Tokyo, Japan

The Fish Market That Lost its Freshness

Tsukiji Sellers
Vendors stationed at their Tsukiji fish market stalls.
Electric Cars
Workers drive electric transport and cargo cars.
fish heads
Young employee at a stand cuts fish heads.
Vendor behind a lush fish and seafood storefront in Tsukiji market.
fish price
Fish prices prominently displayed on specimens of each species.
Ice Cargo
Employee stocks up on ice.
Worker responsible for the cashier of a stand.
Buyer examines a well-kept fish in a Styrofoam box.
fish & seafood
Showcase of fish and seafood.
transportable cold
Tsukiji market worker prepares to transport large rectangles of ice.
A calm day from Tsukiji
Sellers carry out various tasks after most buyers have left the market.
meticulous packaging
Sellers carefully prepare a fish with great value.
light cargo
Cargo carrier holds a stack of thermo-protective packaging filled with Japanese annotations.
generic store
Workers shop at a non-fish shop in Tsukiji's fish market.
Tsukiji II Sellers
Vendors stationed at their Tsukiji fish market stalls.
Cashiers at a fish stand pose for the photograph.
In a year, each Japanese eats more than their weight in fish and shellfish. Since 1935, a considerable part was processed and sold in the largest fish market in the world. Tsukiji was terminated in October 2018, and replaced by Toyosu's.

If doubts remained, the attraction exerted on gaijin (foreigners) visiting Tokyo proved the eccentricity of Tsukiji's vast market.

As we ourselves experienced, every day, hundreds of curious souls from the four corners of the world came out of their hotels and guest-houses in the still dark hours of the dawn.

they left us as sleepy as they were excited by the new incursion into the civilizational particularities of the Japanese capital.

The shutdown of the subway system shortly after midnight forced most foreigners to use the city's expensive taxis. But it wasn't long before the extra hundreds of yen and lost hours of sleep were made up for.

The Early Rise Activation of Tsukiji Market

Around three in the morning, around 2300 tons of fish, shellfish and seaweed began arriving at the Tsukiji complex in incessant discharges. Once unloaded, they were prepared for the auction sale that follows.

Workers hauled huge tuna and swordfish, cut and transported blocks of ice in small carts they pulled, or over the back grille of old pastry makers. Boxes and tanks with specimens of fish and molluscs as strange as they were alive were passed from hand to hand.

ice cargo, deposed kingdom, market, Tsukiji, Tokyo, Japan

Employee stocks up on ice.

felt flow the productive energy that has allowed Tokyo to develop from a mere swamp to the metropolis it has become in just two hundred years..

This same energy feeds and mobilizes the largest city in the world.

The Controversial Incursions of the Gaijin into Tsukiji

From March 11th to July 26th 2011, foreigners' access was banned due to damage to buildings in Tsukiji caused by the great earthquake in Sendai. When we visited the market, it was only possible to enter from five in the morning.

Access to the tuna fish market – one of the most sought after spaces – was only granted to a few dozen lucky people a day.

There appeared, lined up according to type and origin, hundreds of specimens of frozen and smoking tuna, due to the difference in their temperature compared to the environment.

fish sellers, deposed kingdom, market, Tsukiji, Tokyo, Japan

Vendors stationed at their Tsukiji fish market stalls.

Tuna and Swordfish: Food Treasures Fished from the Seas

From the moment the opening bell rang, they were sold there for exorbitant prices that, depending on the excellence of their meat, could amount to 8.000 euros.

This was the case with certain swordfish and with large bluefin tuna and a otorus (the fattest part of the belly, located below the pectoral fin) irreproachable, the always sought after raw material for the best sushi and sashimi in the nation of emperors.

The families of some vendors and employees worked in the market for over ten generations. Shiro Kamoshita's, 61, had been present for just three years, which did not stop him from establishing himself as a successful intermediary, able like few others to assess the fish that passed his eyes: “A good tuna is like a sumo wrestler .

A sumo wrestler eats a lot but because he exercises a lot he has a lot of muscle and the fat around him is soft. With tuna, it's exactly the same thing.”

Shouted in Japanese more imperceptible than ever, business was carried out in Tsukiji according to a sacred protocol, not always respected by tourists.

From time to time, they couldn't resist touching the pieces on display. They irritated owners, buyers and market authorities, and brought about new restrictions on access.

packing, fish, sellers, deposed kingdom, market, Tsukiji, Tokyo, Japan

Sellers carefully prepare a fish with great value.

Allowing or Prohibiting Foreign Visits, the Persistent Issue

As we were informed, the rules changed depending on events and pressure from two types of market agents: those who had no advantage in the presence of foreigners. And those of the owners of the restaurants in the complex.

These increased their invoicing whenever the gaijin were attacked by hunger and devoured their meals. When they attend with the superior purpose of tasting the freshest and most genuine sushi and sashimi in Japan, the same sushi and sashimi that is sold in the upscale restaurants of the multi-million dollar Ginza district, more than 12 hours later (part of late dinners), the 400 euros per dose.

storefront, fish, seafood, seller, deposed kingdom, market, Tsukiji, Tokyo, Japan

Vendor behind a lush fish and seafood storefront in Tsukiji market.

Or they sold a series of other less famous but much more challenging dishes such as fugu, a delicacy made from balloon fish and which can be lethal if the cook in charge does not conveniently remove the organs that concentrate a poison for which there is no antidote, tetrodotoxin.

Tsukiji's Inevitable Risks and Tight Hygiene Criteria

Other accidents were permanently avoided at the Tsukiji fish market: hundreds of small electric cars with a rusty look of “Space 1999” props were driven by workers who kept on alert to bypass us and busy or distracted colleagues.

transport, cargo, deposed kingdom, market, Tsukiji, Tokyo, Japan

Workers drive electric transport and cargo cars.

Knife-wielding fishmongers cut huge fins into bloody containers. Meanwhile, distinguished employees were preventing avalanches from piles of empty Styrofoam boxes.

Despite the amount of fish and seafood present, the characteristic aroma of these sea creatures was faint in Tsukiji. Such softness to the sense of smell stemmed from the Japanese obsession with hygiene and antisepsis.

The stalls appeared organized without blemish. The products – including some from the controversial Japanese whaling – on generous layers of crushed ice, packed in cellophane and in sophisticated freezers. Or, if still alive, in salt water containers.

Thick cardboard sheets ensured species identification with large, clearly visible characters as well as a price that should not be haggled.

fish-selling-kingdom deposed, market, Tsukiji, Tokyo, Japan

Fish prices prominently displayed on specimens of each species.

The High Consumption of Fish and Seafood. Both Japanese and Portuguese

One of the few sellers who spoke English asked us, Tsukiji, where we were from. He hastened to identify Portugal on a planisphere that he kept affixed to the low ceiling of his bench. "Portugal? Very good fish and seafood! And if I remember my times spent at sea, they eat almost as much as we do.”

The per capita consumption of Japanese fish, like Portuguese, is exemplary, surpassed only by island nations with hundreds of thousands of inhabitants like the Iceland. Or for smaller ones like the Maldives and Kiribati.

Despite the tonnage that was supplied by the Tsukiji market until its closure, since the end of the 10th century, the quantity of tuna sold there – of which Japan consumes about a third of world production – has been around 11%, XNUMX %.

vendors, fish, deposed kingdom, market, Tsukiji, Tokyo, Japan

Vendors stationed at their Tsukiji fish market stalls.

Tsukiji Market: The Gradual Loss of Freshness and Influence

It was hindered by the option of large stores to buy directly at source, something that was facilitated by the evolution in communications and the consolidation of retail

On the other hand, fish purchased by Kamoshita and colleagues were no longer exclusively caught in the waters off the nearly 7000 Japanese islands. More than half came from vendors as far away as those in Port Lincoln, in the Australia or Gloucester, Massachusetts.

To aggravate the loss of relevance of the Tsukiji market, Japanese women are increasingly working outside the home. As they have less time to buy fresh fish, opt for the convenience of processed fish.

These changes threatened the livelihoods of Japanese fishermen, middlemen and sellers. They also threatened the quality of the fish in general.

fish head, seller, deposed kingdom, market, Tsukiji, Tokyo, Japan

Young employee at a stand cuts fish heads.

Fishermen and stevedores clipped the tails of tuna exposed at the auction so buyers could examine the fat content and color of the meat. The origin of tuna was written in Japanese on labels placed on the carcasses.

As a rule, when the tuna came from non-Japanese waters, an extra portion was cut. These were fish that spent more time out of water until they reached Tsukiji. As such, sellers granted some extra access to the piece so buyers could conveniently investigate their meat.

The great earthquake in Sendai, the respective tsunamis and the catastrophe in Fukushima led to the loss of fishermen and boats that supplied the capital. In addition, fears of contamination have become nuclear.

Even though the government has banned fishing in the waters off the northeast of Japan, in recent times, transactions in the Tsukiji market and imports of Japanese fish and seafood have decreased mainly as a result of popularization and internationalization of fears.

women sellers, boxes, countertops, fish, deposed kingdom, market, Tsukiji, Tokyo, Japan

Cashiers at a fish stand pose for the photograph.

After the great earthquake in Sendai, the Tsukiji market, like Japan in general, started to supply the great Japanese capital. Following a long controversy, the Tsukiji market was transferred to Toyosu.

Among the reasons given, there was the excessive antiquity of the buildings. The real reason might have been the real estate value of the relatively central and seaside land occupied by Tsukiji.


The Asian Food Capital

There were 4 ethnic groups in Singapore, each with its own culinary tradition. Added to this was the influence of thousands of immigrants and expatriates on an island with half the area of ​​London. It was the nation with the greatest gastronomic diversity in the Orient.
World Food

Gastronomy Without Borders or Prejudice

Each people, their recipes and delicacies. In certain cases, the same ones that delight entire nations repel many others. For those who travel the world, the most important ingredient is a very open mind.

A Market Economy

The law of supply and demand dictates their proliferation. Generic or specific, covered or open air, these spaces dedicated to buying, selling and exchanging are expressions of life and financial health.
Tokyo, Japan

The Endless Night of the Rising Sun Capital

Say that Tokyo do not sleep is an understatement. In one of the largest and most sophisticated cities on the face of the Earth, twilight marks only the renewal of the frenetic daily life. And there are millions of souls that either find no place in the sun, or make more sense in the “dark” and obscure turns that follow.
Enxame Mozambique

Mozambican Fashion Service Area

It is repeated at almost all stops in towns of Mozambique worthy of appearing on maps. The machimbombo (bus) stops and is surrounded by a crowd of eager "businessmen". The products offered can be universal such as water or biscuits or typical of the area. In this region, a few kilometers from Nampula, fruit sales suceeded, in each and every case, quite intense.
Fergana Valley, Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan, The Nation That Does Not Lack Bread

Few countries employ cereals like Uzbekistan. In this republic of Central Asia, bread plays a vital and social role. The Uzbeks produce it and consume it with devotion and in abundance.

The Beverage Machines Empire

There are more than 5 million ultra-tech light boxes spread across the country and many more exuberant cans and bottles of appealing drinks. The Japanese have long since stopped resisting them.
Tokyo, Japan

A Matchmaking Sanctuary

Tokyo's Meiji Temple was erected to honor the deified spirits of one of the most influential couples in Japanese history. Over time, it specialized in celebrating traditional weddings.
Tokyo, Japan

Japanese Style Passaport-Type Photography

In the late 80s, two Japanese multinationals already saw conventional photo booths as museum pieces. They turned them into revolutionary machines and Japan surrendered to the Purikura phenomenon.
Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo's Hypno-Passengers

Japan is served by millions of executives slaughtered with infernal work rates and sparse vacations. Every minute of respite on the way to work or home serves them for their inemuri, napping in public.
Tokyo, Japan

The Emperor Without Empire

After the capitulation in World War II, Japan underwent a constitution that ended one of the longest empires in history. The Japanese emperor is, today, the only monarch to reign without empire.
Tokyo, Japan

Disposable Purrs

Tokyo is the largest of the metropolises but, in its tiny apartments, there is no place for pets. Japanese entrepreneurs detected the gap and launched "catteries" in which the feline affections are paid by the hour.
Kyoto, Japan

The Kyoto Temple Reborn from the Ashes

The Golden Pavilion has been spared destruction several times throughout history, including that of US-dropped bombs, but it did not withstand the mental disturbance of Hayashi Yoken. When we admired him, he looked like never before.
Okinawa, Japan

Ryukyu Dances: Centuries old. In No Hurry.

The Ryukyu kingdom prospered until the XNUMXth century as a trading post for the China and Japan. From the cultural aesthetics developed by its courtly aristocracy, several styles of slow dance were counted.
Miyajima, Japan

Shintoism and Buddhism with the Tide

Visitors to the Tori of Itsukushima admire one of the three most revered scenery in Japan. On the island of Miyajima, Japanese religiosity blends with Nature and is renewed with the flow of the Seto Inland Sea.
Iriomote, Japan

The Small Tropical Japanese Amazon of Iriomote

Impenetrable rainforests and mangroves fill Iriomote under a pressure cooker climate. Here, foreign visitors are as rare as the yamaneko, an elusive endemic lynx.
Nikko, Japan

The Tokugawa Shogun Final Procession

In 1600, Ieyasu Tokugawa inaugurated a shogunate that united Japan for 250 years. In her honor, Nikko re-enacts the general's medieval relocation to Toshogu's grandiose mausoleum every year.
Nara, Japan

The Colossal Cradle of the Japanese Buddhism

Nara has long since ceased to be the capital and its Todai-ji temple has been demoted. But the Great Hall remains the largest ancient wooden building in the world. And it houses the greatest bronze Vairocana Buddha.
Takayama, Japan

From the Ancient Japan to the Medieval Hida

In three of its streets, Takayama retains traditional wooden architecture and concentrates old shops and sake producers. Around it, it approaches 100.000 inhabitants and surrenders to modernity.
Okinawa, Japan

The Little Empire of the Sun

Risen from the devastation caused by World War II, Okinawa has regained the heritage of its secular Ryukyu civilization. Today, this archipelago south of Kyushu is home to a Japan on the shore, anchored by a turquoise Pacific ocean and bathed in a peculiar Japanese tropicalism.
Jabula Beach, Kwazulu Natal, South Africa
Saint Lucia, South Africa

An Africa as Wild as Zulu

On the eminence of the coast of Mozambique, the province of KwaZulu-Natal is home to an unexpected South Africa. Deserted beaches full of dunes, vast estuarine swamps and hills covered with fog fill this wild land also bathed by the Indian Ocean. It is shared by the subjects of the always proud Zulu nation and one of the most prolific and diverse fauna on the African continent.
Young people walk the main street in Chame, Nepal
Annapurna (circuit)
Annapurna Circuit: 1th - Pokhara a ChameNepal

Finally, on the way

After several days of preparation in Pokhara, we left towards the Himalayas. The walking route only starts in Chame, at 2670 meters of altitude, with the snowy peaks of the Annapurna mountain range already in sight. Until then, we complete a painful but necessary road preamble to its subtropical base.
Music Theater and Exhibition Hall, Tbilisi, Georgia
Architecture & Design
Tbilisi, Georgia

Georgia still Perfumed by the Rose Revolution

In 2003, a popular political uprising made the sphere of power in Georgia tilt from East to West. Since then, the capital Tbilisi has not renounced its centuries of Soviet history, nor the revolutionary assumption of integrating into Europe. When we visit, we are dazzled by the fascinating mix of their past lives.
Boat Trips

For Those Becoming Internet Sick

Hop on and let yourself go on unmissable boat trips like the Philippine archipelago of Bacuit and the frozen sea of ​​the Finnish Gulf of Bothnia.
Tiredness in shades of green
Ceremonies and Festivities
Suzdal, Russia

The Suzdal Cucumber Celebrations

With summer and warm weather, the Russian city of Suzdal relaxes from its ancient religious orthodoxy. The old town is also famous for having the best cucumbers in the nation. When July arrives, it turns the newly harvested into a real festival.
Chihuahua, Mexico City, pedigree, Deza y Ulloa
chihuahua, Mexico

¡Ay Chihuahua !

Mexicans have adapted this expression as one of their favorite manifestations of surprise. While we wander through the capital of the homonymous state of the Northwest, we often exclaim it.
Obese resident of Tupola Tapaau, a small island in Western Samoa.
Tonga, Western Samoa, Polynesia

XXL Pacific

For centuries, the natives of the Polynesian islands subsisted on land and sea. Until the intrusion of colonial powers and the subsequent introduction of fatty pieces of meat, fast food and sugary drinks have spawned a plague of diabetes and obesity. Today, while much of Tonga's national GDP, Western Samoa and neighbors is wasted on these “western poisons”, fishermen barely manage to sell their fish.
Pitões das Junias, Montalegre, Portugal
Montalegre, Portugal

Through Alto do Barroso, Top of Trás-os-Montes

we moved from Terras de Bouro for those of Barroso. Based in Montalegre, we wander around the discovery of Paredes do Rio, Tourém, Pitões das Júnias and its monastery, stunning villages on the border of Portugal. If it is true that Barroso has had more inhabitants, visitors should not miss it.
Swimming, Western Australia, Aussie Style, Sun rising in the eyes
Busselton, Australia

2000 meters in Aussie Style

In 1853, Busselton was equipped with one of the longest pontoons in the world. World. When the structure collapsed, the residents decided to turn the problem around. Since 1996 they have been doing it every year. Swimming.
Twelve Apostles, Great Ocean Road, Victoria, Australia
Great Ocean Road, Australia

Ocean Out, along the Great Australian South

One of the favorite escapes of the Australian state of Victoria, via B100 unveils a sublime coastline that the ocean has shaped. We only needed a few kilometers to understand why it was named The Great Ocean Road.
Maksim, Sami people, Inari, Finland-2
Inari, Finland

The Guardians of Boreal Europe

Long discriminated against by Scandinavian, Finnish and Russian settlers, the Sami people regain their autonomy and pride themselves on their nationality.
Rainbow in the Grand Canyon, an example of prodigious photographic light
Got2Globe Photo Portfolio
Natural Light (Part 1)

And Light was made on Earth. Know how to use it.

The theme of light in photography is inexhaustible. In this article, we give you some basic notions about your behavior, to start with, just and only in terms of geolocation, the time of day and the time of year.
Nelson Dockyards, Antigua Docks,
English Harbor, Antigua (Antilles)

Nelson's Dockyard: The Former Naval Base and Abode of the Admiral

In the XNUMXth century, as the English disputed control of the Caribbean and the sugar trade with their colonial rivals, they took over the island of Antigua. There they came across a jagged cove they called English Harbour. They made it a strategic port that also housed the idolized naval officer.
Torshavn, Faroe Islands, rowing
Tórshavn, Faroe Islands

Thor's Faroese Port

It has been the main settlement in the Faroe Islands since at least 850 AD, the year in which Viking settlers established a parliament there. Tórshavn remains one of the smallest capitals in Europe and the divine shelter of about a third of the Faroese population.
Reindeer Racing, Kings Cup, Inari, Finland
Winter White
Inari, Finland

The Wackiest Race on the Top of the World

Finland's Lapps have been competing in the tow of their reindeer for centuries. In the final of the Kings Cup - Porokuninkuusajot - , they face each other at great speed, well above the Arctic Circle and well below zero.
Baie d'Oro, Île des Pins, New Caledonia
Île-des-Pins, New Caledonia

The Island that Leaned against Paradise

In 1964, Katsura Morimura delighted the Japan with a turquoise novel set in Ouvéa. But the neighboring Île-des-Pins has taken over the title "The Nearest Island to Paradise" and thrills its visitors.
Whale Hunting with Bubbles, Juneau the Little Capital of Great Alaska
Juneau, Alaska

The Little Capital of Greater Alaska

From June to August, Juneau disappears behind cruise ships that dock at its dockside. Even so, it is in this small capital that the fate of the 49th American state is decided.
Sheki, Autumn in the Caucasus, Azerbaijan, Autumn Homes
Sheki, Azerbaijan

autumn in the caucasus

Lost among the snowy mountains that separate Europe from Asia, Sheki is one of Azerbaijan's most iconic towns. Its largely silky history includes periods of great harshness. When we visited it, autumn pastels added color to a peculiar post-Soviet and Muslim life.
Braga or Braka or Brakra in Nepal
Natural Parks
Annapurna Circuit: 6th – Braga, Nepal

The Ancient Nepal of Braga

Four days of walking later, we slept at 3.519 meters from Braga (Braka). Upon arrival, only the name is familiar to us. Faced with the mystical charm of the town, arranged around one of the oldest and most revered Buddhist monasteries on the Annapurna circuit, we continued our journey there. acclimatization with ascent to Ice Lake (4620m).
Intha rowers on a channel of Lake Inlé
UNESCO World Heritage
Inle Lake, Myanmar

The Dazzling Lakustrine Burma

With an area of ​​116km2, Inle Lake is the second largest lake in Myanmar. It's much more than that. The ethnic diversity of its population, the profusion of Buddhist temples and the exoticism of local life make it an unmissable stronghold of Southeast Asia.
Correspondence verification
Rovaniemi, Finland

From the Finnish Lapland to the Arctic. A Visit to the Land of Santa

Fed up with waiting for the bearded old man to descend down the chimney, we reverse the story. We took advantage of a trip to Finnish Lapland and passed through its furtive home.
The Dominican Republic Balnear de Barahona, Balneario Los Patos
Barahona, Dominican Republic

The Bathing Dominican Republic of Barahona

Saturday after Saturday, the southwest corner of the Dominican Republic goes into decompression mode. Little by little, its seductive beaches and lagoons welcome a tide of euphoric people who indulge in a peculiar rumbear amphibian.
Annapurna Circuit: 5th - Ngawal a BragaNepal

Towards the Nepalese Braga

We spent another morning of glorious weather discovering Ngawal. There is a short journey towards Manang, the main town on the way to the zenith of the Annapurna circuit. We stayed for Braga (Braka). The hamlet would soon prove to be one of its most unforgettable places.
Train Fianarantsoa to Manakara, Malagasy TGV, locomotive
On Rails
Fianarantsoa-Manakara, Madagascar

On board the Malagasy TGV

We depart Fianarantsoa at 7a.m. It wasn't until 3am the following morning that we completed the 170km to Manakara. The natives call this almost secular train Train Great Vibrations. During the long journey, we felt, very strongly, those of the heart of Madagascar.
4th of July Fireworks-Seward, Alaska, United States
Seward, Alaska

The Longest 4th of July

The independence of the United States is celebrated, in Seward, Alaska, in a modest way. Even so, the 4th of July and its celebration seem to have no end.
the projectionist
Daily life
Sainte-Luce, Martinique

The Nostalgic Projectionist

From 1954 to 1983, Gérard Pierre screened many of the famous films arriving in Martinique. 30 years after the closing of the room in which he worked, it was still difficult for this nostalgic native to change his reel.
Boat and helmsman, Cayo Los Pájaros, Los Haitises, Dominican Republic
Samaná PeninsulaLos Haitises National Park Dominican Republic

From the Samaná Peninsula to the Dominican Haitises

In the northeast corner of the Dominican Republic, where Caribbean nature still triumphs, we face an Atlantic much more vigorous than expected in these parts. There we ride on a communal basis to the famous Limón waterfall, cross the bay of Samaná and penetrate the remote and exuberant “land of the mountains” that encloses it.
The Sounds, Fiordland National Park, New Zealand
Scenic Flights
Fiordland, New Zealand

The Fjords of the Antipodes

A geological quirk made the Fiordland region the rawest and most imposing in New Zealand. Year after year, many thousands of visitors worship the sub-domain slashed between Te Anau and Milford Sound.