellator faints among other antipos.
sisters tour
Nuns aboard a jeepney during Holy Week in Marinduque.
Final procession
Residents watch the late-day Catholic procession from their balcony in Gasan.
flagellation on flagellation
Antipo continues to injure one of his arms to keep the blood flowing and thus prolong his sentence.
Mourning Mothers
The faithful involve a procession of poppies in the center of Gasan.
Solidary flagellation
One of the flagellators inflicts razor cuts on the legs of fellows in a moment of group flagellation
Religious procession on a road near Gasan.
No nation around is Catholic but many Filipinos are not intimidated. In Holy Week, they surrender to the belief inherited from the Spanish colonists. Self-flagellation becomes a bloody test of faith

In these parts, summer lasts all year round but festivals are rarely music.

The weekend is in sight. The night sets in and the Morion Park & ​​Arena de Boac welcomes a crowd eager for fun.

The food, beverage and craft stalls start by retaining and entertaining guests. They are highly sponsored by the São Miguel beer corporation, created in 1890 in a homonymous neighborhood in Manila. not in the country brother, as we also thought.

However, the animators apologize in Tagalog (the Philippine dialect). As they explain to us, for interrupting a national pop hit that made the old loudspeakers and the people vibrate. Even diffused, the sound starts again coming from a semi-lit stage above the fence.

The change provokes a small mass migration that the authorities are forced to control. With effort, the agents distribute people to the neighboring benches while preventing them from passing to a cemented field and to the base of the Roman plaster columns that decorate it.

Gerry Jamilla, our guide, hastily finished his halo halo, a popular Filipino dessert made from ice cream, jelly, condensed milk, beans and pieces of fruit.

It helps us to get a good position among the people and warns us that we cannot get up too high so as not to generate unwanted shadows.

Then add yourself to the confusion.

One of the Biblical Easter Representation But Very Popular

One voice off summons the participating actors to the stage. As soon as the roll call ends, the massive attendance ignores the presence of the authorities and invades the central cemented area, blocking the spotlights and disputing the unofficial, not even allowed, places of honor.

With this abuse, they frustrate hundreds of other spectators who have been guarding their seats for hours.

We are in provincial Philippines. Asia's most Latin nation is an eastern haven of institutional corruption and laxity. It did not occur to us that the organizers would try to recover the situation.

meeting of faith, passion of christ, philippines

Families from the island of Marinduque meet at the cemetery of Gasan, one of the main settlements on the island.

To confirm it, two or three desperate agents end up helping the offenders to settle down, while the injured ones dedicate a monumental boo to their rivals.

Things calm down. A group of candid-looking dancers begins their act: an ethereal dance that represents the creation of the world to the paradise of Adam and Eve. It continues with theatrical representations of the high moments of the Bible.

The public is a believer like few others but does not let faith interfere with the good mood. Every time an aspect or actor reveals satirical vulnerability, there is a teenager who sends a mouthful in the dark and unleashes contagious laughter, censored by his elders.

King Herod, Pontius Pilate are victims of intense whooping and even paper balls rain down on them. For the sake of its actors, the play is left with the condemnation of Christ.

Place to the Historical Reenactment of Via Crucis

On Friday afternoon, as per the rules, the Way of the cross. Hundreds of Moriones (masked as Roman soldiers), two thieves and a willing Jesus that the centurions harass and whip to the Cross with impressive realism.

Via Crucis de Boac, Festival de Moriones, Marinduque, Philippines

Moriones centurions whip Jesus Christ during Boac's Via Crucis.

Beyond the drama, we are delighted to see that Mary Magdalene and other holy women are played by ladyboys, effeminate boys who abound on the island of Marinduque as throughout the Philippines.

We also appreciate the ease with which the key event of Christianity closes. Restless spectators of the Crucifixion take the local Mount of Olives.

Romans at the Crucifixion, festival moriones, Marinduque, Philippines

Morion centurions lined up during the crucifixion of Christ, near the end of the Via Crucis de Boac.

There, they are photographed martyred by centurions, or under the threat of blades pretending to be their swords.

A few hours, miles later, we found serious injuries and an entirely different atmosphere. “Now prepare your mind,” Gerry tells us. “You people in Europe don't have anything like this. Try to take everything as another one of your ethnic experiences.”

From Boac to Gazan: The Impressive Self-Flagation of the Antipos

When we arrived at the parish of Gasan, we began to see men with bare torso and red-stained bodies that gleam in the scorching mid-afternoon sun.

antitypes in cemetery, passion of christ, philippines

Another group of bloodied antipos on graves in Gasan's cemetery.

Soon, we climb a staircase and find the city cemetery occupied by antipos – so the Filipinos call their dedicated self-flagellators. We see them divided into different clans, in the shade of tombs, accommodated between graves or above them, overlooking leafy coconut groves.

They whip themselves with a small whip that gathers tiny bamboo slats and produces a teq teq characteristic. This is not the only instrument that dyes them red.

christian flagellating blood, christian passion, philippines

Flagellator injures an arm to produce more blood.

Initially, blood is released using shared slides. As soon as the flow seems stagnant, the antipos they ask colleagues to hit their often thin bodies again.

We also notice that, despite being carried out by atonement and religious solidarity with the suffering of Christ, the flagellation takes place in a convivial manner. It serves as a pretext for long conversations.

antitypes plague themselves in tombs, passion of christ, philippines

Antipos scour off near tombs in Gasan Cemetery.

Not all antipos withstand the violence inflicted.

The sun continues to climb over the horizon and the tropical heat tightens. An organic smell is installed that makes some of the faithful feel nauseated. One of them loses more blood than was supposed. And the senses. It ends up watched by others antipos that they lay it on the grassy ground and ventilate it.

flagellator faints, passion of christ, philippines

Flagellator faints among other antipos.

Hours later, the number of casualties had increased more than expected. Certain groups stop their self-punishment.

Return to the center of Gasan where the Good friday is nearing the end.

Parade of Papoas, Andors, and the Almost Forgotten Antipos

Little by little, the night settles. A procession of illuminated stages travels along the avenue already full of believers, interspersed with a sub-procession of poppies, women mourning the loss of children, who walk under tufted vegetation.

Mothers of Mourning Procession, Passion of Christ, Philippines

The faithful involve a procession of poppies in the center of Gasan.

As we calculated, the antipos they weren't gone for good.

When the Catholic parade seemed to have already ended, the end of the street reveals a crestfallen and suffering entourage that the solidary population observes and, here and there, photographs them.

With its final passage, Good Friday gives way to Easter. In the days ahead, this unlikely Catholic nation will celebrate the magic of the Resurrection.

walk of procession, passion of christ, philippines

Faithful hold the litter with an illuminated statue of the Virgin Mary.

The Filipino blood that honors Christ will not be shed again until the following year.

Guwahati, India

The City that Worships Kamakhya and the Fertility

Guwahati is the largest city in the state of Assam and in North East India. It is also one of the fastest growing in the world. For Hindus and devout believers in Tantra, it will be no coincidence that Kamakhya, the mother goddess of creation, is worshiped there.
Bacolod, Philippines

A Festival to Laugh at Tragedy

Around 1980, the value of sugar, an important source of wealth on the Philippine island of Negros, plummeted and the ferry “Don Juan” that served it sank and took the lives of more than 176 passengers, most of them from Negrès. The local community decided to react to the depression generated by these dramas. That's how MassKara arose, a party committed to recovering the smiles of the population.
Camiguin, Philippines

An Island of Fire Surrended to Water

With more than twenty cones above 100 meters, the abrupt and lush, Camiguin has the highest concentration of volcanoes of any other of the 7641 islands in the Philippines or on the planet. But, in recent times, not even the fact that one of these volcanoes is active has disturbed the peace of its rural, fishing and, to the delight of outsiders, heavily bathed life.
Talisay City, Philippines

Monument to a Luso-Philippine Love

At the end of the 11th century, Mariano Lacson, a Filipino farmer, and Maria Braga, a Portuguese woman from Macau, fell in love and got married. During the pregnancy of what would be her 2th child, Maria succumbed to a fall. Destroyed, Mariano built a mansion in his honor. In the midst of World War II, the mansion was set on fire, but the elegant ruins that endured perpetuate their tragic relationship.
Helsinki, Finland

A Frigid-Scholarly Via Crucis

When Holy Week arrives, Helsinki shows its belief. Despite the freezing cold, little dressed actors star in a sophisticated re-enactment of Via Crucis through streets full of spectators.
El Nido, Philippines

El Nido, Palawan: The Last Philippine Frontier

One of the most fascinating seascapes in the world, the vastness of the rugged islets of Bacuit hides gaudy coral reefs, small beaches and idyllic lagoons. To discover it, just one fart.
Helsinki, Finland

The Pagan Passover of Seurasaari

In Helsinki, Holy Saturday is also celebrated in a Gentile way. Hundreds of families gather on an offshore island, around lit fires to chase away evil spirits, witches and trolls
Marinduque, Philippines

When the Romans Invade the Philippines

Even the Eastern Empire didn't get that far. In Holy Week, thousands of centurions seize Marinduque. There, the last days of Longinus, a legionary converted to Christianity, are re-enacted.
San Cristóbal de las Casas a Campeche, Mexico

A Relay of Faith

The Catholic equivalent of Our Lady of Fátima, Our Lady of Guadalupe moves and moves Mexico. Its faithful cross the country's roads, determined to bring the proof of their faith to the patroness of the Americas.
Jerusalem, Israel

Through the Belicious Streets of Via Dolorosa

In Jerusalem, while traveling the Via Dolorosa, the most sensitive believers realize how difficult the peace of the Lord is to achieve in the most disputed streets on the face of the earth.
Mount Sinai, Egypt

Strength in the Legs, Faith in God

Moses received the Ten Commandments on the summit of Mount Sinai and revealed them to the people of Israel. Today, hundreds of pilgrims climb, every night, the 4000 steps of that painful but mystical ascent.
Mactan, Cebu, Philippines

Magellan's Quagmire

Almost 19 months of pioneering and troubled navigation around the world had elapsed when the Portuguese explorer made the mistake of his life. In the Philippines, the executioner Datu Lapu Lapu preserves the honors of a hero. In Mactan, his tanned statue with a tribal superhero look overlaps the mangrove swamp of tragedy.
Boracay, Philippines

The Philippine Beach of All Dreams

It was revealed by Western backpackers and the film crew of “Thus Heroes are Born”. Hundreds of resorts and thousands of eastern vacationers followed, whiter than the chalky sand.
Hungduan, Philippines

Country Style Philippines

The GI's left with the end of World War II, but the music from the interior of the USA that they heard still enlivens the Cordillera de Luzon. It's by tricycle and at your own pace that we visit the Hungduan rice terraces.

The Philippine Road Lords

With the end of World War II, the Filipinos transformed thousands of abandoned American jeeps and created the national transportation system. Today, the exuberant jeepneys are for the curves.
Vigan, Philippines

Vigan: the Most Hispanic of Asias

The Spanish settlers left but their mansions are intact and the Kalesas circulate. When Oliver Stone was looking for Mexican sets for "Born on the 4th of July" he found them in this ciudad fernandina

When Only Cock Fights Wake Up the Philippines

Banned in much of the First World, cockfighting thrives in the Philippines where they move millions of people and pesos. Despite its eternal problems, it is the sabong that most stimulates the nation.
Coron, Busuanga, Philippines

The Secret but Sunken Japanese Armada

In World War II, a Japanese fleet failed to hide off Busuanga and was sunk by US planes. Today, its underwater wreckage attract thousands of divers.
Bohol, Philippines

Other-wordly Philippines

The Philippine archipelago spans 300.000 km² of the Pacific Ocean. Part of the Visayas sub-archipelago, Bohol is home to small alien-looking primates and the extraterrestrial hills of the Chocolate Hills.
Batad, Philippines

The Terraces that Sustain the Philippines

Over 2000 years ago, inspired by their rice god, the Ifugao people tore apart the slopes of Luzon. The cereal that the indigenous people grow there still nourishes a significant part of the country.
Believers greet each other in the Bukhara region.
Bukhara, Uzbequistan

Among the Minarets of Old Turkestan

Situated on the ancient Silk Road, Bukhara has developed for at least two thousand years as an essential commercial, cultural and religious hub in Central Asia. It was Buddhist and then Muslim. It was part of the great Arab empire and that of Genghis Khan, the Turko-Mongol kingdoms and the Soviet Union, until it settled in the still young and peculiar Uzbekistan.
Host Wezi points out something in the distance
Cobue; Nkwichi Lodge, Mozambique

The Hidden Mozambique of the Creaking Sands

During a tour from the bottom to the top of Lake Malawi, we find ourselves on the island of Likoma, an hour by boat from Nkwichi Lodge, the solitary base of this inland coast of Mozambique. On the Mozambican side, the lake is known as Niassa. Whatever its name, there we discover some of the most stunning and unspoilt scenery in south-east Africa.
Esteros del Iberá, Pantanal Argentina, Alligator
Iberá Wetlands, Argentina

The Pantanal of the Pampas

On the world map, south of the famous brazilian wetland, a little-known flooded region appears, but almost as vast and rich in biodiversity. the Guarani expression Y bera defines it as “shining waters”. The adjective fits more than its strong luminance.
Hikers on the Ice Lake Trail, Annapurna Circuit, Nepal
Annapurna (circuit)
Annapurna Circuit: 7th - Braga - Ice Lake, Nepal

Annapurna Circuit – The Painful Acclimatization of the Ice Lake

On the way up to the Ghyaru village, we had a first and unexpected show of how ecstatic the Annapurna Circuit can be tasted. Nine kilometers later, in Braga, due to the need to acclimatize, we climbed from 3.470m from Braga to 4.600m from Lake Kicho Tal. We only felt some expected tiredness and the increase in the wonder of the Annapurna Mountains.
Architecture & Design

the last address

From the grandiose tombs of Novodevichy, in Moscow, to the boxed Mayan bones of Pomuch, in the Mexican province of Campeche, each people flaunts its own way of life. Even in death.
Totems, Botko Village, Malekula, Vanuatu
Malekula, Vanuatu

Meat and Bone Cannibalism

Until the early XNUMXth century, man-eaters still feasted on the Vanuatu archipelago. In the village of Botko we find out why European settlers were so afraid of the island of Malekula.
cowboys oceania, rodeo, el caballo, perth, australia
Ceremonies and Festivities
Perth, Australia

The Oceania Cowboys

Texas is on the other side of the world, but there is no shortage of cowboys in the country of koalas and kangaroos. Outback rodeos recreate the original version and 8 seconds lasts no less in the Australian Western.
A kind of portal
Little Havana, USA

Little Havana of the Nonconformists

Over the decades and until today, thousands of Cubans have crossed the Florida Straits in search of the land of freedom and opportunity. With the US a mere 145 km away, many have gone no further. His Little Havana in Miami is today the most emblematic neighborhood of the Cuban diaspora.
Fogón de Lola, great food, Costa Rica, Guápiles
Lunch time
Fogón de Lola Costa Rica

The Costa Rica Flavour of El Fogón de Lola

As the name suggests, the Fogón de Lola de Guapiles serves dishes prepared on the stove and in the oven, according to Costa Rican family tradition. In particular, Tia Lola's.
One against all, Sera Monastery, Sacred Debate, Tibet
Lhasa, Tibet

Sera, the Monastery of the Sacred Debate

In few places in the world a dialect is used as vehemently as in the monastery of Sera. There, hundreds of monks, in Tibetan, engage in intense and raucous debates about the teachings of the Buddha.
Bungee jumping, Queenstown, New Zealand
Queenstown, New Zealand

Queenstown, the Queen of Extreme Sports

In the century. XVIII, the Kiwi government proclaimed a mining village on the South Island "fit for a queen".Today's extreme scenery and activities reinforce the majestic status of ever-challenging Queenstown.
Chefchouen to Merzouga, Morocco

Morocco from Top to Bottom

From the aniseed alleys of Chefchaouen to the first dunes of the Sahara, Morocco reveals the sharp contrasts of the first African lands, as Iberia has always seen in this vast Maghreb kingdom.
Singapore Asian Capital Food, Basmati Bismi

The Asian Food Capital

There were 4 ethnic groups in Singapore, each with its own culinary tradition. Added to this was the influence of thousands of immigrants and expatriates on an island with half the area of ​​London. It was the nation with the greatest gastronomic diversity in the Orient.
View of Fa Island, Tonga, Last Polynesian Monarchy
Got2Globe Photo Portfolio
Got2Globe Portfolio

Exotic Signs of Life

scarlet summer

Valencia to Xativa, Spain

Across Iberia

Leaving aside the modernity of Valencia, we explore the natural and historical settings that the "community" shares with the Mediterranean. The more we travel, the more its bright life seduces us.

Moorea aerial view
Moorea, French Polynesia

The Polynesian Sister Any Island Would Like to Have

A mere 17km from Tahiti, Moorea does not have a single city and is home to a tenth of its inhabitants. Tahitians have long watched the sun go down and transform the island next door into a misty silhouette, only to return to its exuberant colors and shapes hours later. For those who visit these remote parts of the Pacific, getting to know Moorea is a double privilege.
Geothermal, Iceland Heat, Ice Land, Geothermal, Blue Lagoon
Winter White

The Geothermal Coziness of the Ice Island

Most visitors value Iceland's volcanic scenery for its beauty. Icelanders also draw from them heat and energy crucial to the life they lead to the Arctic gates.
silhouette and poem, Cora coralina, Goias Velho, Brazil
Goiás Velho, Brazil

The Life and Work of a Marginal Writer

Born in Goiás, Ana Lins Bretas spent most of her life far from her castrating family and the city. Returning to its origins, it continued to portray the prejudiced mentality of the Brazilian countryside
Drums and Tattoos
Tahiti, French Polynesia

Tahiti Beyond the Cliché

Neighbors Bora Bora and Maupiti have superior scenery but Tahiti has long been known as paradise and there is more life on the largest and most populous island of French Polynesia, its ancient cultural heart.
Girl plays with leaves on the shore of the Great Lake at Catherine Palace
Saint Petersburg, Russia

Golden Days Before the Storm

Aside from the political and military events precipitated by Russia, from mid-September onwards, autumn takes over the country. In previous years, when visiting Saint Petersburg, we witnessed how the cultural and northern capital was covered in a resplendent yellow-orange. A dazzling light that hardly matches the political and military gloom that had spread in the meantime.
Flam Railway composition below a waterfall, Norway.
Natural Parks
Nesbyen to Flam, Norway

Flam Railway: Sublime Norway from the First to the Last Station

By road and aboard the Flam Railway, on one of the steepest railway routes in the world, we reach Flam and the entrance to the Sognefjord, the largest, deepest and most revered of the Scandinavian fjords. From the starting point to the last station, this monumental Norway that we have unveiled is confirmed.
Military Religious, Wailing Wall, IDF Flag Oath, Jerusalem, Israel
UNESCO World Heritage
Jerusalem, Israel

A Festive Wailing Wall

The holiest place in Judaism is not only attended by prayers and prayers. Its ancient stones have witnessed the oath of new IDF recruits for decades and echo the euphoric screams that follow.
Heroes Acre Monument, Zimbabwe
Harare, Zimbabwewe

The Last Rales of Surreal Mugabué

In 2015, Zimbabwe's first lady Grace Mugabe said the 91-year-old president would rule until the age of 100 in a special wheelchair. Shortly thereafter, it began to insinuate itself into his succession. But in recent days, the generals have finally precipitated the removal of Robert Mugabe, who has replaced him with former Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa.
Santa Marta, Tayrona, Simón Bolivar, Ecohabs of Tayrona National Park
Santa Marta and PN Tayrona, Colombia

The Paradise from which Simon Bolivar departed

At the gates of PN Tayrona, Santa Marta is the oldest continuously inhabited Hispanic city in Colombia. In it, Simón Bolívar began to become the only figure on the continent almost as revered as Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary.
Mount Lamjung Kailas Himal, Nepal, altitude sickness, mountain prevent treat, travel
Annapurna Circuit: 2th - Chame a Upper BananaNepal

(I) Eminent Annapurnas

We woke up in Chame, still below 3000m. There we saw, for the first time, the snowy and highest peaks of the Himalayas. From there, we set off for another walk along the Annapurna Circuit through the foothills and slopes of the great mountain range. towards Upper Banana.
Executives sleep subway seat, sleep, sleep, subway, train, Tokyo, Japan
On Rails
Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo's Hypno-Passengers

Japan is served by millions of executives slaughtered with infernal work rates and sparse vacations. Every minute of respite on the way to work or home serves them for their inemuri, napping in public.
Bright bus in Apia, Western Samoa

In Search of the Lost Time

For 121 years, it was the last nation on Earth to change the day. But Samoa realized that his finances were behind him and, in late 2012, he decided to move back west on the LID - International Date Line.
the projectionist
Daily life
Sainte-Luce, Martinique

The Nostalgic Projectionist

From 1954 to 1983, Gérard Pierre screened many of the famous films arriving in Martinique. 30 years after the closing of the room in which he worked, it was still difficult for this nostalgic native to change his reel.
Cape cross seal colony, cape cross seals, Namibia
Cape Cross, Namíbia

The Most Turbulent of the African Colonies

Diogo Cão landed in this cape of Africa in 1486, installed a pattern and turned around. The immediate coastline to the north and south was German, South African, and finally Namibian. Indifferent to successive transfers of nationality, one of the largest seal colonies in the world has maintained its hold there and animates it with deafening marine barks and endless tantrums.
Napali Coast and Waimea Canyon, Kauai, Hawaii Wrinkles
Scenic Flights
napali coast, Hawaii

Hawaii's Dazzling Wrinkles

Kauai is the greenest and rainiest island in the Hawaiian archipelago. It is also the oldest. As we explore its Napalo Coast by land, sea and air, we are amazed to see how the passage of millennia has only favored it.