Jerusalem, Israel

A Festive Wailing Wall

IDF (Israel Defense Forces) recruits in formation during an oath of flag.
Faith and Determination
Believers, religious and military together in a celebration of Jewish faith and Zionist solidarity.
Respect for the Motherland
IDF (Israel Defense Forces) recruits in formation with Logs and machine guns during their oath of flag.
Jewish congratulation
New soldier is congratulated on his incorporation into the IDF (Israel Defense Forces).
Oath without Regrets
Audience attends an oath ceremony for new recruits of the IDF - Israel Defense Forces - in front of the Wailing Wall
sacred texts
Military man in uniform and kippah reads deeply at the Wailing Wall.
Formation 2
IDF (Israeli Defense Force) recruits in formation during an oath of flag.
religious and military faith
Soldiers and a Haredim (Orthodox) Jew share the religious comfort of the Western Wall.
celebration in circle
Group of recruits celebrates their entry into the Israel Defense Forces.
Recruit Jewish of Ethiopian origin during an IDF (Israel Defense Forces) Flag Oath ceremony.
triumphal march
Newly sworn Jewish soldiers from various backgrounds descend a staircase that leads to the Wailing Wall area.
Zionist stain
Orthodox and hadi (conventional) military and faithful share their faith and solidarity in front of the Wailing Wall.
Peace Love
Logs and machine guns side by side during an IDF (Israel Defense Forces) Flag Oath ceremony.
anxious wait
A group of new recruits waits in a tunnel for their turn to access the Wailing Wall Square.
acrobat soldiers
Military personnel perform an acrobat maneuver at an arcade in front of the Wailing Wall, under a yeshiva (Jewish school).
inner wall
Soldiers pray half-walls with Haredim (Orthodox) Jews and face the wall of Wilson's Arch, a covered section of the Wailing Wall.
The holiest place in Judaism is not only attended by prayers and prayers. Its ancient stones have witnessed the oath of new IDF recruits for decades and echo the euphoric screams that follow.

It's a Thursday in June, like any other. Circulation through one of the tunnels that gives access to the Western Wall square is complicated.

Rows of young soldiers in olive green uniforms fill part of the cramped space and delay the passage through scanners that filter whoever accesses the place.

“You, to see if you decide, either enter or leave”.

It's the fifth time that day we've used that entrance. the guards mizrah (Jews from the “Eastern”, in this case, of Egyptian origin) who control it already know us and the evil photographic equipment that they had to inspect before. Thus, they take the opportunity to play a little, but they send us away in three stages.

On the other side of the barrier, the square is also different.

The Unexpected Military Panorama of the Wailing Wall

It is occupied by a geometric formation of more military, arranged side by side. In their base position, they confront the wall but turn and move according to orders shouted into the microphone by a superior. On the opposite side of the wall, some audience forms the last edge of the square.

oath without lamentation, wall of mourning, oath flag IDF, Jerusalem, Israel

Audience attends an oath ceremony for new recruits of the IDF – Israel Defense Forces – in front of the Wailing Wall

Few countries need new members for their armed forces like Israel, a nation based on Judaism but surrounded by Muslim enemies.

No wonder, therefore, that the oath ceremony – for some young people the high point of adolescence, for others, of their short life – is repeated there regularly.

Mandatory Military Service For (Almost) All

It is preceded by careful but generous recruitment. At the Jewish Agency for Israel online, authorities begin by making it clear that military service is mandatory for all citizens and permanent residents.

In the case of interested foreigners, they explain the need for aliyah (emigration to Israel) and obtaining Israeli citizenship. But they are pragmatic and witty to the point of treating unrelated suitors in the country in a special way.

These chayal boded ('lonely' soldiers in the armed forces) enjoy enhanced rights and privileges designed to make life easier for them considering that, as the agency explains, “they have no family in Israel to wash their clothes, cook them, send them orders. or listen to them kvetch (complaining) on ​​weekends off.”

As such, it is not surprising how many boys of different origins and looks follow the protocol.

new recruits, waiting, wall of mourning, oath flag IDF, Jerusalem, Israel

A group of new recruits waits in a tunnel for their turn to access the Wailing Wall Square.

The Fascinating Multi-Ethnicity of the Israel Defense Forces

Side by side, marching blond and red-haired Israelites, Ashkenazi (with blood from central Europe), some Sephardim (with distant ancestors from Iberia), mizrah (those coming from a broad east that includes the Middle East and North Africa) and several narrower groups.

Of these, there are recruits from the numerous Ethiopian Beta Israel, an ethnic group that the Israeli government saved from civil war and famine with operations Moses (1984) and Solomon, the last carried out by the CIA in 1991, and in which dozens of commercial aircraft EL AL rescued thousands of Jews from refugee camps in Sudan.

Jewish recruit, Ethiopian, Wailing Wall, IDF flag oath, Jerusalem, Israel

Recruit Jewish of Ethiopian origin during an IDF (Israel Defense Forces) Flag Oath ceremony.

Others come from wealthy countries, out of faith or allegiance to the Zionist cause. Joey Fox was one of them. Canadian by birth, living on the outskirts of Toronto, he grew up in a traditional family and received from his parents a Jewish education that, despite the distance, linked him to Israel.

He visited the spiritual homeland every year until, when he turned 22, he moved to the Holly Land and listed on Tzahal, the current Hebrew name for the IDF.

Hardness at the height of Israel's Political-Military Vulnerability

As he says, “during training, people would scream in my face all the time, I was gassed, forced to go on for days without eating, sleeping, showering or changing my clothes. We were also forced to sleep in the open during the miserable desert winters”.

Once the preparation was completed, it was incorporated. And the first mission he received could hardly be seen as a reward. Its 50th battalion was charged with defending the Jewish community in Hebron.

respect for homeland, mourning wall, oath flag IDF, Jerusalem, Israel

IDF (Israel Defense Forces) recruits in formation with Logs and machine guns during their oath of flag.

Joey goes on to describe: “in short, we had to protect 750 Jews who lived in a valley … out of 300.000 Arabs but, despite the difficulties, I was always proud to wear my uniform and my kippah …”

The Two Phases of the Pledge of Allegiance: the Military Discipline

The command voice sounds, in Hebrew, pompous and thunderous.

The recruits respond with coordination to the orders given to the parade, firmly wielding the M-16 rifles they have learned to fire and will continue to accompany them.

There follows a longer speech and the oath itself that binds each of the new soldiers to Israel.

The elements who finished their participation in the ceremony gather on a staircase in a corner of the square where they exchange hugs and sing nationalist chants.

While others receive the congratulations of the most moved Israelis present in the square.

Jewish Congratulation, Wailing Wall, IDF Flag Oath, Jerusalem, Israel

New soldier is congratulated on his incorporation into the IDF (Israel Defense Forces).

The next day's sunset marks the beginning of the Sabbath and the obligatory rest. Believers from the Jewish neighborhoods of Jerusalem descend the steps of the old town towards the Kotel (Wailing Wall).

are, for the most part, Haredim, ultra-orthodox, easily identifiable by the black costumes, the old-fashioned hats (borsalinos, fedoras, shtreimels, kolpiks, trilbys and others, depending on the origin of each sect) and by their pet, the curly hair that hangs from their temples.

Although they cannot share the wall together, they come with their wives who, according to the moral principles of modesty tzniut, wear simple dresses that fully cover their arms and legs.

soldiers, acrobats, mourning wall, oath flag IDF, Jerusalem, Israel

Military personnel perform an acrobat maneuver in front of the Wailing Wall, under a yeshiva (Jewish school).

And the Religious Celebration and Exaltation

For each of the entrances, there are also Jews tradition (conventional believers), yeshiva students from the surrounding schools, temporarily excused from learning the log and talmud.

Soldiers and Jew, Wailing Wall, IDF Flag Oath, Jerusalem, Israel

Soldiers and a Haredim (Orthodox) Jew share the religious comfort of the Western Wall.

And they are joined by enthusiastic groupings of newly admitted IDF soldiers, still in their olive green uniforms from the day before.

Os Haredim occupy their front and predominant position against the wall and in a large minyan (prayer group) profess and appeal to DEUS rocking towards the ancient stones.

In the meantime it gets dark. The military crowds further back, in a circle of celebration that widens and becomes hyperactive.

Believers, Religious, Military, Wailing Wall, Flag Oath IDF, Jerusalem, Israel

Believers, religious and military together in a celebration of Jewish faith and Zionist solidarity.

They jump and spin to and fro. The patriotic shouts and chants follow again.

Meanwhile, the flag with the Star of David waves. Validates what moves all this commotion: Am Yisrael Chai.

The People of Israel Lives.


Defenders of Their Homelands

Even in times of peace, we detect military personnel everywhere. On duty, in cities, they fulfill routine missions that require rigor and patience.
Saint John of Acre, Israel

The Fortress That Withstood Everything

It was a frequent target of the Crusades and taken over and over again. Today, Israeli, Acre is shared by Arabs and Jews. He lives much more peaceful and stable times than the ones he went through.
Pirenópolis, Brazil

A Ride of Faith

Introduced in 1819 by Portuguese priests, the Festa do Divino Espírito Santo de Pirenópolis it aggregates a complex web of religious and pagan celebrations. It lasts more than 20 days, spent mostly on the saddle.

Istanbul, Turkey

Where East meets West, Turkey Seeks its Way

An emblematic and grandiose metropolis, Istanbul lives at a crossroads. As Turkey in general, divided between secularism and Islam, tradition and modernity, it still doesn't know which way to go

Tsfat (Safed), Israel

When the Kabbalah is a Victim of Itself

In the 50s, Tsfat brought together the artistic life of the young Israeli nation and regained its secular mystique. But famous converts like Madonna have come to disturb the most elemental Kabbalist discretion.
Jerusalem, Israel

Closer to God

Three thousand years of history as mystical as it is troubled come to life in Jerusalem. Worshiped by Christians, Jews and Muslims, this city radiates controversy but attracts believers from all over the world.
Jaffa, Israel

Where Tel Aviv Settles Always in Party

Tel Aviv is famous for the most intense night in the Middle East. But, if its youngsters are having fun until exhaustion in the clubs along the Mediterranean, it is more and more in the nearby Old Jaffa that they tie the knot.
Jerusalem, Israel

Through the Belicious Streets of Via Dolorosa

In Jerusalem, while traveling the Via Dolorosa, the most sensitive believers realize how difficult the peace of the Lord is to achieve in the most disputed streets on the face of the earth.
Dead Sea, Israel

Afloat, in the Depths of the Earth

It is the lowest place on the surface of the planet and the scene of several biblical narratives. But the Dead Sea is also special because of the concentration of salt that makes life unfeasible but sustains those who bathe in it.
Massada, Israel

Massada: The Ultimate Jewish Fortress

In AD 73, after months of siege, a Roman legion found that the resisters at the top of Masada had committed suicide. Once again Jewish, this fortress is now the supreme symbol of Zionist determination
Jaffa, Israel

Unorthodox protests

A building in Jaffa, Tel Aviv, threatened to desecrate what ultra-Orthodox Jews thought were remnants of their ancestors. And even the revelation that they were pagan tombs did not deter them from the contestation.
Holy Sepulcher Basilica, Jerusalem, Israel

The Supreme Temple of the Old Christian Churches

It was built by Emperor Constantine, on the site of Jesus' Crucifixion and Resurrection and an ancient temple of Venus. In its genesis, a Byzantine work, the Basilica of the Holy Sepulcher is, today, shared and disputed by various Christian denominations as the great unifying building of Christianity.
Residents walk along the trail that runs through plantations above the UP4
Gurué, Mozambique, Part 1

Through the Mozambican Lands of Tea

The Portuguese founded Gurué in the 1930th century and, from XNUMX onwards, flooded it with camellia sinensis the foothills of the Namuli Mountains. Later, they renamed it Vila Junqueiro, in honor of its main promoter. With the independence of Mozambique and the civil war, the town regressed. It continues to stand out for the lush green imposing mountains and teak landscapes.
Host Wezi points out something in the distance
Cobue; Nkwichi Lodge, Mozambique

The Hidden Mozambique of the Creaking Sands

During a tour from the bottom to the top of Lake Malawi, we find ourselves on the island of Likoma, an hour by boat from Nkwichi Lodge, the solitary base of this inland coast of Mozambique. On the Mozambican side, the lake is known as Niassa. Whatever its name, there we discover some of the most stunning and unspoilt scenery in south-east Africa.
Serengeti, Great Savannah Migration, Tanzania, wildebeest on river
Serengeti NP, Tanzania

The Great Migration of the Endless Savanna

In these prairies that the Masai people say syringet (run forever), millions of wildebeests and other herbivores chase the rains. For predators, their arrival and that of the monsoon are the same salvation.
Thorong Pedi to High Camp, Annapurna Circuit, Nepal, Lone Walker
Annapurna (circuit)
Annapurna Circuit: 12th - Thorong Phedi a High camp

The Prelude to the Supreme Crossing

This section of the Annapurna Circuit is only 1km away, but in less than two hours it takes you from 4450m to 4850m and to the entrance to the great canyon. Sleeping in High Camp is a test of resistance to Mountain Evil that not everyone passes.
by the shadow
Architecture & Design
Miami, USA

A Masterpiece of Urban Rehabilitation

At the turn of the 25st century, the Wynwood neighbourhood remained filled with abandoned factories and warehouses and graffiti. Tony Goldman, a shrewd real estate investor, bought more than XNUMX properties and founded a mural park. Much more than honoring graffiti there, Goldman founded the Wynwood Arts District, the great bastion of creativity in Miami.
lagoons and fumaroles, volcanoes, PN tongariro, new zealand
Tongariro, New Zealand

The Volcanoes of All Discords

In the late XNUMXth century, an indigenous chief ceded the PN Tongariro volcanoes to the British crown. Today, a significant part of the Maori people claim their mountains of fire from European settlers.
Dragon Dance, Moon Festival, Chinatown-San Francisco-United States of America
Ceremonies and Festivities
San Francisco, USA

with the head on the moon

September comes and Chinese people around the world celebrate harvests, abundance and unity. San Francisco's enormous Sino-Community gives itself body and soul to California's biggest Moon Festival.
San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas, Zapatismo, Mexico, San Nicolau Cathedral
San Cristobal de Las Casas, Mexico

The Home Sweet Home of Mexican Social Conscience

Mayan, mestizo and Hispanic, Zapatista and tourist, country and cosmopolitan, San Cristobal has no hands to measure. In it, Mexican and expatriate backpacker visitors and political activists share a common ideological demand.
young saleswoman, nation, bread, uzbekistan
Lunch time
Fergana Valley, Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan, The Nation That Does Not Lack Bread

Few countries employ cereals like Uzbekistan. In this republic of Central Asia, bread plays a vital and social role. The Uzbeks produce it and consume it with devotion and in abundance.
Hungduan, Philippines

Country Style Philippines

The GI's left with the end of World War II, but the music from the interior of the USA that they heard still enlivens the Cordillera de Luzon. It's by tricycle and at your own pace that we visit the Hungduan rice terraces.
combat arbiter, cockfighting, philippines

When Only Cock Fights Wake Up the Philippines

Banned in much of the First World, cockfighting thrives in the Philippines where they move millions of people and pesos. Despite its eternal problems, it is the sabong that most stimulates the nation.
Ross Bridge, Tasmania, Australia
Discovering tassie, Part 3, Tasmania, Australia

Tasmania from Top to Bottom

The favorite victim of Australian anecdotes has long been the Tasmania never lost the pride in the way aussie ruder to be. Tassie remains shrouded in mystery and mysticism in a kind of hindquarters of the antipodes. In this article, we narrate the peculiar route from Hobart, the capital located in the unlikely south of the island to the north coast, the turn to the Australian continent.
Jingkieng Wahsurah, Nongblai Village Roots Bridge, Meghalaya, India
Meghalaya, India

The Bridges of the Peoples that Create Roots

The unpredictability of rivers in the wettest region on Earth never deterred the Khasi and the Jaintia. Faced with the abundance of trees elastic fig tree in their valleys, these ethnic groups got used to molding their branches and strains. From their time-lost tradition, they have bequeathed hundreds of dazzling root bridges to future generations.
ice tunnel, black gold route, Valdez, Alaska, USA
Got2Globe Photo Portfolio
Got2Globe Portfolio

Sensations vs Impressions

Panorama of the Licungo valley and its tea plantation
Gurué, Mozambique, Part 2

In Gurué, Among Tea Slopes

After an initial exploration of Gurué, it is time for tea around the area. On successive days, we set off from the city centre to discover the plantations at the foot of the Namuli Mountains. Less extensive than they were before Mozambique's independence and the Portuguese exodus, they adorn some of the most magnificent landscapes in Zambézia.
Fajãzinha, Flores Island
Flores Island, Azores

The Atlantic ends of the Azores and Portugal

Where, to the west, even on the map the Americas appear remote, the Ilha das Flores is home to the ultimate Azorean idyllic-dramatic domain and almost four thousand Florians surrendered to the dazzling end-of-the-world that welcomed them.
Masked couple for the Kitacon convention.
Winter White
Kemi, Finland

An Unconventional Finland

The authorities themselves describe Kemi as “a small, slightly crazy town in northern Finland”. When you visit, you find yourself in a Lapland that is not in keeping with the traditional ways of the region.
On the Crime and Punishment trail, St. Petersburg, Russia, Vladimirskaya
Saint Petersburg, Russia

On the Trail of "Crime and Punishment"

In St. Petersburg, we cannot resist investigating the inspiration for the base characters in Fyodor Dostoevsky's most famous novel: his own pities and the miseries of certain fellow citizens.
Guest, Michaelmas Cay, Great Barrier Reef, Australia
Michaelmas Cay, Australia

Miles from Christmas (Part XNUMX)

In Australia, we live the most uncharacteristic of the 24th of December. We set sail for the Coral Sea and disembark on an idyllic islet that we share with orange-billed terns and other birds.
Mother Armenia Statue, Yerevan, Armenia
Yerevan, Armenia

A Capital between East and West

Heiress of the Soviet civilization, aligned with the great Russia, Armenia allows itself to be seduced by the most democratic and sophisticated ways of Western Europe. In recent times, the two worlds have collided in the streets of your capital. From popular and political dispute, Yerevan will dictate the new course of the nation.
Merida cable car, Renovation, Venezuela, altitude sickness, mountain prevent to treat, travel
Natural Parks
Mérida, Venezuela

The Vertiginous Renovation of the World's Highest Cable Car

Underway from 2010, the rebuilding of the Mérida cable car was carried out in the Sierra Nevada by intrepid workers who suffered firsthand the magnitude of the work.
UNESCO World Heritage
Boat Trips

For Those Becoming Internet Sick

Hop on and let yourself go on unmissable boat trips like the Philippine archipelago of Bacuit and the frozen sea of ​​the Finnish Gulf of Bothnia.
Couple visiting Mikhaylovskoe, village where writer Alexander Pushkin had a home
Saint Petersburg e Mikhaylovkoe, Russia

The Writer Who Succumbed to His Own Plot

Alexander Pushkin is hailed by many as the greatest Russian poet and the founder of modern Russian literature. But Pushkin also dictated an almost tragicomic epilogue to his prolific life.
Cable car connecting Puerto Plata to the top of PN Isabel de Torres
Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic

The Dominican Home Silver

Puerto Plata resulted from the abandonment of La Isabela, the second attempt at a Hispanic colony in the Americas. Almost half a millennium after Columbus's landing, it inaugurated the nation's inexorable tourist phenomenon. In a lightning passage through the province, we see how the sea, the mountains, the people and the Caribbean sun keep it shining.
Lhasa, Tibet

When Buddhism Tires of Meditation

It is not only with silence and spiritual retreat that one seeks Nirvana. At the Sera Monastery, the young monks perfect their Buddhist knowledge with lively dialectical confrontations and crackling clapping of hands.
Train Fianarantsoa to Manakara, Malagasy TGV, locomotive
On Rails
Fianarantsoa-Manakara, Madagascar

On board the Malagasy TGV

We depart Fianarantsoa at 7a.m. It wasn't until 3am the following morning that we completed the 170km to Manakara. The natives call this almost secular train Train Great Vibrations. During the long journey, we felt, very strongly, those of the heart of Madagascar.
aggie gray, Samoa, South Pacific, Marlon Brando Fale
Apia, Western Samoa

The Host of the South Pacific

She sold burguês to GI's in World War II and opened a hotel that hosted Marlon Brando and Gary Cooper. Aggie Gray passed away in 2. Her legacy lives on in the South Pacific.
Daily life
Arduous Professions

the bread the devil kneaded

Work is essential to most lives. But, certain jobs impose a degree of effort, monotony or danger that only a few chosen ones can measure up to.
Pisteiro San in action at Torra Conservancy, Namibia
Palmwag, Namíbia

In Search of Rhinos

We set off from the heart of the oasis generated by the Uniab River, home to the largest number of black rhinos in southwest Africa. In the footsteps of a bushman tracker, we follow a stealthy specimen, dazzled by a setting with a Martian feel.
The Sounds, Fiordland National Park, New Zealand
Scenic Flights
Fiordland, New Zealand

The Fjords of the Antipodes

A geological quirk made the Fiordland region the rawest and most imposing in New Zealand. Year after year, many thousands of visitors worship the sub-domain slashed between Te Anau and Milford Sound.