Jerusalem, Israel

Through the Belicious Streets of Via Dolorosa

Conflicted Way
Israeli soldiers pass along the same street where the Via Crucis runs.
Bible reading
Franciscan priests read passages from the Bible at one of the stations on the Via Dolorosa.
Church of the Holy Sepulcher
The Church of the Holy Sepulcher, in the heart of Christian Jerusalem.
anointing stone
A believer leans over the stone of the sacred anointing in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.
Faithful lights a candle in a dark corner of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.
Panoramic view of Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives.
Painful way
Jerusalem signs indicating the third station on the Via Dolorosa.
Franciscans in the 1st Station
Franciscan priests lined up at the top of the ramp where the Via Crucis begins.
divine vault
Vault of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.
Holy sepulchre
Orthodox priest in front of the chapel of the Holy Sepulcher.
In God's peace
Coptic priests in a corner of the Coptic area of ​​the church of the Holy Sepulcher.
Line of Faith
Faithful wait their turn to access the chapel of Calvary.
guardian of the east
Orthodox priest at the entrance to the chapel of Calvary.
Christian pain
The faithful bend down in reverence at the stone of anointing on which the body of Christ was laid and cared for.
Christian pain II
Believers clustered around the anointing stone of Jesus Christ at the entrance to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.
In Jerusalem, while traveling the Via Dolorosa, the most sensitive believers realize how difficult the peace of the Lord is to achieve in the most disputed streets on the face of the earth.

It's not yet 3 pm.

The Franciscan priests are already lined up in the shadow of the wall of the Chapel of the Flagellation, waiting for the appointed time, for more faithful or simple people interested in the guided itinerary.

Traditional brown habits make us uniform before God and believers but do not disguise the ethnic diversity of the congregation, represented in Jerusalem by clergy from various parts of the world.

Via Crucis: the First Paredes Meias Station with an Islamic College

Five separate from the entourage, go up the ramp of the Islamic College Al-Omariyeh and line up in front of the entrance. The exact location of the first station is within the institution.

The windows on the upper floor provide a privileged view of the Temple Mount, but the entourage does not even pass through the door. The ceremony has yet to start and the religious and territorial dispute for the Holy City is already being felt.

One of the Franciscans with Asian features opens the microphone reading of passages from the Bible describing the last days of Christ. Almost at the same time, a shrill muezzin call to prayer rings from the minaret above, which drowns out the priest's amplified words.

Rivalry is little new. Over the centuries, armies of crusaders and Muslim fighters such as priests and imams have come and gone. The alleys of Jerusalem have passed the God's domains to Allah's several times.

Currently, in territorial terms, the city is even dominated by the third of the Abrahamic religions, but the competing faiths and their followers have already resigned themselves to a fragile forced coexistence.

The stray stranger continues for a few minutes. Then the Franciscans go back down the ramp, join the other brothers and begin the procession.

Via Crucis: the Second Station Next to the Franciscan Church of Condemnation

We leave the immediate vicinity of the Flagellation Chapel and stop at the second station, located opposite the college in the Franciscan Church of Condensation, where it is believed that Jesus received the cross shortly before being punished.

We pass under the arch of Ecce Homo, which was once thought to be one of the entrances to Herod's fortress.

Against the opinion of numerous historians, the place where Pontius Pilate he will have presented Jesus Christ already scourged and with the crown of thorns placed, to the hostile Jewish crowd, where he determined that, since he saw no obvious reasons for the condemnation, that the crowd should decide its fate,

Via Crucis: the Third Station in the vicinity of the Polish Catholic Chapel

The procession reaches the end of the shadowy alley. Enter Al-Wad Street and the bustling souq of the Muslim Quarter. It heads towards the third station, the place where Christ would have fallen for the first time on the way to Calvary, today located next to a small Polish chapel adjacent to the entrance to the Armenian Catholic Patriarchal Hospice.

The Franciscans stopped there for some time, completing the corresponding biblical narrative, under the controlling gaze of young soldiers from the Israeli defense forces. The passing of the procession does not seem to please the Muslim owners of the surrounding stores.

However, the participants had visibly increased. They blocked the circulation of passersby on the street and the entrance of customers. As if that wasn't enough, some visitors are accused of photographing a group of Islamic women without asking permission.

They arouse the wrath of two or three visibly resentful men who want to force them to erase the images. As is customary in these disputes, the IDF soldiers soon make their presence felt.

They impose their authority and discourage plaintiffs from continuing the scandal. Almost simultaneously, three other soldiers appear escorting a handcuffed Palestinian through the crowd.

Via Crucis: the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Stations

By then, the procession had moved on to the fourth station, where it is believed that Jesus faced his mother. Forced to regain ground, we never quite realized what the imprisonment was about.

The Via Dolorosa continues to the fifth station where the Romans are said to have ordered Simon the Cyrenaic to help Jesus carry the cross and to the sixth where Veronica wiped His face with a cloth. Nearby, in the Christian Quarter, the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate even displays what it claims to be this cloth, with the imprint of the face of Jesus.

Al-Wad Street continues south towards the Western Wall.

We leave it in the lane of the Franciscans who climb a staircase bordered by the shops of the huge souq Khan as-Zeit. Priests challenge the faithful to pray with them but recite the tenth of the rosary in Latin and the dead language discourages followers.

The gap frustrates a Franciscan who, in Italian, cannot contain his disappointment: “Do you no longer know Latin? You should know. Latin is our language. It was through her that we spread the holy faith!”.

Via Crucis: the Seventh Station near the Franciscan Chapel

His claim bears no fruit, not least because the seventh season is announced and the brothers in charge of it claim to take the lead in describing the drama of Jesus' second fall, under the inhuman weight of the cross.

We crossed the busy souq and absorbed in a multisensory way the cultural traits of that old Muslim commercial center. We walked up Aqabat al-Khanqah Street and found the eighth station where Jesus told some women to weep for them and their children, not for Him.

Then, the continuation of Via Crucis requires a return to the souq.

Via Crucis: the Ninth Station Marked by the Coptic Church of Jerusalem

From there, it continues towards the Damascus Gate and skirts the Coptic Church. The traces of a column on its door mark the ninth station and the place where Christ fell for the third time.

The next five stations are found inside the Basilica of the Holy Sepulcher, the holiest of Christian buildings in the Old City of Jerusalem for allegedly embracing the biblical site of Calvary.

At least, so believed Helena, the mother of Emperor Constantine, 300 years after the death of Christ – herself a convinced pilgrim – who, after identifying the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea and the three crosses, decreed the construction of the protective temple.

Via Crucis: Tenth to Fourteenth Station, in the Basilica of the Sepulcher

Pilgrims from the 16 corners of the world have arrived there for 4 centuries, moved and left their tears at the places where Jesus' garments were taken off (10th station), where he was nailed to the cross (11th), where he perished ( 12th), in which his body was removed from the cross and given to Mary (13th) and, finally, where he was placed in the Holy Sepulcher (14th). The same happens with several believers that we accompany on the journey of the Via Dolorosa that is about to reach its end.

Around the XNUMXth century, the faithful already carried out ritual stops that retrieved the events of Christ's journey to the Cross.

The various splits in the Christian faith are evident in the Old City, which has long been home to Catholic, Orthodox, Copt Lutheran churches and believers, among others. During the Middle Ages, Latin Christianity split into rival camps and the Via Dolorosa branched out.

Each of the factions claimed that the true itineraries visited one or the other's chapels.

The Secular and Controversial Elaboration of the Via Crucis

In the XNUMXth century, the Franciscans designed a walk of devotion that included some of the current stations but began with the Holy Sepulcher.

For 200 years, this was the usual route until the desire of European pilgrims to follow events in scriptural order and to end at Calvary eventually won the change. But not everyone agreed, nor was it expected in Jerusalem, the city of all disputes.

Several historians claim that the Via Dolorosa should start outside the Citadel, near where Pilate's residence once stood. Biblical references to Jesus' judgment mention that it took place on a platform and in an open space.

According to scholars, only the governor's palace could have such a structure. Accordingly, historians claim that the ideal itinerary for the Via Dolorosa should from there follow the Rue de David east.

Then north through the current souq el-Lahamin and west towards Calvary.

Morondava, Avenue of Baobabs, Madagascar

The Malagasy Way to Dazzle

Out of nowhere, a colony of baobab trees 30 meters high and 800 years old flanks a section of the clayey and ocher road parallel to the Mozambique Channel and the fishing coast of Morondava. The natives consider these colossal trees the mothers of their forest. Travelers venerate them as a kind of initiatory corridor.
Saint John of Acre, Israel

The Fortress That Withstood Everything

It was a frequent target of the Crusades and taken over and over again. Today, Israeli, Acre is shared by Arabs and Jews. He lives much more peaceful and stable times than the ones he went through.

Istanbul, Turkey

Where East meets West, Turkey Seeks its Way

An emblematic and grandiose metropolis, Istanbul lives at a crossroads. As Turkey in general, divided between secularism and Islam, tradition and modernity, it still doesn't know which way to go

Helsinki, Finland

A Frigid-Scholarly Via Crucis

When Holy Week arrives, Helsinki shows its belief. Despite the freezing cold, little dressed actors star in a sophisticated re-enactment of Via Crucis through streets full of spectators.
Helsinki, Finland

The Pagan Passover of Seurasaari

In Helsinki, Holy Saturday is also celebrated in a Gentile way. Hundreds of families gather on an offshore island, around lit fires to chase away evil spirits, witches and trolls
Jaffa, Israel

Where Tel Aviv Settles Always in Party

Tel Aviv is famous for the most intense night in the Middle East. But, if its youngsters are having fun until exhaustion in the clubs along the Mediterranean, it is more and more in the nearby Old Jaffa that they tie the knot.
Marinduque, Philippines

When the Romans Invade the Philippines

Even the Eastern Empire didn't get that far. In Holy Week, thousands of centurions seize Marinduque. There, the last days of Longinus, a legionary converted to Christianity, are re-enacted.
Marinduque, Philippines

The Philippine Passion of Christ

No nation around is Catholic but many Filipinos are not intimidated. In Holy Week, they surrender to the belief inherited from the Spanish colonists. Self-flagellation becomes a bloody test of faith
Jerusalem, Israel

A Festive Wailing Wall

The holiest place in Judaism is not only attended by prayers and prayers. Its ancient stones have witnessed the oath of new IDF recruits for decades and echo the euphoric screams that follow.
Jaffa, Israel

Unorthodox protests

A building in Jaffa, Tel Aviv, threatened to desecrate what ultra-Orthodox Jews thought were remnants of their ancestors. And even the revelation that they were pagan tombs did not deter them from the contestation.
Dead Sea, Israel

Afloat, in the Depths of the Earth

It is the lowest place on the surface of the planet and the scene of several biblical narratives. But the Dead Sea is also special because of the concentration of salt that makes life unfeasible but sustains those who bathe in it.
Tsfat (Safed), Israel

When the Kabbalah is a Victim of Itself

In the 50s, Tsfat brought together the artistic life of the young Israeli nation and regained its secular mystique. But famous converts like Madonna have come to disturb the most elemental Kabbalist discretion.
Jerusalem, Israel

Closer to God

Three thousand years of history as mystical as it is troubled come to life in Jerusalem. Worshiped by Christians, Jews and Muslims, this city radiates controversy but attracts believers from all over the world.
Massada, Israel

Massada: The Ultimate Jewish Fortress

In AD 73, after months of siege, a Roman legion found that the resisters at the top of Masada had committed suicide. Once again Jewish, this fortress is now the supreme symbol of Zionist determination
Holy Sepulcher Basilica, Jerusalem, Israel

The Supreme Temple of the Old Christian Churches

It was built by Emperor Constantine, on the site of Jesus' Crucifixion and Resurrection and an ancient temple of Venus. In its genesis, a Byzantine work, the Basilica of the Holy Sepulcher is, today, shared and disputed by various Christian denominations as the great unifying building of Christianity.
Believers greet each other in the Bukhara region.
Bukhara, Uzbequistan

Among the Minarets of Old Turkestan

Situated on the ancient Silk Road, Bukhara has developed for at least two thousand years as an essential commercial, cultural and religious hub in Central Asia. It was Buddhist and then Muslim. It was part of the great Arab empire and that of Genghis Khan, the Turko-Mongol kingdoms and the Soviet Union, until it settled in the still young and peculiar Uzbekistan.
Host Wezi points out something in the distance
Cobue; Nkwichi Lodge, Mozambique

The Hidden Mozambique of the Creaking Sands

During a tour from the bottom to the top of Lake Malawi, we find ourselves on the island of Likoma, an hour by boat from Nkwichi Lodge, the solitary base of this inland coast of Mozambique. On the Mozambican side, the lake is known as Niassa. Whatever its name, there we discover some of the most stunning and unspoilt scenery in south-east Africa.
Jabula Beach, Kwazulu Natal, South Africa
Saint Lucia, South Africa

An Africa as Wild as Zulu

On the eminence of the coast of Mozambique, the province of KwaZulu-Natal is home to an unexpected South Africa. Deserted beaches full of dunes, vast estuarine swamps and hills covered with fog fill this wild land also bathed by the Indian Ocean. It is shared by the subjects of the always proud Zulu nation and one of the most prolific and diverse fauna on the African continent.
Hikers on the Ice Lake Trail, Annapurna Circuit, Nepal
Annapurna (circuit)
Annapurna Circuit: 7th - Braga - Ice Lake, Nepal

Annapurna Circuit – The Painful Acclimatization of the Ice Lake

On the way up to the Ghyaru village, we had a first and unexpected show of how ecstatic the Annapurna Circuit can be tasted. Nine kilometers later, in Braga, due to the need to acclimatize, we climbed from 3.470m from Braga to 4.600m from Lake Kicho Tal. We only felt some expected tiredness and the increase in the wonder of the Annapurna Mountains.
Mother Armenia Statue, Yerevan, Armenia
Architecture & Design
Yerevan, Armenia

A Capital between East and West

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Totems, Botko Village, Malekula, Vanuatu
Malekula, Vanuatu

Meat and Bone Cannibalism

Until the early XNUMXth century, man-eaters still feasted on the Vanuatu archipelago. In the village of Botko we find out why European settlers were so afraid of the island of Malekula.
Correspondence verification
Ceremonies and Festivities
Rovaniemi, Finland

From the Finnish Lapland to the Arctic. A Visit to the Land of Santa

Fed up with waiting for the bearded old man to descend down the chimney, we reverse the story. We took advantage of a trip to Finnish Lapland and passed through its furtive home.
Cape Town, South Africa, Nelson Mandela
Cape Town, South Africa

In the End: the Cape

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Lunch time
Margilan, Uzbekistan

An Uzbekistan's Breadwinner

In one of the many bakeries in Margilan, worn out by the intense heat of the tandyr oven, the baker Maruf'Jon works half-baked like the distinctive traditional breads sold throughout Uzbekistan
the projectionist
Sainte-Luce, Martinique

The Nostalgic Projectionist

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Bungee jumping, Queenstown, New Zealand
Queenstown, New Zealand

Queenstown, the Queen of Extreme Sports

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DMZ, South Korea, Line of no return
DMZ, Dora - South Korea

The Line of No Return

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Lifou, Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia, Mme Moline popinée
LifouLoyalty Islands

The Greatest of the Loyalties

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Ruins, Port Arthur, Tasmania, Australia
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An Island Doomed to Crime

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Maksim, Sami people, Inari, Finland-2
Winter White
Inari, Finland

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Visitors to Ernest Hemingway's Home, Key West, Florida, United States
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Christmas in Australia, Platipus = Platypus
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Sheki, Azerbaijan

autumn in the caucasus

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Matukituki River, New Zealand
Natural Parks
Wanaka, New Zealand

The Antipodes Great Outdoors

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Museum of Petroleum, Stavanger, Norway
UNESCO World Heritage
Stavanger, Norway

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now from above ladder, sorcerer of new zealand, Christchurch, new zealand
Christchurch, New Zealand

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Glass Bottom Boats, Kabira Bay, Ishigaki
Ishigaki, Japan

The Exotic Japanese Tropics

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Miyajima Island, Shinto and Buddhism, Japan, Gateway to a Holy Island
Miyajima, Japan

Shintoism and Buddhism with the Tide

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Train Fianarantsoa to Manakara, Malagasy TGV, locomotive
On Rails
Fianarantsoa-Manakara, Madagascar

On board the Malagasy TGV

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Tombola, street bingo-Campeche, Mexico
Campeche, Mexico

200 Years of Playing with Luck

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Daily life
Colónia Pellegrini, Argentina

When the Meat is Weak

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Amboseli National Park, Mount Kilimanjaro, Normatior Hill
Amboseli National Park, Kenya

A Gift from the Kilimanjaro

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Passengers, scenic flights-Southern Alps, New Zealand
Scenic Flights
Aoraki / Mount Cook, New Zealand

The Aeronautical Conquest of the Southern Alps

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