Fergana Valley, Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan, The Nation That Does Not Lack Bread

Saleswoman displays a loaf of bread in a market in Samarkand.
Sellers bring more bread to a roadside market in the Fergana region.
Maruf' Jon
Baker Maruf'Jon and an assistant bake bread in their bakery in Margilan.
A window in a roadside bakery in Fergana.
young saleswoman
The youngest of the sellers in the market shows a loaf of bread with exuberant decoration.
Pasta, flour and mobile phone
Baker kneads more bread in a family bakery.
A saleswoman displays another prodigious bread.
lunch with bread
Fabric factory workers accompany your meal with bread.
Breads from the Fergana region in great quantity and diversity.
Maruf' Jon
The baker Maruf'Jon holds the shovel he uses to pluck loaves from the ceiling of his oven.
New Load
Salespeople transport a new shipment to the stand where they work.
in gown and apron
Young saleswomen pose for photography in a short moment of relaxation.
Part of a long string of saleswomen working in a roadside market dedicated only to bread.
Few countries employ cereals like Uzbekistan. In this republic of Central Asia, bread plays a vital and social role. The Uzbeks produce it and consume it with devotion and in abundance.

Ravshan and Nilufar never started their shur'va (vegetable and meat soup) without thickening it with pieces of not.

followed lagman (pasta with other vegetables and meat) or dimlala (stew). Given their restrained physique, we were surprised that the diners continued to take care of the yellow bread placed on the table.

It confused them that we were not bakers. "Sure you don't want?" We were asked through insistence. "Here, we always eat a lot not to the meal,” reiterates Nilufar. "Actually, all the time... possibly even a little too much." and laughs at the spontaneity of her prolonged adolescence.

lunch after lunch, dinner after dinner, we ended up realizing how much truth there was in those words. And that could not be otherwise.

Uzbekistan: the Granary of Central Asia

Ukraine has always had the reputation of a mega-producer of cereals, a prodigious booster of the USSR's capacity. If we take into account the sizes of territories, even if the main crop in the country is cotton, Uzbekistan has become a prolific breadbasket.

During his despotic era, the almighty President Islam Karimov congratulated the nation's farmers on the bountiful 2011 harvest that, with 7 million tons of grain, surpassed the previous one by almost 300.000.

Even so, the price of social bread – the simplest – rose 10%, 50 sums (2 cents). The population felt the new increase like a stab in the back. “It seems little…” says Farida Akhmedshina to the national press “. In reality, the increase was 100 sums. Store employees have always given us candy as small change and that's what will happen when we pay the 550 with 600 or even 1000 sums".

bread in abundance, nation, bread, uzbekistan

Breads from the Fergana region in great quantity and diversity.

More than the satiety of the Uzbek people that is affected by these annual increases, it is their life, starting with social relationships.

The Social Preponderance of Uzbekistan Bread

In more traditional areas, the first thing people take to someone else's house as a gift is a not. When saying goodbye, the hosts make a point of offering a return to visitors.

In the houses who have their own ovens, the women prepare the bread that the family consumes and will offer. Beat, caress, knead the dough again until they reach the desired consistency.

Then, they sink the center and draw the decorative pattern typical of the area, the village or even the familiar one. Each region has its varieties, the obi not most common the Shirma de Samarkand and those from Bukhara, sprinkled with sesame or nigella and that they have an unmistakable aroma.

Os folding de Andijon and Qashqadaryo – prepared with cream, butter and crunchy flakes – are equally aromatic. According to tradition, they were and still are served during matchmaking meetings.

The lost from the capital Tashkent are shaped like a plate. They are made with milk, butter and sugar. Others incorporate meat, onion, crushed nuts, tomatoes, raisins and different complements.

Each region, or village or even baker, can have its own special yeast that it preserves and protects from competition whenever it can.

factory workers, nation, bread, uzbekistan

Fabric factory workers accompany your meal with bread.

Most lepyoshkas (the Russian name for bread) are finalized in tandyres, powerful ovens made of reinforced clay that guarantee the ideal cooking point for just 4 to 8 minutes.

The types don't tandyr oven of bread, rarer, were perfected by the nomadic tribes who, faced with the impossibility of transporting large ovens, baked them in kazans (cauldrons) on a milk base.

We had already covered a significant part of the country. We moved for a few days to the Fergana valley and the vicinity of Andijan.

It was in Fergana that, in the mid-2000s, a strong opposition to President Karimov was cooked up and which ended up being the scene of a brutal response to the allegedly responsible Islamic extremist movement. The resulting slaughter became known in the world as Andijan massacre.

Eight years passed. We are witnesses that all this political-military commotion did not affect the famous hospitality of the province.

Margilan's Grand Uzbek Bakery

Nilufar had heard us boast about the beauty of their homeland's bread over and over again. As we pass Margilan, he asks new driver Muhit Din to park on a street known for its abundance of bakeries and ovens. tandyr oven.

baker kneads bread, nation, bread, uzbekistan

Baker kneads more bread in a family bakery.

All of a sudden, we find ourselves on a floured journey. Young people shape and line up the dough, chatting and always keeping an eye on their aging mobile phones.

Next door, an exotic-looking duo takes on the hardest work. The oven radiates an uncontrolled sauna temperature to the outside. Ma'ruf Jon, the most experienced baker resists. Put more and more loaves inside, as if it were immune to discomfort.

baker and helper, nation, bread, uzbekistan

Baker Maruf'Jon and an assistant bake bread in their bakery in Margilan.

His face is steamed from the heat, veins and other blood vessels dilated and bruised under thin, increasingly scarlet skin. The baker alternates with a colleague, probably an apprentice. Still, he assumes most of the sacrifice fate has imposed on them.

For reasons Uzbeks take for granted, the country's bakers are all men. Special men, with superior willpower. We feel that Ma'ruf Jon is a veteran of that craft.

baker, nation, bread, uzbekistan

The baker Maruf'Jon holds the shovel he uses to pluck loaves from the ceiling of his oven.

At some point, he suggests that we try him out, probably to give his craft its deserved value. Nilufar translates the challenge: “Go, get the shovel! Enough of photographs. Now it's your turn.”

At first glance, the task seems simple. All we have to do is rip out two or three already-baked loaves, glued to the ceiling and walls of the pre-fired oven, and throw them into a basket. But we couldn't get close to that hell for more than a few seconds.

As a result, we rushed the operation. We leave pieces sticking to the surface of the oven and damage the precious shape of the food.

When we return the shovel to the master, we are somewhat ashamed and have no great doubts: the profession could only be performed by bodies resistant to the scourge and by unshakable spirits. We would soon discover a less dastardly side of the business.

saleswoman displays bread, nation, bread, uzbekistan

A saleswoman displays another prodigious bread.

A Great Roadside Market, All Bread

We leave Margilan on our way back to Tashkent. Even before we cross the border into Namangan province, Muhit Din has to stop at a police checkpoint. Shortly thereafter, we found a road market, with vendors organized to provide the best Fergana products to those traveling to the capital.

There, we see dozens of women in traditional costumes behind a long makeshift bench on cement blocks and crates, filled with examples of the region's bread, golden as the sun.

row of saleswomen, nation, bread, uzbekistan

Part of a long string of saleswomen working in a roadside market dedicated only to bread.

Suppliers and customers are stopped by the roadside. The former balance trays with more specimens. The latter travel the entire length of the stand to assess the merchandise offered.

That's when, in turn, each saleswoman tries to capture them with pleasing calls and enchanting calls in Uzbek or Russian, depending on the targets.

young saleswoman, nation, bread, uzbekistan

The youngest of the sellers in the market shows a loaf of bread with exuberant decoration.

Customers need those breads for different occasions, more or less solemn. It is rare for them to return to the cars with empty hands.

sellers, new cargo, nation, bread, uzbekistan

Salespeople transport a new shipment to the stand where they work.

In Uzbekistan, many families remain faithful to ancient customs. They put a loaf of bread under the newborns' heads to wish them a long and trouble-free life.

Later, when the baby takes his first steps, the bread is moved between his legs as a blessing for the rest of the way.

If the baby is a boy, years later, when it comes time for military service or if he is conscripted into a war, his mother will make him eat a piece of bread so that he can return as soon as possible.

The importance of not it reaches the highest political and diplomatic levels.

bakery window, nation, bread, uzbekistan

A window in a roadside bakery in Fergana.

In 2011, the new country's 20 years of independence were celebrated in Tashkent's Bobur Park with a grand “Non Sayli”, a national bread festival.


Journey through the Uzbekistan Pseudo-Roads

Centuries passed. Old and run-down Soviet roads ply deserts and oases once traversed by caravans from the Silk RoadSubject to their yoke for a week, we experience every stop and incursion into Uzbek places, into scenic and historic road rewards.
Tbilisi, Georgia

Georgia still Perfumed by the Rose Revolution

In 2003, a popular political uprising made the sphere of power in Georgia tilt from East to West. Since then, the capital Tbilisi has not renounced its centuries of Soviet history, nor the revolutionary assumption of integrating into Europe. When we visit, we are dazzled by the fascinating mix of their past lives.
World Food

Gastronomy Without Borders or Prejudice

Each people, their recipes and delicacies. In certain cases, the same ones that delight entire nations repel many others. For those who travel the world, the most important ingredient is a very open mind.
Samarkand, Uzbekistan

The Astronomer Sultan

The grandson of one of the great conquerors of Central Asia, Ulugh Beg, preferred the sciences. In 1428, he built a space observatory in Samarkand. His studies of the stars led him to name a crater on the Moon.
Margilan, Uzbekistan

An Uzbekistan's Breadwinner

In one of the many bakeries in Margilan, worn out by the intense heat of the tandyr oven, the baker Maruf'Jon works half-baked like the distinctive traditional breads sold throughout Uzbekistan
Khiva, Uzbequistan

The Silk Road Fortress the Soviets Velved

In the 80s, Soviet leaders renewed Khiva in a softened version that, in 1990, UNESCO declared a World Heritage Site. The USSR disintegrated the following year. Khiva has preserved its new luster.

A Market Economy

The law of supply and demand dictates their proliferation. Generic or specific, covered or open air, these spaces dedicated to buying, selling and exchanging are expressions of life and financial health.
Suzdal, Russia

The Suzdal Cucumber Celebrations

With summer and warm weather, the Russian city of Suzdal relaxes from its ancient religious orthodoxy. The old town is also famous for having the best cucumbers in the nation. When July arrives, it turns the newly harvested into a real festival.
Samarkand, Uzbequistan

A Monumental Legacy of the Silk Road

In Samarkand, cotton is the most traded commodity and Ladas and Chevrolets have replaced camels. Today, instead of caravans, Marco Polo would find Uzbekistan's worst drivers.
Tokyo, Japan

The Fish Market That Lost its Freshness

In a year, each Japanese eats more than their weight in fish and shellfish. Since 1935, a considerable part was processed and sold in the largest fish market in the world. Tsukiji was terminated in October 2018, and replaced by Toyosu's.
Aral Sea, Uzbequistan

The Lake that Cotton Absorbed

In 1960, the Aral Sea was one of the four largest lakes in the world. Irrigation projects dried up much of the water and fishermen's livelihoods. In return, the USSR flooded Uzbekistan with vegetable white gold.
savuti, botswana, elephant-eating lions
Savuti, Botswana

Savuti's Elephant-Eating Lions

A patch of the Kalahari Desert dries up or is irrigated depending on the region's tectonic whims. In Savuti, lions have become used to depending on themselves and prey on the largest animals in the savannah.
Young people walk the main street in Chame, Nepal
Annapurna (circuit)
Annapurna Circuit: 1th - Pokhara a ChameNepal

Finally, on the way

After several days of preparation in Pokhara, we left towards the Himalayas. The walking route only starts in Chame, at 2670 meters of altitude, with the snowy peaks of the Annapurna mountain range already in sight. Until then, we complete a painful but necessary road preamble to its subtropical base.
Engravings, Karnak Temple, Luxor, Egypt
Architecture & Design
luxor, Egypt

From Luxor to Thebes: Journey to Ancient Egypt

Thebes was raised as the new supreme capital of the Egyptian Empire, the seat of Amon, the God of Gods. Modern Luxor inherited the Temple of Karnak and its sumptuousness. Between one and the other flow the sacred Nile and millennia of dazzling history.
Totems, Botko Village, Malekula, Vanuatu
Malekula, Vanuatu

Meat and Bone Cannibalism

Until the early XNUMXth century, man-eaters still feasted on the Vanuatu archipelago. In the village of Botko we find out why European settlers were so afraid of the island of Malekula.
Ceremonies and Festivities
Apia, Western Samoa

Fia Fia – High Rotation Polynesian Folklore

From New Zealand to Easter Island and from here to Hawaii, there are many variations of Polynesian dances. Fia Fia's Samoan nights, in particular, are enlivened by one of the more fast-paced styles.
Mdina, Malta, Silent City, architecture
Mdina, Malta

The Silent and Remarkable City of Malta

Mdina was Malta's capital until 1530. Even after the Knights Hospitaller demoted it, it was attacked and fortified accordingly. Today, it's the coastal and overlooking Valletta that drives the island's destinies. Mdina has the tranquility of its monumentality.
Obese resident of Tupola Tapaau, a small island in Western Samoa.
Tonga, Western Samoa, Polynesia

XXL Pacific

For centuries, the natives of the Polynesian islands subsisted on land and sea. Until the intrusion of colonial powers and the subsequent introduction of fatty pieces of meat, fast food and sugary drinks have spawned a plague of diabetes and obesity. Today, while much of Tonga's national GDP, Western Samoa and neighbors is wasted on these “western poisons”, fishermen barely manage to sell their fish.
Islamic silhouettes

Istanbul, Turkey

Where East meets West, Turkey Seeks its Way

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Bungee jumping, Queenstown, New Zealand
Queenstown, New Zealand

Queenstown, the Queen of Extreme Sports

In the century. XVIII, the Kiwi government proclaimed a mining village on the South Island "fit for a queen".Today's extreme scenery and activities reinforce the majestic status of ever-challenging Queenstown.
Chefchouen to Merzouga, Morocco

Morocco from Top to Bottom

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Miniature houses, Chã das Caldeiras, Fogo Volcano, Cape Verde
Chã das Caldeiras, Fogo Island Cape Verde

A "French" Clan at the Mercy of Fogo

In 1870, a Count born in Grenoble on his way to Brazilian exile, made a stopover in Cape Verde where native beauties tied him to the island of Fogo. Two of his children settled in the middle of the volcano's crater and continued to raise offspring there. Not even the destruction caused by the recent eruptions deters the prolific Montrond from the “county” they founded in Chã das Caldeiras.    
Sunset, Avenue of Baobabs, Madagascar
Got2Globe Photo Portfolio

days like so many others

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New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

The Muse of the Great American South

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Balinese Hinduism, Lombok, Indonesia, Batu Bolong temple, Agung volcano in background
Lombok, Indonesia

Lombok: Balinese Hinduism on an Island of Islam

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St. Trinity Church, Kazbegi, Georgia, Caucasus
Winter White
Kazbegi, Georgia

God in the Caucasus Heights

In the 4000th century, Orthodox religious took their inspiration from a hermitage that a monk had erected at an altitude of 5047 m and perched a church between the summit of Mount Kazbek (XNUMXm) and the village at the foot. More and more visitors flock to these mystical stops on the edge of Russia. Like them, to get there, we submit to the whims of the reckless Georgia Military Road.
Couple visiting Mikhaylovskoe, village where writer Alexander Pushkin had a home
Saint Petersburg e Mikhaylovkoe, Russia

The Writer Who Succumbed to His Own Plot

Alexander Pushkin is hailed by many as the greatest Russian poet and the founder of modern Russian literature. But Pushkin also dictated an almost tragicomic epilogue to his prolific life.
Celestyal Crystal Cruise, Santorini, Greece
Nea Kameni, Santorini, Greece

The Volcanic Core of Santorini

About three millennia had passed since the Minoan eruption that tore apart the largest volcano island in the Aegean. The cliff-top inhabitants watched land emerge from the center of the flooded caldera. Nea Kameni, the smoking heart of Santorini, was born.
Sheki, Autumn in the Caucasus, Azerbaijan, Autumn Homes
Sheki, Azerbaijan

autumn in the caucasus

Lost among the snowy mountains that separate Europe from Asia, Sheki is one of Azerbaijan's most iconic towns. Its largely silky history includes periods of great harshness. When we visited it, autumn pastels added color to a peculiar post-Soviet and Muslim life.
Cahuita National Park, Costa Rica, Caribbean, Punta Cahuita aerial view
Natural Parks
Cahuita, Costa Rica

Dreadlocked Costa Rica

Traveling through Central America, we explore a Costa Rican coastline as much as the Caribbean. In Cahuita, Pura Vida is inspired by an eccentric faith in Jah and a maddening devotion to cannabis.
Jeep crosses Damaraland, Namibia
UNESCO World Heritage
Damaraland, Namíbia

Namibia On the Rocks

Hundreds of kilometers north of Swakopmund, many more of Swakopmund's iconic dunes Sossuvlei, Damaraland is home to deserts interspersed with hills of reddish rock, the highest mountain and ancient rock art of the young nation. the settlers South Africans they named this region after the Damara, one of the Namibian ethnic groups. Only these and other inhabitants prove that it remains on Earth.
aggie gray, Samoa, South Pacific, Marlon Brando Fale
Apia, Western Samoa

The Host of the South Pacific

She sold burguês to GI's in World War II and opened a hotel that hosted Marlon Brando and Gary Cooper. Aggie Gray passed away in 2. Her legacy lives on in the South Pacific.
Baie d'Oro, Île des Pins, New Caledonia
Île-des-Pins, New Caledonia

The Island that Leaned against Paradise

In 1964, Katsura Morimura delighted the Japan with a turquoise novel set in Ouvéa. But the neighboring Île-des-Pins has taken over the title "The Nearest Island to Paradise" and thrills its visitors.
Ice cream, Moriones Festival, Marinduque, Philippines
Marinduque, Philippines

When the Romans Invade the Philippines

Even the Eastern Empire didn't get that far. In Holy Week, thousands of centurions seize Marinduque. There, the last days of Longinus, a legionary converted to Christianity, are re-enacted.
On Rails
On Rails

Train Travel: The World Best on Rails

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Dali, China

Chinese Style Flash Mob

The time is set and the place is known. When the music starts playing, a crowd follows the choreography harmoniously until time runs out and everyone returns to their lives.
Fruit sellers, Swarm, Mozambique
Daily life
Enxame Mozambique

Mozambican Fashion Service Area

It is repeated at almost all stops in towns of Mozambique worthy of appearing on maps. The machimbombo (bus) stops and is surrounded by a crowd of eager "businessmen". The products offered can be universal such as water or biscuits or typical of the area. In this region, a few kilometers from Nampula, fruit sales suceeded, in each and every case, quite intense.
São João Farm, Pantanal, Miranda, Mato Grosso do Sul, sunset
Fazenda São João, Miranda, Brazil

Pantanal with Paraguay in Sight

When the Fazenda Passo do Lontra decided to expand its ecotourism, it recruited the other family farm, the São João. Further away from the Miranda River, this second property reveals a remote Pantanal, on the verge of Paraguay. The country and the homonymous river.
The Sounds, Fiordland National Park, New Zealand
Scenic Flights
Fiordland, New Zealand

The Fjords of the Antipodes

A geological quirk made the Fiordland region the rawest and most imposing in New Zealand. Year after year, many thousands of visitors worship the sub-domain slashed between Te Anau and Milford Sound.