Maguri Bill, India

A Wetland in the Far East of India

Small bird takes advantage of the landing formed by floating water hyacinths.
a bunch of open mouths
White Open Spouts crisscross the sky above the Maguri Beel.
squadron flight
White open spouts stand out above the golden Maguri Beel.
Towards the networks
Boat that sails on the Maguri Beel approaches large fishing nets.
On my way
Fishermen prepare to extend nets upstream from the Maguri Beel.
bridge maneuvers
Cyclist emerges from the morning mist over the Doom-Domla River Bridge.
morning fog
Rustic boats anchored in a marshy area of ​​the Maguri Beel.
resplendent water lilies
Very lush water lilies stand out at sunset
All ready
Resident of Maguri Beel, about to go out for a little morning fishing.
intimidating cattle
Herd of Asian buffaloes wonder about the intrusion of humans into their territory.
The Maguri Bill occupies an amphibious area in the Assamese vicinity of the river Brahmaputra. It is praised as an incredible habitat especially for birds. When we navigate it in gondola mode, we are faced with much (but much) more life than just the asada.

Didas was aware of the horrific traffic we were going to take on the 170km linking Sivasagar to Babblers Inn, in the vicinity of Tinsukia and Maguri Bill.

It chooses, therefore, to take us along an alternative route, much more rural and picturesque, which crosses successive lands on the side of the road, elevated in the face of endless rice fields that the stampede of the monsoon, around the end of September, had left to dry out.

By the state of Assam above

Most of these villages and hamlets are Islamic. The Indian state of Assam alone is home to over thirty million people. Of these, a third are Muslims with a deep historical origin, who resisted the flows of the Partition of India of 1947 and forced migration to the country. Bangladesh or Pakistan.

Didas is Hindu. It tells us that several of the state's thirty-three districts even have Islamic majorities. And it guarantees that the increase of their populations due to the high birth rate but, even more, due to the undocumented fixation of Bangladeshi from across the border has intensified.

To the point where the Delhi government considers it one of its priority problems.

Cyclist on the bridge over the Doom-Domla River, Maguri Beel, Assam, India

Cyclist emerges from the morning mist over the Doom-Domla River Bridge.

As we watched it through the car windows, the abundance of bearded men in jilabes and white turbans and the succession of small local mosques confirmed the phenomenon.

Comparable to the reality of Kashmir but where, contrary to what happens in Assam, the independence resistance remains very active.

Three and a half hours after departure, we passed through Tinsukia. We didn't take long to find the Babblers Inn. Partha Sarathi Das, the owner, welcomes us with silky welcome handkerchiefs and sets us up. We had lunch without haste. Around three, the three of us left together.

Maguri Bill or Maguri Beel: a Stunning Assamesa Lagoon

A lover of photography and animal life, Partha wanted to show us the wonders of the Maguri Bill, a long, jagged pond, fed by the Doom Dooma River that the relative dryness of the North Indian winter, then kept shallow, dotted with islands and islets of vegetation.

Morning Mist, Maguri Beel, Assam, India

Rustic boats anchored in a marshy area of ​​the Maguri Beel.

Maguri Bill was dammed short of the flow of the Dibru and Brahmaputra rivers and of one of its largest island languages, that of Dibru Saikhowa, by the way, a reputed national park in India and one of its largest and richest reserves in the Biosphere.

Also close was still the great island of Majuli, that we would visit.

After spreading out in this vast lacustrine, the Doom Dooma resumes its meandering fluvial profile and flows into the Dibru. We didn't get to witness this union.

Partha stops for a moment in a Kohuwa Eco Camp that served as a base for the excursions into the lagoon. From there, we walked to a large, military-looking iron bridge over the Dibru.

Partha introduces us to a local boatman. This one makes us board. He barely sees us leaning against the current.

Fishermen carry nets, Maguri Beel, Assam, India

Fishermen prepare to extend nets upstream from the Maguri Beel.

At this time of year, the pond is not as shallow as it can get. Even so, the boatmen who live there propel the wooden boats with long poles.

They use them as levers whenever they run aground on sandbars or in the dense jungle of water hyacinths.

Fishermen in these parts called the scenery Beel. At one time, it proliferated in Beel that we continued to raise the magur, a highly sought after catfish species.

Accordingly, the full name of the pond became Maguri Beel (pond full of Magurs). Over the years and over fishing, catfish will have declined. Several other species continue to inhabit there, with a predominance of birds.

Bunch of open beaks, Maguri Beel, Assam, India

White Open Spouts crisscross the sky above the Maguri Beel.

A Remote Ornithologist Paradise

As the boat slides, successive flocks of ducks, geese, herons, storks, cormorants and the like, all with curious nomenclatures react to our incursion. Some swim to the limit of mistrust. Only after they start to fly.

Others, more intolerant, take off when we are still a few tens of meters away.

We limit ourselves to following and photographing the movements of the flocks that keep within reach of our lenses, often with White-Open Beaks, a type of stork smaller than the common one in Portugal, with a beak that, as the name suggests, never closes completely.

White open beaks, Maguri Beel, Assam, India

White open spouts stand out above the golden Maguri Beel.

Both the Maguri Beel and neighboring Dibru Saikhowa attract a horde of ornithological tourists obsessed with spotting the species and specimens of their dreams.

It so happens, however, that some of them arrive enthusiastic about the size and supreme fame of the Dibru Saikhowa National Park, but quickly become discouraged by the logistical difficulties and patience imposed there.

In these cases, they end up surrendering to the ease and immediacy of the Maguri Beel where, in a simple morning aboard a wooden boat, they detect a good part of the species they thought were exclusive to the Biological Reserve.

This was, in fact, the reason why the Bird Life International – a Global Network of Organizations dedicated to the conservation of birds and their habitats and diversity – declared an IBA (Important Birding Site).

The Fishermen and Collectors Inhabitants of Maguri Beel

Underneath the mat of water hyacinths and water lilies, the Maguri Beel is also home to a myriad of fish and amphibian creatures.

Warned of this availability of food, the natives keep fishing nets installed in strategic places.

Bird over floating hyacinths, Maguri Beel, Assam, India

A small bird takes advantage of the landing formed by floating water hyacinths.

They improvise them from mosquito nets or from large bags used by the neighboring plantations of the famous Assam tea. They also use barriers made of reeds, which are much more ecological as they allow the passage of younger fish.

And we also see them resorting to throw models, with weights on the tips and which allow them to catch casual catches. Some fishermen stay in basic tents that they pitch over sections of dry land.

These makeshift tents allow them to extend their fishing trips and increase incomes. A small minority usually (but not always) own wooden houses, safe from the floods brought by the monsoons.

In the low areas of the Maguri Beel, where the water is barely above the knees, we can still see men and women collecting and filtering large swamped tufts of vegetation.

Partha finds us intrigued and clarifies: “They are catching water snails that cling to the roots. People here love us.

They sell them easily in the markets.”

Back to the Bank and Babblers Inn

After an hour and a half of walking on board, we noticed that the environment was turning pink, as the sun rested on the horizon, hidden behind a dense mantle of clouds.

Water lilies, Maguri Beel, Assam, India

Very lush water lilies stand out at sunset

Simultaneously, the reflection of the great star slowly landed on the Maguri Beel and dyed it with shades of magenta consistent with those of the many water lilies that remained open. We reverse course.

In favor of the current, we return at a glance to the wharf of the Kohuwa Eco Camp. Partha installs us at an outdoor table.

Serve us a small snack that includes milk teas very hot. At that late hour, with so much water around, a frigid winter pit had taken over our bodies. Sugary teas immediately mask the discomfort and renew our mood.

We return to the Babblers Inn. Partha invites us to join him and his best man around a fire. "And would you join us for some booze?” they question us without ceremony, with the greatest desire for us to integrate.

We drank what they were drinking. We spent a lot of time chatting. Until the heat of the fire and alcohol combine with the fatigue of the morning journey and the successive awakenings in the early hours.

Partha had set the next dawn at five. An early sleep, lulled by the caress of the fire and conviviality, came in handy.

A New Morning Incursion

We awoke at that cruel but essential hour. The three of us left again towards the Maguri Beel. A thick fog covers the lagoon in mystery, with no signs of giving way.

Partha suggests that we walk instead of boarding at yesterday's wharf. We cross the bridge to the other side of Doom Dooma, a riverside community of Purani Motapung inland.

We continued along the dirt road that ran along it, along a sodden green bush crowned by strange peacock feathers that stood out against the mist.

Fisherwoman, Maguri Beel, Assam, India

Resident of Maguri Beel, about to go out for a little morning fishing.

Partha takes us to the rope and bamboo house of one of the resident families. They had just woken up. They were getting ready to go out to do their chores.

Partha greets them, introduces us and asks them about news of the lagoon's fauna; he wanted to know, in particular, if they knew if the buffaloes that used to roam its banks were around.

They tell him that they still hadn't noticed them that morning but that it was still early, and that it was possible that they were deeper inside the Maguri Beel.

Partha decides to look for them. He instructs the boatman who was accompanying us to rescue a vessel as we proceeded up the road to a shallower part of the lagoon where – so it seemed – we would be able to get onto the boat without getting bogged down.

Face to Face with an Armada of Asian Buffaloes

We return to the free navigation of the previous evening, among suspended fishing nets, species of lacustrine veils that the sun still diffused but increasingly insinuating transformed into enigmatic silhouettes and reflections.

The dispute between the mist and the big star flooded the swamp with a strong morning mysticism. The guide and boatman take us further into the lagoon. We keep an eye out for birds camouflaged by the floating whiteness. Equipped with binoculars, Partha sees ahead.

"Pull over there!" he says excitedly to the boatman. We disembarked again and made a slight illusory detour. When we point a telephoto lens in the direction it indicated, we understand the reason for its start.

A large herd of Asian buffalo shared a wetland between a verdant meadow and new high-grass forest.

Asian buffalo herd, Maguri Beel, Assam, India

Herd of Asian buffaloes wonder about the intrusion of humans into their territory.

"Let's get closer but very, very slowly." communicates to us. “As a rule, they just don't tolerate sudden movements towards them or too close. If we move forward little by little, if we stay a good distance, we don't get into trouble.”

Truth be told, the formation of several dozen of those hyperbolic bovines, owners of long, sharp horns made us uneasy. Even because their reflection in the still water of the mud flat gave the idea of ​​being double.

We knew that, wherever they exist, wild buffaloes claim a considerable number of victims among humans. These would be of the same species or similar to those that were shipwrecked off the Brazilian island of Marajó and there they continue to proliferate.

We were also aware that Partha exploited the Maguri Bill and confronted them frequently.

Okay, we follow him.

Return to Base

We aim the lenses. We rejoice as much as possible when the great male leaders of the herd turn to us and try to intuit our intentions.

We get a little closer. One of the alpha males raises its muzzle, probing what the breeze was carrying, and scrapes one of its paws on the ground.

Boat between nets, Maguri Beel, Assam, India

Boat that sails on the Maguri Beel approaches large fishing nets.

The repetition of his signal for one or two more specimens is enough to conclude that we were there for too long and that we had enough images. We reboard.

We reversed course oriented towards the channel where the Maguri Bill funneled into the channel that led to the great Dibru, on this side of the majestic and mythical Bramaputra

We return to the Babblers Inn. It is half past ten in the morning when we say goodbye to Partha and the family.

The next ten hours we spent them traveling back to Guwahati, the city itself on the banks of the Brahmaputra, in which we had inaugurated that already long journey through Assam.


Got2Globe would like to thank the following entities for supporting this article: Embassy of India in Lisbon; Ministry of Tourism, Government of India; Assam Development Corporation and Babblers Inn, Tinsukia.

Iberá Wetlands, Argentina

The Pantanal of the Pampas

On the world map, south of the famous brazilian wetland, a little-known flooded region appears, but almost as vast and rich in biodiversity. the Guarani expression Y bera defines it as “shining waters”. The adjective fits more than its strong luminance.
Okavango Delta, Botswana

Not all rivers reach the sea

Third longest river in southern Africa, the Okavango rises in the Angolan Bié plateau and runs 1600km to the southeast. It gets lost in the Kalahari Desert where it irrigates a dazzling wetland teeming with wildlife.
Manaus, Brazil

Meeting the Meeting of the Waters

The phenomenon is not unique, but in Manaus it has a special beauty and solemnity. At a certain point, the Negro and Solimões rivers converge on the same Amazonas bed, but instead of immediately mixing, both flows continue side by side. As we explore these parts of the Amazon, we witness the unusual confrontation of the Encontro das Águas.
Passo do Lontra, Miranda, Brazil

The Flooded Brazil of Passo do Lontra

We are on the western edge of Mato Grosso do Sul but bush, on these sides, is something else. In an extension of almost 200.000 km2, the Brazil it appears partially submerged, by rivers, streams, lakes and other waters dispersed in vast alluvial plains. Not even the panting heat of the dry season drains the life and biodiversity of Pantanal places and farms like the one that welcomed us on the banks of the Miranda River.
Chobe NP, Botswana

Chobe: A River on the Border of Life with Death

Chobe marks the divide between Botswana and three of its neighboring countries, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Namibia. But its capricious bed has a far more crucial function than this political delimitation.
Meghalaya, India

The Bridges of the Peoples that Create Roots

The unpredictability of rivers in the wettest region on Earth never deterred the Khasi and the Jaintia. Faced with the abundance of trees elastic fig tree in their valleys, these ethnic groups got used to molding their branches and strains. From their time-lost tradition, they have bequeathed hundreds of dazzling root bridges to future generations.
Sheets of Bahia, Brazil

The Swampy Freedom of Quilombo do Remanso

Runaway slaves have survived for centuries around a wetland in Chapada Diamantina. Today, the quilombo of Remanso is a symbol of their union and resistance, but also of the exclusion to which they were voted.
Dawki, India

Dawki, Dawki, Bangladesh on sight

We descended from the high and mountainous lands of Meghalaya to the flats to the south and below. There, the translucent and green stream of the Dawki forms the border between India and Bangladesh. In a damp heat that we haven't felt for a long time, the river also attracts hundreds of Indians and Bangladeshis in a picturesque escape.
Dooars India

At the Gates of the Himalayas

We arrived at the northern threshold of West Bengal. The subcontinent gives way to a vast alluvial plain filled with tea plantations, jungle, rivers that the monsoon overflows over endless rice fields and villages bursting at the seams. On the verge of the greatest of the mountain ranges and the mountainous kingdom of Bhutan, for obvious British colonial influence, India treats this stunning region by Dooars.
Shillong, India

A Christmas Selfiestan at an India Christian Stronghold

December arrives. With a largely Christian population, the state of Meghalaya synchronizes its Nativity with that of the West and clashes with the overcrowded Hindu and Muslim subcontinent. Shillong, the capital, shines with faith, happiness, jingle bells and bright lighting. To dazzle Indian holidaymakers from other parts and creeds.
Guwahati, India

The City that Worships Kamakhya and the Fertility

Guwahati is the largest city in the state of Assam and in North East India. It is also one of the fastest growing in the world. For Hindus and devout believers in Tantra, it will be no coincidence that Kamakhya, the mother goddess of creation, is worshiped there.
Gangtok, India

An Hillside Life

Gangtok it is the capital of Sikkim, an ancient kingdom in the Himalayas section of the Silk Road, which became an Indian province in 1975. The city is balanced on a slope, facing Kanchenjunga, the third highest elevation in the world that many natives believe shelters a paradise valley of Immortality. Their steep and strenuous Buddhist existence aims, there, or elsewhere, to achieve it.
Jaisalmer, India

There's a Feast in the Thar Desert

As soon as the short winter breaks, Jaisalmer indulges in parades, camel races, and turban and mustache competitions. Its walls, alleys and surrounding dunes take on more color than ever. During the three days of the event, natives and outsiders watch, dazzled, as the vast and inhospitable Thar finally shines through.
Goa, India

The Last Gasp of the Goan Portugality

The prominent city of Goa already justified the title of “rome of the east” when, in the middle of the XNUMXth century, epidemics of malaria and cholera led to its abandonment. The New Goa (Pangim) for which it was exchanged became the administrative seat of Portuguese India but was annexed by the Indian Union of post-independence. In both, time and neglect are ailments that now make the Portuguese colonial legacy wither.
Tawang, India

The Mystic Valley of Deep Discord

On the northern edge of the Indian province of Arunachal Pradesh, Tawang is home to dramatic mountain scenery, ethnic Mompa villages and majestic Buddhist monasteries. Even if Chinese rivals have not passed him since 1962, Beijing look at this domain as part of your Tibet. Accordingly, religiosity and spiritualism there have long shared with a strong militarism.
Ooty, India

In Bollywood's Nearly Ideal Setting

The conflict with Pakistan and the threat of terrorism made filming in Kashmir and Uttar Pradesh a drama. In Ooty, we see how this former British colonial station took the lead.

Hampi, India

Voyage to the Ancient Kingdom of Bisnaga

In 1565, the Hindu empire of Vijayanagar succumbed to enemy attacks. 45 years before, he had already been the victim of the Portugueseization of his name by two Portuguese adventurers who revealed him to the West.

Goa, India

To Goa, Quickly and in Strength

A sudden longing for Indo-Portuguese tropical heritage makes us travel in various transports but almost non-stop, from Lisbon to the famous Anjuna beach. Only there, at great cost, were we able to rest.
Siliguri a Darjeeling, India

The Himalayan Toy Train Still Running

Neither the steep slope of some stretches nor the modernity stop it. From Siliguri, in the tropical foothills of the great Asian mountain range, the Darjeeling, with its peaks in sight, the most famous of the Indian Toy Trains has ensured for 117 years, day after day, an arduous dream journey. Traveling through the area, we climb aboard and let ourselves be enchanted.
Jaisalmer, India

The Life Withstanding in the Golden Fort of Jaisalmer

The Jaisalmer fortress was erected from 1156 onwards by order of Rawal Jaisal, ruler of a powerful clan from the now Indian reaches of the Thar Desert. More than eight centuries later, despite continued pressure from tourism, they share the vast and intricate interior of the last of India's inhabited forts, almost four thousand descendants of the original inhabitants.
Residents walk along the trail that runs through plantations above the UP4
Gurué, Mozambique, Part 1

Through the Mozambican Lands of Tea

The Portuguese founded Gurué in the 1930th century and, from XNUMX onwards, flooded it with camellia sinensis the foothills of the Namuli Mountains. Later, they renamed it Vila Junqueiro, in honor of its main promoter. With the independence of Mozambique and the civil war, the town regressed. It continues to stand out for the lush green imposing mountains and teak landscapes.
Host Wezi points out something in the distance
Cobue; Nkwichi Lodge, Mozambique

The Hidden Mozambique of the Creaking Sands

During a tour from the bottom to the top of Lake Malawi, we find ourselves on the island of Likoma, an hour by boat from Nkwichi Lodge, the solitary base of this inland coast of Mozambique. On the Mozambican side, the lake is known as Niassa. Whatever its name, there we discover some of the most stunning and unspoilt scenery in south-east Africa.
Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique, Wildlife, lions
NP Gorongosa, Mozambique

The Heart of Mozambique's Wildlife Shows Signs of Life

Gorongosa was home to one of the most exuberant ecosystems in Africa, but from 1980 to 1992 it succumbed to the Civil War waged between FRELIMO and RENAMO. Greg Carr, Voice Mail's millionaire inventor received a message from the Mozambican ambassador to the UN challenging him to support Mozambique. For the good of the country and humanity, Carr pledged to resurrect the stunning national park that the Portuguese colonial government had created there.
Braga or Braka or Brakra in Nepal
Annapurna (circuit)
Annapurna Circuit: 6th – Braga, Nepal

The Ancient Nepal of Braga

Four days of walking later, we slept at 3.519 meters from Braga (Braka). Upon arrival, only the name is familiar to us. Faced with the mystical charm of the town, arranged around one of the oldest and most revered Buddhist monasteries on the Annapurna circuit, we continued our journey there. acclimatization with ascent to Ice Lake (4620m).
holy plain, Bagan, Myanmar
Architecture & Design
Bagan, Myanmar

The Plain of Pagodas, Temples and other Heavenly Redemptions

Burmese religiosity has always been based on a commitment to redemption. In Bagan, wealthy and fearful believers continue to erect pagodas in hopes of winning the benevolence of the gods.
Boat Trips

For Those Becoming Internet Sick

Hop on and let yourself go on unmissable boat trips like the Philippine archipelago of Bacuit and the frozen sea of ​​the Finnish Gulf of Bothnia.
Saida Ksar Ouled Soltane, festival of the ksour, tataouine, tunisia
Ceremonies and Festivities
Tataouine, Tunisia

Festival of the Ksour: Sand Castles That Don't Collapse

The ksour were built as fortifications by the Berbers of North Africa. They resisted Arab invasions and centuries of erosion. Every year, the Festival of the Ksour pays them the due homage.
San Pedro Atacama Street, Chile
San Pedro de Atacama, Chile

São Pedro de Atacama: an Adobe Life in the Most Arid of Deserts

The Spanish conquerors had departed and the convoy diverted the cattle and nitrate caravans. San Pedro regained peace but a horde of outsiders discovering South America invaded the pueblo.
Tsukiji fish market, Tokyo, Japan
Lunch time
Tokyo, Japan

The Fish Market That Lost its Freshness

In a year, each Japanese eats more than their weight in fish and shellfish. Since 1935, a considerable part was processed and sold in the largest fish market in the world. Tsukiji was terminated in October 2018, and replaced by Toyosu's.
Casa Menezes Braganca, Chandor, Goa, India
Chandor, Goa, India

A True Goan-Portuguese House

A mansion with Portuguese architectural influence, Casa Menezes Bragança, stands out from the houses of Chandor, in Goa. It forms a legacy of one of the most powerful families in the former province. Both from its rise in a strategic alliance with the Portuguese administration and from the later Goan nationalism.

Man: an Ever Tested Species

It's in our genes. For the pleasure of participating, for titles, honor or money, competitions give meaning to the world. Some are more eccentric than others.
Gothic couple

Matarraña to Alcanar, Spain

A Medieval Spain

Traveling through the lands of Aragon and Valencia, we come across towers and detached battlements of houses that fill the slopes. Mile after kilometer, these visions prove to be as anachronistic as they are fascinating.

Indigenous Crowned
Pueblos del Sur, Venezuela

Behind the Venezuela Andes. Fiesta Time.

In 1619, the authorities of Mérida dictated the settlement of the surrounding territory. The order resulted in 19 remote villages that we found dedicated to commemorations with caretos and local pauliteiros.
Got2Globe Photo Portfolio
Got2Globe Portfolio

life outside

Earp brothers look-alikes and friend Doc Holliday in Tombstone, USA
tombstone, USA

Tombstone: the City Too Hard to Die

Silver veins discovered at the end of the XNUMXth century made Tombstone a prosperous and conflictive mining center on the frontier of the United States to Mexico. Lawrence Kasdan, Kurt Russell, Kevin Costner and other Hollywood directors and actors made famous the Earp brothers and the bloodthirsty duel of “OK Corral”. The Tombstone, which, over time, has claimed so many lives, is about to last.
Flock of Brown Pelicans eyeing food
Islamorada, Florida Keys, United States

The Floridian Village Made of Islands

The Spanish discoverers named it Purple Island, but the predominant tones are those of countless coral reefs in a shallow sea. Confined to her five Keys, Islamorada remains peaceful, in an alternative halfway between Miami and Key West, the Florida cities that the prodigious Overseas Highway has long connected.
Sampo Icebreaker, Kemi, Finland
Winter White
Kemi, Finland

It's No "Love Boat". Breaks the Ice since 1961

Built to maintain waterways through the most extreme arctic winter, the icebreaker Sampo” fulfilled its mission between Finland and Sweden for 30 years. In 1988, he reformed and dedicated himself to shorter trips that allow passengers to float in a newly opened channel in the Gulf of Bothnia, in clothes that, more than special, seem spacey.
Baie d'Oro, Île des Pins, New Caledonia
Île-des-Pins, New Caledonia

The Island that Leaned against Paradise

In 1964, Katsura Morimura delighted the Japan with a turquoise novel set in Ouvéa. But the neighboring Île-des-Pins has taken over the title "The Nearest Island to Paradise" and thrills its visitors.
Basotho Cowboys, Malealea, Lesotho
Malealea, Lesotho

Life in the African Kingdom of Heaven

Lesotho is the only independent state located entirely above XNUMX meters. It is also one of the countries at the bottom of the world ranking of human development. Its haughty people resist modernity and all the adversities on the magnificent but inhospitable top of the Earth that befell them.
Mother Armenia Statue, Yerevan, Armenia
Yerevan, Armenia

A Capital between East and West

Heiress of the Soviet civilization, aligned with the great Russia, Armenia allows itself to be seduced by the most democratic and sophisticated ways of Western Europe. In recent times, the two worlds have collided in the streets of your capital. From popular and political dispute, Yerevan will dictate the new course of the nation.
Natural Parks
Phi Phi Islands, Thailand

Back to Danny Boyle's The Beach

It's been 15 years since the debut of the backpacker classic based on the novel by Alex Garland. The film popularized the places where it was shot. Shortly thereafter, the XNUMX tsunami literally washed some away off the map. Today, their controversial fame remains intact.
Aloe exalted by the wall of the Great Enclosure, Great Zimbabwe
UNESCO World Heritage
Big Zimbabwe

Great Zimbabwe, Endless Mystery

Between the 1500th and XNUMXth centuries, Bantu peoples built what became the largest medieval city in sub-Saharan Africa. From XNUMX onwards, with the passage of the first Portuguese explorers arriving from Mozambique, the city was already in decline. Its ruins, which inspired the name of the present-day Zimbabwean nation, have many unanswered questions.  
Heroes Acre Monument, Zimbabwe
Harare, Zimbabwewe

The Last Rales of Surreal Mugabué

In 2015, Zimbabwe's first lady Grace Mugabe said the 91-year-old president would rule until the age of 100 in a special wheelchair. Shortly thereafter, it began to insinuate itself into his succession. But in recent days, the generals have finally precipitated the removal of Robert Mugabe, who has replaced him with former Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa.
Glass Bottom Boats, Kabira Bay, Ishigaki
Ishigaki, Japan

The Exotic Japanese Tropics

Ishigaki is one of the last islands in the stepping stone that stretches between Honshu and Taiwan. Ishigakijima is home to some of the most amazing beaches and coastal scenery in these parts of the Pacific Ocean. More and more Japanese who visit them enjoy them with little or no bathing.
knights of the divine, faith in the divine holy spirit, Pirenopolis, Brazil
Pirenópolis, Brazil

A Ride of Faith

Introduced in 1819 by Portuguese priests, the Festa do Divino Espírito Santo de Pirenópolis it aggregates a complex web of religious and pagan celebrations. It lasts more than 20 days, spent mostly on the saddle.
End of the World Train, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
On Rails
Ushuaia, Argentina

Last Station: End of the World

Until 1947, the Tren del Fin del Mundo made countless trips for the inmates of the Ushuaia prison to cut firewood. Today, passengers are different, but no other train goes further south.
Arduous Professions

the bread the devil kneaded

Work is essential to most lives. But, certain jobs impose a degree of effort, monotony or danger that only a few chosen ones can measure up to.
herd, foot-and-mouth disease, weak meat, colonia pellegrini, argentina
Daily life
Colónia Pellegrini, Argentina

When the Meat is Weak

The unmistakable flavor of Argentine beef is well known. But this wealth is more vulnerable than you think. The threat of foot-and-mouth disease, in particular, keeps authorities and growers afloat.
Maria Jacarés, Pantanal Brazil
Miranda, Brazil

Maria dos Jacarés: the Pantanal shelters such Creatures

Eurides Fátima de Barros was born in the interior of the Miranda region. 38 years ago, he settled in a small business on the side of BR262 that crosses the Pantanal and gained an affinity with the alligators that lived on his doorstep. Disgusted that once upon a time the creatures were being slaughtered there, she began to take care of them. Now known as Maria dos Jacarés, she named each of the animals after a soccer player or coach. It also makes sure they recognize your calls.
The Sounds, Fiordland National Park, New Zealand
Scenic Flights
Fiordland, New Zealand

The Fjords of the Antipodes

A geological quirk made the Fiordland region the rawest and most imposing in New Zealand. Year after year, many thousands of visitors worship the sub-domain slashed between Te Anau and Milford Sound.