Champoton, Mexico

Rodeo Under Sombreros

shadow of success
Charro (Mexican Cowboy) pulls a calf during the "Colas en el Lienzo" test, which consists of knocking down a bull by pulling its tail.
improvised bench
Adelite friends and a young charro accompany the action of the "suertes charras" (proofs) from the top of a wall.
training with loops
Charros practice lasso casting for upcoming trials that require the use of this skill.
Adelita under a sombrero holds a horse near an access door to the arena of the "lienzo de charro"
duo charro
Vaqueros on horseback near the "lienzo de charro" and next to an animal transport van.
Charreal Generations
Pai holds a bebe vaquero on the wall of the partidero (entrance hall) of Champotón's arena while the participants exercise.
the center of the action
The event's presenter speaks into the microphone and two adelitas follow the events from the top of a terrace with a privileged view over the arena.
The Judge's Judicious Look
Participant handles his horse to achieve movements required by the test, under the careful consideration of the judge and presenter.
Cowgirl fashion
Detail of a vaquero dressed in the Mexican tradition of Campeche.
Vaqueros parade
Charros enter the main arena to start the various tests that form the "charras suertes".
Young woman refugee from the excessive heat caused by traditional costumes behind the wheel of her family's van.
Sombrero sync
Vaqueros roam the partidero, about to enter the arena for an exhibition tour.
Wise words
Conversation between a peasant woman and a young charro during a break from the action taking place in the "lienzo de charro" (on the side).
Half Sombrero & Smile
Adelita holds her large sombrero on a terrace with a privileged view of the charro linen cloth.
for posterity
A group of charreos of various ages poses in line moments before the start of the charreo de Champotón.
tenuous border
Spectator and participant observe the charreo races dressed each on their side of the arena wall.
Champoton, in Campeche, hosts a fair honored by the Virgén de La Concepción. O rodeo Mexican under local sombreros reveals the elegance and skill of the region's cowboys.

We were in the back seat. Still awake and aware of the surrounding scenery, despite the long journey from the ruins of Edzná and the tropic-wild confines of the Yucatan peninsula.

Installed in the place of the dead, Wilberth Alexandro Pech also remained alert, keen to convey to us the peculiarities of the places we passed. “because friends, we are now arriving in Champotón.

It may seem hard to believe, but the sea of ​​the Gulf of Mexico that you see there is not always so still. It was on this same coast that, in 1507, Francisco Hernandez de Cordoba did here, after Campeche, the second scale of the Hispanic incursion into these parts of the Americas.

the indigenous cocomes e tutul xiúes received us well. They allowed them to stock up on water and supplies and continue their discovery”.

When nothing seemed to indicate it and, arriving by land, we were treated to a probably even warmer welcome.

It was mid-afternoon. The main city of the state was approaching before our eyes. But a roadside frenzy arouses our attention and curiosity. “Ah, this is one of our fairs. This one is held in honor of the Virgen de la Concépcion.” Wilberth advances to us. I think there will be another plow. We still have time.

Do you want to go take a look?" We don't think twice. A good few years before we had seen a amazing rodeo in Perth, Australia. We were curious to see what Campeche had in store for us. We got out of the car, crossed the road and resumed an always welcome mode of exploration.

The Unexpected Rodeo Charro Mexicano de Champotón

On the other side, a group of ladies the horse rides along a wall that establishes the street boundary for the event. They wear rich and colorful dresses from adelitas or ranchers. They prepare to return to the venue and don't mind – quite the contrary – that we follow them.

improvised bench

Adelite friends and a young charro accompany the action of the “suertes charras” (evidence) from the top of a wall.

We come across a makeshift gate. A kind of porter allows them to pass. Surprised by the unexpected sequence, el charro on duty asks a colleague to go talk to someone else.

When the emissary brings the answer, he invites us in and welcomes us.

We soon realized that we had joined the party, the rectangular section of the charro linen cloth (Mexican arena) where the competition would take place. There, dozens of cowboys, equally dressed up, fraternize and rehearse the steps and movements they are about to show.

training with loops

Charros practice lasso casting for upcoming trials that require the use of this skill.

One or another joints more uninhibited approach us with short conversations on occasion. Until their counterparts call them for new exercises. At that moment, we were left on our own, between the white walls and the horses and riders enclosed there.

The plow is about to begin.

Place to the Competition of Your Charras from the mexican rodeo

An older cowboy with the air and posture of a leader appears out of nowhere and tries to accommodate us in a less inconvenient way. “Friends, if you want to photograph this the best place is the balcony in front. But look, the ladder broke. Be careful going up.”

tenuous border

Spectator and participant observe the charreo races dressed each on their side of the arena wall.

We pass outside and walk along the wall. We came across several other participants in the chareada and their family and friends. It is then that we begin to feel the spirit of community that surrounds the event.

With the help of two expectant mothers, we found such an access point, less problematic than the organizer had done.

We fucked without ceremony and settled on the small cement terrace already half-occupied by more adelitas, by children and a host-host-judge of the event with a scoreboard and a microphone.

the center of the action

Event presenter speaks into the microphone and two adelitas follow the events from the top of a terrace with a privileged view over the arena

“And there is Maz. The one that comes for more! It's already at the door. Carlos Maz, here he comes at the back. Then Maz approaches!”

also from hat and charro uniform, the presenter, narrates the action of the glues in linen cloth, one of several charras suertes in which competitors are evaluated.


Adelita under a sombrero holds a horse close to an access door to the arena of the "lienzo de charro"

One by one, these chase calves that were dropped at the beginning of the party and try to tie their legs or hindquarters in order to immobilize them. The next joint hits only one of the legs and sees the calf running away kicking.

shadow of success

Charro (Mexican Cowboy) pulls a calf during the “Colas en el Lienzo” test, which consists of knocking down a bull by pulling its tail.

Apart from this error, it makes other technical failures. In a closed country Hispanic, the presenter judge does the math without ceremony.

From the amplified chatter, we realized that I had gotten zero minus eight points and a few more discouraging subtractions.

The Mexican Rodeo Underneath Sombreros de Campeche continues

The fair had been going on for a few days. The public was scarce in the stands. Still, the parades, the charras suertes and skirmishes (female acrobatics on horseback) follow one another with the young competitors riding à la mujeriegas – which is like saying from the side – while, on the terrace where we stand, others admire the exhibitions taking place below.

Cowgirl fashion

Detail of a vaquero dressed in the Mexican tradition of Campeche.

Right next to us, a Adelita The youngest breaks into angry tears and generates an argument that the father resolves without much appeal.

However, the charred comes to an end. We went down to the ground. As we passed a pick-up truck, we heard again the crying that had started on the terrace.

Precious moments of socializing after the Mexican Rodeo in Campeche

We look out the window and find the young girl that his father had grounded. We tried to cheer her up and we finally understood her reasons: “It's just too hot and I was tired of wearing the skirt and all that outfit. I wanted to get cooler but my father said that today was a special day and I had to endure it.”

Half Sombrero & Smile

Adelita holds her large sombrero on a terrace with a privileged view of the charro linen cloth.

Conversation makes conversation, there we managed to cheer her up. Between playing with the steering wheel and many faces, Aisse enchants us with her mestizo beauty and youthful good mood.

We remember that we have Wilberth waiting for a long time. We're already heading to the exit of the charro linen cloth they call us to a table where an improvised meal takes place. “Sit down!” orders the gentleman who had granted us entry. “They've already worked a lot. Now rest and eat!"

We are served refreshments and mixiote (roasted lamb meat). Guests also satisfy their curiosity with countless questions about where we come from and what we do there.

We enjoy the meal and the pleasant hospitality while we can. Until the sun comes up around the horizon and reminds us that we would already be abusing the patience of the guide and the driver.

Charreal Generations

Pai holds a bebe vaquero on the wall of the partidero (entrance hall) of Champotón's arena while the participants exercise.

We said goodbye to those warm-hearted people and went a little further up the west coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, aimed at Campeche.

Izamal, Mexico

The Holy, Yellow and Beautiful Mexican City

Until the arrival of the Spanish conquerors, Izamal was a center of worship for the supreme Mayan god Itzamná and Kinich Kakmó, the one of the sun. Gradually, the invaders razed the various pyramids of the natives. In its place, they built a large Franciscan convent and a prolific colonial houses, with the same solar tone in which the now Catholic city shines.
Campeche, Mexico

Campeche Upon Can Pech

As was the case throughout Mexico, the conquerors arrived, saw and won. Can Pech, the Mayan village, had almost 40 inhabitants, palaces, pyramids and an exuberant urban architecture, but in 1540 there were less than 6 natives. Over the ruins, the Spaniards built Campeche, one of the most imposing colonial cities in the Americas.
Mérida, Mexico

The Most Exuberant of Meridas

In 25 BC, the Romans founded Emerita Augusta, capital of Lusitania. The Spanish expansion generated three other Méridas in the world. Of the four, the Yucatan capital is the most colorful and lively, resplendent with Hispanic colonial heritage and multi-ethnic life.
Cobá to Pac Chen, Mexico

From the Ruins to the Mayan Homes

On the Yucatan Peninsula, the history of the second largest indigenous Mexican people is intertwined with their daily lives and merges with modernity. In Cobá, we went from the top of one of its ancient pyramids to the heart of a village of our times.
Campeche, Mexico

A Bingo so playful that you play with puppets

On Friday nights, a group of ladies occupy tables at Independencia Park and bet on trifles. The tiniest prizes come out to them in combinations of cats, hearts, comets, maracas and other icons.

Mexico City, Mexico

mexican soul

With more than 20 million inhabitants in a vast metropolitan area, this megalopolis marks, from its heart of zócalo, the spiritual pulse of a nation that has always been vulnerable and dramatic.

Perth, Australia

The Oceania Cowboys

Texas is on the other side of the world, but there is no shortage of cowboys in the country of koalas and kangaroos. Outback rodeos recreate the original version and 8 seconds lasts no less in the Australian Western.
San Cristóbal de las Casas a Campeche, Mexico

A Relay of Faith

The Catholic equivalent of Our Lady of Fátima, Our Lady of Guadalupe moves and moves Mexico. Its faithful cross the country's roads, determined to bring the proof of their faith to the patroness of the Americas.
Campeche, Mexico

200 Years of Playing with Luck

At the end of the XNUMXth century, the peasants surrendered to a game introduced to cool the fever of cash cards. Today, played almost only for Abuelites, lottery little more than a fun place.
Tulum, Mexico

The Most Caribbean of the Mayan Ruins

Built by the sea as an exceptional outpost decisive for the prosperity of the Mayan nation, Tulum was one of its last cities to succumb to Hispanic occupation. At the end of the XNUMXth century, its inhabitants abandoned it to time and to an impeccable coastline of the Yucatan peninsula.
San Cristobal de Las Casas, Mexico

The Home Sweet Home of Mexican Social Conscience

Mayan, mestizo and Hispanic, Zapatista and tourist, country and cosmopolitan, San Cristobal has no hands to measure. In it, Mexican and expatriate backpacker visitors and political activists share a common ideological demand.
Yucatan, Mexico

The End of the End of the World

The announced day passed but the End of the World insisted on not arriving. In Central America, today's Mayans watched and put up with incredulity all the hysteria surrounding their calendar.
Yucatan, Mexico

The Sidereal Murphy's Law That Doomed the Dinosaurs

Scientists studying the crater caused by a meteorite impact 66 million years ago have come to a sweeping conclusion: it happened exactly over a section of the 13% of the Earth's surface susceptible to such devastation. It is a threshold zone on the Mexican Yucatan peninsula that a whim of the evolution of species allowed us to visit.
Uxmal, Yucatan, Mexico

The Mayan Capital That Piled It Up To Collapse

The term Uxmal means built three times. In the long pre-Hispanic era of dispute in the Mayan world, the city had its heyday, corresponding to the top of the Pyramid of the Diviner at its heart. It will have been abandoned before the Spanish Conquest of the Yucatan. Its ruins are among the most intact on the Yucatan Peninsula.
Barrancas del Cobre (Copper Canyon), Chihuahua, Mexico

The Deep Mexico of the Barrancas del Cobre

Without warning, the Chihuahua highlands give way to endless ravines. Sixty million geological years have furrowed them and made them inhospitable. The Rarámuri indigenous people continue to call them home.
Creel to Los Mochis, Mexico

The Barrancas del Cobre & the CHEPE Iron Horse

The Sierra Madre Occidental's relief turned the dream into a construction nightmare that lasted six decades. In 1961, at last, the prodigious Chihuahua al Pacifico Railroad was opened. Its 643km cross some of the most dramatic scenery in Mexico.
chihuahua, Mexico

¡Ay Chihuahua !

Mexicans have adapted this expression as one of their favorite manifestations of surprise. While we wander through the capital of the homonymous state of the Northwest, we often exclaim it.
Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico

On the Edge of the Cenote, at the Heart of the Mayan Civilization

Between the XNUMXth and XNUMXth centuries AD, Chichen Itza stood out as the most important city in the Yucatan Peninsula and the vast Mayan Empire. If the Spanish Conquest precipitated its decline and abandonment, modern history has consecrated its ruins a World Heritage Site and a Wonder of the World.
Real de Catorce, San Luis Potosí, Mexico

From New Spain Lode to Mexican Pueblo Mágico

At the beginning of the XNUMXth century, it was one of the mining towns that guaranteed the most silver to the Spanish Crown. A century later, the silver had been devalued in such a way that Real de Catorce was abandoned. Its history and the peculiar scenarios filmed by Hollywood have made it one of the most precious villages in Mexico.
Real de Catorce, San Luis Potosí, Mexico

The Depreciation of Silver that Led to that of the Pueblo (Part II)

With the turn of the XNUMXth century, the value of the precious metal hit bottom. From a prodigious town, Real de Catorce became a ghost. Still discovering, we explore the ruins of the mines at their origin and the charm of the Pueblo resurrected.
Residents walk along the trail that runs through plantations above the UP4
Gurué, Mozambique, Part 1

Through the Mozambican Lands of Tea

The Portuguese founded Gurué in the 1930th century and, from XNUMX onwards, flooded it with camellia sinensis the foothills of the Namuli Mountains. Later, they renamed it Vila Junqueiro, in honor of its main promoter. With the independence of Mozambique and the civil war, the town regressed. It continues to stand out for the lush green imposing mountains and teak landscapes.
Host Wezi points out something in the distance
Cobue; Nkwichi Lodge, Mozambique

The Hidden Mozambique of the Creaking Sands

During a tour from the bottom to the top of Lake Malawi, we find ourselves on the island of Likoma, an hour by boat from Nkwichi Lodge, the solitary base of this inland coast of Mozambique. On the Mozambican side, the lake is known as Niassa. Whatever its name, there we discover some of the most stunning and unspoilt scenery in south-east Africa.
The Zambezi River, PN Mana Pools
Kanga Pan, Mana Pools NP, Zimbabwe

A Perennial Source of Wildlife

A depression located 15km southeast of the Zambezi River retains water and minerals throughout Zimbabwe's dry season. Kanga Pan, as it is known, nurtures one of the most prolific ecosystems in the immense and stunning Mana Pools National Park.
Hikers on the Ice Lake Trail, Annapurna Circuit, Nepal
Annapurna (circuit)
Annapurna Circuit: 7th - Braga - Ice Lake, Nepal

Annapurna Circuit – The Painful Acclimatization of the Ice Lake

On the way up to the Ghyaru village, we had a first and unexpected show of how ecstatic the Annapurna Circuit can be tasted. Nine kilometers later, in Braga, due to the need to acclimatize, we climbed from 3.470m from Braga to 4.600m from Lake Kicho Tal. We only felt some expected tiredness and the increase in the wonder of the Annapurna Mountains.
Alaskan Lumberjack Show Competition, Ketchikan, Alaska, USA
Architecture & Design
Ketchikan, Alaska

Here begins Alaska

The reality goes unnoticed in most of the world, but there are two Alaskas. In urban terms, the state is inaugurated in the south of its hidden frying pan handle, a strip of land separated from the contiguous USA along the west coast of Canada. Ketchikan, is the southernmost of Alaskan cities, its Rain Capital and the Salmon Capital of the World.
Tibetan heights, altitude sickness, mountain prevent to treat, travel

Altitude Sickness: the Grievances of Getting Mountain Sick

When traveling, it happens that we find ourselves confronted with the lack of time to explore a place as unmissable as it is high. Medicine and previous experiences with Altitude Evil dictate that we should not risk ascending in a hurry.
orthodox procession
Ceremonies and Festivities
Suzdal, Russia

Centuries of Devotion to a Devoted Monk

Euthymius was a fourteenth-century Russian ascetic who gave himself body and soul to God. His faith inspired Suzdal's religiosity. The city's believers worship him as the saint he has become.
Lawless City, Transit of Hanoi, Under the Order of Chaos, Vietnam
Hanoi, Vietnam

Under the Order of Chaos

Hanoi has long ignored scant traffic lights, other traffic signs and decorative traffic lights. It lives in its own rhythm and in an order of chaos unattainable by the West.
Singapore Asian Capital Food, Basmati Bismi
Lunch time

The Asian Food Capital

There were 4 ethnic groups in Singapore, each with its own culinary tradition. Added to this was the influence of thousands of immigrants and expatriates on an island with half the area of ​​London. It was the nation with the greatest gastronomic diversity in the Orient.
Vairocana Buddha, Todai ji Temple, Nara, Japan
Nara, Japan

The Colossal Cradle of the Japanese Buddhism

Nara has long since ceased to be the capital and its Todai-ji temple has been demoted. But the Great Hall remains the largest ancient wooden building in the world. And it houses the greatest bronze Vairocana Buddha.
4th of July Fireworks-Seward, Alaska, United States
Seward, Alaska

The Longest 4th of July

The independence of the United States is celebrated, in Seward, Alaska, in a modest way. Even so, the 4th of July and its celebration seem to have no end.
Streymoy island, Faroe Islands, Tjornuvik, Giant and Witch
streymoy, Faroe Islands

Up Streymoy, drawn to the Island of Currents

We leave the capital Torshavn heading north. We crossed from Vestmanna to the east coast of Streymoy. Until we reach the northern end of Tjornuvík, we are dazzled again and again by the verdant eccentricity of the largest Faroese island.
Elalab, aerial view, Guinea Bissau
Elalab, Guinea Bissau

A Tabanca in the Guinea of ​​Endless Meanders

There are countless tributaries and channels that, to the north of the great Cacheu River, wind through mangroves and soak up dry land. Against all odds, Felupe people settled there and maintain prolific villages surrounded by rice fields. Elalab, one of those villages, has become one of the most natural and exuberant tabancas in Guinea Bissau.
View of Fa Island, Tonga, Last Polynesian Monarchy
Got2Globe Photo Portfolio
Got2Globe Portfolio

Exotic Signs of Life

Women at Jaisalmer Fort, Rajasthan, India.
Jaisalmer, India

The Life Withstanding in the Golden Fort of Jaisalmer

The Jaisalmer fortress was erected from 1156 onwards by order of Rawal Jaisal, ruler of a powerful clan from the now Indian reaches of the Thar Desert. More than eight centuries later, despite continued pressure from tourism, they share the vast and intricate interior of the last of India's inhabited forts, almost four thousand descendants of the original inhabitants.
East side of the volcano, Fogo Island, Cape Verde
Fogo Island, Cape Verde

Around the Fogo Island

Time and the laws of geomorphology dictated that the volcano-island of Fogo rounded off like no other in Cape Verde. Discovering this exuberant Macaronesian archipelago, we circled around it against the clock. We are dazzled in the same direction.
Reindeer Racing, Kings Cup, Inari, Finland
Winter White
Inari, Finland

The Wackiest Race on the Top of the World

Finland's Lapps have been competing in the tow of their reindeer for centuries. In the final of the Kings Cup - Porokuninkuusajot - , they face each other at great speed, well above the Arctic Circle and well below zero.
On the Crime and Punishment trail, St. Petersburg, Russia, Vladimirskaya
Saint Petersburg, Russia

On the Trail of "Crime and Punishment"

In St. Petersburg, we cannot resist investigating the inspiration for the base characters in Fyodor Dostoevsky's most famous novel: his own pities and the miseries of certain fellow citizens.
Forested Peaks, Huang Shan, China, Anhui, Yellow Mountain Floating Peaks
Huang Shan, China

Huang Shan: The Yellow Mountains of the Floating Peaks

The granitic peaks of the floating yellow mountains of Huang Shan, from which acrobat pines sprout, appear in artistic illustrations from China without count. The real scenery, in addition to being remote, remains hidden above the clouds for over 200 days.
Girl plays with leaves on the shore of the Great Lake at Catherine Palace
Saint Petersburg, Russia

Golden Days Before the Storm

Aside from the political and military events precipitated by Russia, from mid-September onwards, autumn takes over the country. In previous years, when visiting Saint Petersburg, we witnessed how the cultural and northern capital was covered in a resplendent yellow-orange. A dazzling light that hardly matches the political and military gloom that had spread in the meantime.
Serra Dourada, Cerrado, Goiás, Brazil
Natural Parks
Serra Dourada, Goiás, Brazil

Where the Cerrado Waves Golden

One of the types of South America savannah, the Cerrado extends over more than a fifth of the Brazilian territory, which supplies much of its fresh water. Located in the heart of the Central Plateau and the state of Goiás, the Serra Dourada State Park shines double.
Acre, Templar Stronghold, Israel, Crispy Sweets
UNESCO World Heritage
Saint John of Acre, Israel

The Fortress That Withstood Everything

It was a frequent target of the Crusades and taken over and over again. Today, Israeli, Acre is shared by Arabs and Jews. He lives much more peaceful and stable times than the ones he went through.
Look-alikes, Actors and Extras

Make-believe stars

They are the protagonists of events or are street entrepreneurs. They embody unavoidable characters, represent social classes or epochs. Even miles from Hollywood, without them, the world would be more dull.
Boat and helmsman, Cayo Los Pájaros, Los Haitises, Dominican Republic
Samaná PeninsulaLos Haitises National Park Dominican Republic

From the Samaná Peninsula to the Dominican Haitises

In the northeast corner of the Dominican Republic, where Caribbean nature still triumphs, we face an Atlantic much more vigorous than expected in these parts. There we ride on a communal basis to the famous Limón waterfall, cross the bay of Samaná and penetrate the remote and exuberant “land of the mountains” that encloses it.
Casario, uptown, Fianarantsoa, ​​Madagascar
Fianarantsoa, Madagascar

The Malagasy City of Good Education

Fianarantsoa was founded in 1831 by Ranavalona Iª, a queen of the then predominant Merina ethnic group. Ranavalona Iª was seen by European contemporaries as isolationist, tyrant and cruel. The monarch's reputation aside, when we enter it, its old southern capital remains as the academic, intellectual and religious center of Madagascar.
End of the World Train, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
On Rails
Ushuaia, Argentina

Last Station: End of the World

Until 1947, the Tren del Fin del Mundo made countless trips for the inmates of the Ushuaia prison to cut firewood. Today, passengers are different, but no other train goes further south.
Military Religious, Wailing Wall, IDF Flag Oath, Jerusalem, Israel
Jerusalem, Israel

A Festive Wailing Wall

The holiest place in Judaism is not only attended by prayers and prayers. Its ancient stones have witnessed the oath of new IDF recruits for decades and echo the euphoric screams that follow.
Visitors at Talisay Ruins, Negros Island, Philippines
Daily life
Talisay City, Philippines

Monument to a Luso-Philippine Love

At the end of the 11th century, Mariano Lacson, a Filipino farmer, and Maria Braga, a Portuguese woman from Macau, fell in love and got married. During the pregnancy of what would be her 2th child, Maria succumbed to a fall. Destroyed, Mariano built a mansion in his honor. In the midst of World War II, the mansion was set on fire, but the elegant ruins that endured perpetuate their tragic relationship.
Cape cross seal colony, cape cross seals, Namibia
Cape Cross, Namíbia

The Most Turbulent of the African Colonies

Diogo Cão landed in this cape of Africa in 1486, installed a pattern and turned around. The immediate coastline to the north and south was German, South African, and finally Namibian. Indifferent to successive transfers of nationality, one of the largest seal colonies in the world has maintained its hold there and animates it with deafening marine barks and endless tantrums.
Bungee jumping, Queenstown, New Zealand
Scenic Flights
Queenstown, New Zealand

Queenstown, the Queen of Extreme Sports

In the century. XVIII, the Kiwi government proclaimed a mining village on the South Island "fit for a queen".Today's extreme scenery and activities reinforce the majestic status of ever-challenging Queenstown.