Amboseli National Park, Kenya

A Gift from the Kilimanjaro

Two Masai women climb to the top of Normatior Hill, an elevation with a privileged view over Amboseli and Kilimanjaro.
masai fashion
Native women parade during a dance show carried out with Kilimanjaro in the background.
An elephant grazes on the green plain at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro.
in sync
Female elephant and breeding a little sunken in a grassy swamp and surrounded by opportunistic herons.
The turn
Several jeeps lined up watch herds of elephants in a swamp near Normatior Hill
small confrontation
Juvenile buffaloes in an unserious fight, in the middle of the Amboseli savannah.
Masai trio
Young Masai in their traditional red costumes.
On the way to Kilimanjaro
Jeep travels along the unpaved road that passes between the Enkongo swamp and the Normatior hill.
Conquering Normatior
Young Masai climb Normatior Hill, one of their favorite vantage points of the Amboseli plain and Mount Kilimanjaro.
healing power
Masai priest, with the scepter that identifies him in the tribe.
African symbiosis
Jeep approaches a herd of buffaloes accompanied by a flock of herons.
a golden savanna
Vehicles cross the PN Amboseli during a lush sunset.
Normative II
Young Masai about to reach the top of Normatior Hill.
Amboseli to the Lists
Herd of zebras graze with the silhouette of the great Mount Kilimanjaro in the background.
The first European to venture into these Masai haunts was stunned by what he found. And even today, large herds of elephants and other herbivores roam the pastures irrigated by the snow of Africa's biggest mountain.

We had already been somewhat massacred from the nearly four-hour journey along Mombasa Road, via the C-102 and C-103, leaving early in the morning from Nairobi.

Driver John's warning sounded with a mixture of satisfaction and surprise: “Okay, we've reached the bat land diversion.

going to the park entrance. The good news is that there is much less to go, the bad news is that we are going to vibrate. Let's vibrate and it won't be short!"

The erratic traffic on the asphalt here and there, full of craters on the road that linked the Kenyan capital to the country's second city and the Indian Ocean, is behind us.

Finally, we stopped passing trucks and old buses and matutus overcrowded, even so with difficulty since the company that employed John kept limited to 80km/h of its fleet of jeeps.

Amboseli National Park, Mount Kilimanjaro, jeeps

Several jeeps lined up watch herds of elephants in a swamp near Normatior Hill

End of Asphalt. The Savannah Road to Amboseli National Park

Little by little, we penetrated into a savannah of tall yellow grass.

Always trembling, we saw the first bouncing flocks of impalas, a little later, ostrich lost in the endless landscape, and then small herds of zebras. The bar-coding pattern of those braying donkeys broke the pallor that had gripped the trip.

From time to time, we scrutinize the horizon, among the acacias and related grasses. We tried to unveil the silhouette as haughty as it was dubious that imposed itself to the south, among the heavy clouds that persist as a legacy of the rainy season.

Until we reach the final destination, in vain.

Meanwhile, the road passes through soggy meadows devoured by the first of many elephants and buffaloes that we would see in the following days. And others, aquatic, full of rotting old trees, dotted with wading birds.

We skirted another one of these rather tenebrous bogs and entered the forested area of ​​the lodge that was going to welcome us. We stretch our legs and take care of the check in and of settling into one of their tribal wooden huts. Shortly after, also dinner.

Between the two moments, John caught up on the conversation with fellow guides and conductors, in a lively exchange of the latest adventures of their itineraries and gamedrives, of the most unprecedented observations and actions of customers who were forced to transport and pamper.

Towards the end of the night, we negotiated an awakening in line with the times of the animals that we had come from so far away to enjoy. With the inn's generators turned off, we were left in the African blackness.

We fall asleep enjoying the distant sounds – or not so much – produced by the creatures around.

Dawn at the Foggy Foot of Mount Kilimanjaro

The new dawn did not take long.

Amboseli National Park, Mount Kilimanjaro, Elephant and Kilimanjaro

An elephant grazes on the green plain at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro.

It forced us to get up, frustrated and struggling, which only the tepid water on the bodies and the cozy breakfast alleviated.

Shortly after greeting the guard on duty, we went through the lodge gate and out under the soaring canopies that protected it from the elements.

Overnight, most of the clouds from the day before had migrated elsewhere. As it leapt over the horizon, the sun splattered in the warm hues we'd missed the previous afternoon. We were at an almost equatorial latitude.

Even so, at an altitude of 1200 meters, its slant rays barely disguised the cold that was felt, even more humid, due to the great amount of water that soaked the plain.

We found ourselves rubbing our hands. The unexpected cold may have been responsible. But it is more likely that we did it out of sheer joy.

The Dazzling Vision of the Roof of Africa

Onward, the once elusive silhouette had become the sharp cone of Mount Kilimanjaro, with its soaring 5896-metre snow-flecked summit above a rim of tough cloudiness.

"Why, there he is!" confirms us John. “And right on your first morning! Do you know that there are many people who stay here for a week or more without being able to see it properly…?!”

We had the roof of Africa ahead of us. In the times we spent in Amboseli National Park, it served us as the main geographic and photographic reference.

Confident of its presence, we proceeded in search of the prolific fauna that lived in the vast northern foothills of the largest isolated mountain on the face of the Earth.

Amboseli National Park, Mount Kilimanjaro, zebras

Herd of zebras graze with the silhouette of the great Mount Kilimanjaro in the background.

Joseph Thomson and the Feet of Wind for which the Amboseli National Park is named

The European pioneer in this remote part of Africa was the Scottish explorer, geologist and naturalist Joseph Thomson, a nickname that would be attributed to the Thomson's gazelle, also present in Amboseli.

Thomson had the motto “Whoever travels smoothly travels safely; who travels safely, goes far.”

Probably for this reason, in 1833, he was the first protagonist of the Sharing of Africa to manage to enter the dreaded Masai territory known as Empusel, a term from the local Maa dialect that defined the salty and dusty plains found there.

Amboseli National Park, Mount Kilimanjaro, buffaloes

Jeep approaches a herd of buffaloes accompanied by a flock of herons.

John belonged to the predominantly Kikuyu Kenyan ethnic group, but he was used to contacting the Masai and wanted to make the concept more concrete for us. "Do you see in the background?" he asks us pointing to a series of gusts lost in the vastness. "It's what the Masai call Amboseli."

Thomson saw the strange phenomenon over and over again.

The Scotsman led an expedition in the service of the Royal Geographical Society that aimed to find a route between the east coast of Africa and the northern coast of Lake Victoria that would avoid both the fierce Masai and the German merchants vying for dominance in that region.

All in all, Thomson's expedition was enormously successful and his biological, geological and ethnographic observations were considered a significant contribution.

Thomson's Adventures and Misadventures to the Conquest of Mount Kilimanjaro

However, the intrepid Scot has had its share of defeats and disappointments. He was too ambitious when he set out to conquer the summit of Kilimanjaro (white mountain in the Maa dialect) in twenty-four hours and failed.

During the journey back to the African coast, on the last day of 1883, a buffalo that was trying to shoot down attacked him and pierced his thigh. Along the way, he still contracted malaria and suffered from dysentery.

Amboseli National Park, Mount Kilimanjaro, buffaloes

Juvenile buffaloes in an unserious fight, in the middle of the Amboseli savannah.

In 1885, already back in Great Britain, he published “Through Masai Country".

The book became a best seller. It inspired a young writer who was also knowledgeable about Africa by name Henry Rider Haggard to write your own novel. “King Solomon's Mines” – which would go on to become world famous – enraged Thomson.

The Scotsman had been the first to credibly describe the existence of snowy mountains above the equator and how he himself had terrified the Masai warriors by removing their false teeth and reassuring them that it was magic.

Amboseli National Park, Mount Kilimanjaro, Masai sorcerer

Masai priest, with the scepter that identifies him in the tribe.

What was Thomson's astonishment when, reading Rider Haggard's work, he came across the description of snowy African mountains.

And with the character of Captain Good doing the same to a newly imagined Kukuana tribe.

Between Elephants and Hippos of PN Amboseli

O Kikuyu John was not aware of all this literary-historical commotion.

He knew the path that the herds of elephants took to reach water and pastures. “They don't stay here at night. When sunset approaches, they gather at the edge of the park. Then, at dawn, they return in caravans to spend the day.”

Amboseli National Park, Mount Kilimanjaro, elephants

Jeep travels along the unpaved road that passes between the Enkongo swamp and the Normatior hill.

No other region in Kenya allows for such a rewarding approach and contemplation of pachyderms as Amboseli.

There, the almost absence of high, dense vegetation and the abundance of dirt tracks allowed us to follow them and photograph them up close, with the bonus of being able to frame them with Kilimanjaro as a backdrop.

One of the favorite places for elephants and hippos are the swamps of Olokenya and Enkongo Narok, both fed by the scattered waters of the river Sinet.

Amboseli National Park, Mount Kilimanjaro, elephants

Female elephant and breeding a little sunken in a grassy swamp and surrounded by opportunistic herons.

We cross the second on the way to the Normatior observation hill. There we found them.

Huge adults with newborn cubs, all of them half-sunken in the dark muck devouring grass in industrial quantities, in the company of dozens of opportunistic herons.

We continue to the top of Normatior, one of the few places on the Amboseli PN where it is possible to get out of the vehicle and use your legs.

All around, the latent threat of attacks from wild animals prevails.

Living with the Masai People on Normatior Hill

We conquered the hill side by side with some Masai women who, as is the hallmark of their people, do everything to ensure that we don't photograph them without paying first.

Amboseli National Park, Mount Kilimanjaro, Normatior Hill

Two Masai women climb to the top of Normatior Hill, an elevation with a privileged view over Amboseli and Kilimanjaro.

At the top, we enjoy the surreal Africa all around, unfolding from the swamps and meadows at the foot to the endless yellow savannah and the imposing Kilimanjaro massif.

In the meantime, we took the opportunity and got along with some colorful and elegant young Masai who had gone there for a dance performance.

As expected, we also photographed them and with them we photographed ourselves.

That privilege took its toll, of course.

Amboseli National Park, Mount Kilimanjaro, Masai Women

Native women parade during a dance show carried out with Kilimanjaro in the background.

And, as a rule, the Masai convert them into cows, the more the better, or if the cows were not the expression of wealth that this proud and warrior people continues to consider sacred and supreme.

Soon, it would start to get dark. John gave the signal and we walked back to the lodge without haste.

We arrived at dusk. The guide was tired of the driving that was accumulating and retired to his room.

We continued with energy. We told him that we wanted to stay at the entrance of the lodge photographing Kilimanjaro at dusk. “Uhmm, they won't be alone for sure! answered us right away.

Let's see how we solve this…”

And the Marathon and Safety Masai Philippe

In three moments, he appeared to us with the guard at the entrance of the lodge, who was ready to keep us company for as long as necessary. “Actually, I just thank you,” confessed Philippe. I have to spend my shifts all cooped up in that cabin.

It's a pleasure to come out here and chat with you. In the meantime, I make sure nothing happens to you. Just yesterday there was a leopard probing right here in front.”

Phillipe was Masai. “In addition to working at the lodge, I'm a runner. I've participated in several marathons. Now I'm injured and I'm looking forward to training again.

"Where do I train?" he replied satisfied with the interest. “I usually train right here on these roads and trails around. To us Masais, lions do not usually attack us. They fear us.”

Amboseli National Park, Mount Kilimanjaro, Masai silhouettes

Young Masai climb Normatior Hill, one of their favorite vantage points of the Amboseli plain and Mount Kilimanjaro.

Before the cold and hunger overcame us, we continued a good forty minutes talking about the rival running tribe kalenjin, which gives the most successful runners to Kenya and whose name the Decathlon chain gave to one of its lines of sports equipment.

With sunset over the horizon, we are talking about the Kenyan predominance in world middle-end athletics and so many other subjects.

Amboseli National Park, Mount Kilimanjaro, sunset

Vehicles cross the PN Amboseli during a lush sunset.

Until the sky settled in full over the savannah and Kilimanjaro, and hunger and the cold forced us to retreat inside the inn.

NP Gorongosa, Mozambique

The Wild Heart of Mozambique shows Signs of Life

Gorongosa was home to one of the most exuberant ecosystems in Africa, but from 1980 to 1992 it succumbed to the Civil War waged between FRELIMO and RENAMO. Greg Carr, Voice Mail's millionaire inventor received a message from the Mozambican ambassador to the UN challenging him to support Mozambique. For the good of the country and humanity, Carr pledged to resurrect the stunning national park that the Portuguese colonial government had created there.
Lake Manyara NP, Tanzania

Hemingway's Favorite Africa

Situated on the western edge of the Rift Valley, Lake Manyara National Park is one of the smallest but charming and richest in Europe. wild life of Tanzania. In 1933, between hunting and literary discussions, Ernest Hemingway dedicated a month of his troubled life to him. He narrated those adventurous safari days in “The Green Hills of Africa".
Serengeti NP, Tanzania

The Great Migration of the Endless Savanna

In these prairies that the Masai people say syringet (run forever), millions of wildebeests and other herbivores chase the rains. For predators, their arrival and that of the monsoon are the same salvation.
Masai Mara, Kenya

A Journey Through the Masai Lands

The Mara savannah became famous for the confrontation between millions of herbivores and their predators. But, in a reckless communion with wildlife, it is the Masai humans who stand out there.
Savuti, Botswana

Savuti's Elephant-Eating Lions

A patch of the Kalahari Desert dries up or is irrigated depending on the region's tectonic whims. In Savuti, lions have become used to depending on themselves and prey on the largest animals in the savannah.
PN Hwange, Zimbabwe

The Legacy of the Late Cecil Lion

On July 1, 2015, Walter Palmer, a dentist and trophy hunter from Minnesota killed Cecil, Zimbabwe's most famous lion. The slaughter generated a viral wave of outrage. As we saw in PN Hwange, nearly two years later, Cecil's descendants thrive.
Zanzibar, Tanzania

The African Spice Islands

Vasco da Gama opened the Indian Ocean to the Portuguese empire. In the XNUMXth century, the Zanzibar archipelago became the largest producer of cloves and the available spices diversified, as did the people who disputed them.
Okavango Delta, Botswana

Not all rivers reach the sea

Third longest river in southern Africa, the Okavango rises in the Angolan Bié plateau and runs 1600km to the southeast. It gets lost in the Kalahari Desert where it irrigates a dazzling wetland teeming with wildlife.
Victoria Falls, Zimbabwee

Livingstone's Thundering Gift

The explorer was looking for a route to the Indian Ocean when natives led him to a jump of the Zambezi River. The falls he found were so majestic that he decided to name them in honor of his queen
Chobe NP, Botswana

Chobe: A River on the Border of Life with Death

Chobe marks the divide between Botswana and three of its neighboring countries, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Namibia. But its capricious bed has a far more crucial function than this political delimitation.
Rhinoceros, PN Kaziranga, Assam, India
PN Kaziranga, India

The Indian Monoceros Stronghold

Situated in the state of Assam, south of the great Brahmaputra river, PN Kaziranga occupies a vast area of ​​alluvial swamp. Two-thirds of the rhinocerus unicornis around the world, there are around 100 tigers, 1200 elephants and many other animals. Pressured by human proximity and the inevitable poaching, this precious park has not been able to protect itself from the hyperbolic floods of the monsoons and from some controversies.
Yak Kharka to Thorong Phedi, Annapurna Circuit, Nepal, Yaks
Annapurna (circuit)
Annapurna Circuit 11th: yak karkha a Thorong Phedi, Nepal

Arrival to the Foot of the Canyon

In just over 6km, we climbed from 4018m to 4450m, at the base of Thorong La canyon. Along the way, we questioned if what we felt were the first problems of Altitude Evil. It was never more than a false alarm.
Treasures, Las Vegas, Nevada, City of Sin and Forgiveness
Architecture & Design
Las Vegas, USA

Where sin is always forgiven

Projected from the Mojave Desert like a neon mirage, the North American capital of gaming and entertainment is experienced as a gamble in the dark. Lush and addictive, Vegas neither learns nor regrets.
Full Dog Mushing
Seward, Alaska

The Alaskan Dog Mushing Summer

It's almost 30 degrees and the glaciers are melting. In Alaska, entrepreneurs have little time to get rich. Until the end of August, dog mushing cannot stop.
Military Religious, Wailing Wall, IDF Flag Oath, Jerusalem, Israel
Ceremonies and Festivities
Jerusalem, Israel

A Festive Wailing Wall

The holiest place in Judaism is not only attended by prayers and prayers. Its ancient stones have witnessed the oath of new IDF recruits for decades and echo the euphoric screams that follow.
ice tunnel, black gold route, Valdez, Alaska, USA
Valdez, Alaska

On the Black Gold Route

In 1989, the Exxon Valdez oil tanker caused a massive environmental disaster. The vessel stopped plying the seas, but the victim city that gave it its name continues on the path of crude oil from the Arctic Ocean.
Tsukiji fish market, Tokyo, Japan
Tokyo, Japan

The Fish Market That Lost its Freshness

In a year, each Japanese eats more than their weight in fish and shellfish. Since 1935, a considerable part was processed and sold in the largest fish market in the world. Tsukiji was terminated in October 2018, and replaced by Toyosu's.
MassKara Festival, Bacolod City, Philippines
Bacolod, Philippines

A Festival to Laugh at Tragedy

Around 1980, the value of sugar, an important source of wealth on the Philippine island of Negros, plummeted and the ferry “Don Juan” that served it sank and took the lives of more than 176 passengers, most of them from Negrès. The local community decided to react to the depression generated by these dramas. That's how MassKara arose, a party committed to recovering the smiles of the population.
Spectator, Melbourne Cricket Ground-Rules footbal, Melbourne, Australia
Melbourne, Australia

The Football the Australians Rule

Although played since 1841, Australian Football has only conquered part of the big island. Internationalization has never gone beyond paper, held back by competition from rugby and classical football.
Entrance porch in Ellikkalla, Uzbekistan

Journey through the Uzbekistan Pseudo-Roads

Centuries passed. Old and run-down Soviet roads ply deserts and oases once traversed by caravans from the Silk RoadSubject to their yoke for a week, we experience every stop and incursion into Uzbek places, into scenic and historic road rewards.
Drums and Tattoos
Tahiti, French Polynesia

Tahiti Beyond the Cliché

Neighbors Bora Bora and Maupiti have superior scenery but Tahiti has long been known as paradise and there is more life on the largest and most populous island of French Polynesia, its ancient cultural heart.
View of Fa Island, Tonga, Last Polynesian Monarchy
Got2Globe Photo Portfolio
Got2Globe Portfolio

Exotic Signs of Life

Leisure Channel
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

From Channel to Channel in a Surreal Holland

Liberal when it comes to drugs and sex, Amsterdam welcomes a crowd of outsiders. Among canals, bicycles, coffee shops and brothel windows, we search, in vain, for its quieter side.
Christian believers leaving a church, Upolu, Western Samoa
Upolu, Samoa  

The Broken Heart of Polynesia

The imagery of the paradisiacal South Pacific is unquestionable in Samoa, but its tropical beauty does not pay the bills for either the nation or the inhabitants. Anyone who visits this archipelago finds a people divided between subjecting themselves to tradition and the financial stagnation or uprooting themselves in countries with broader horizons.
Reindeer Racing, Kings Cup, Inari, Finland
Winter White
Inari, Finland

The Wackiest Race on the Top of the World

Finland's Lapps have been competing in the tow of their reindeer for centuries. In the final of the Kings Cup - Porokuninkuusajot - , they face each other at great speed, well above the Arctic Circle and well below zero.
shadow vs light
Kyoto, Japan

The Kyoto Temple Reborn from the Ashes

The Golden Pavilion has been spared destruction several times throughout history, including that of US-dropped bombs, but it did not withstand the mental disturbance of Hayashi Yoken. When we admired him, he looked like never before.
Suspension Bridge, Cabro Muco, Miravalles volcano
miravalles, Costa Rica

The volcano that Miravalles

At 2023 meters, the Miravalles stands out in northern Costa Rica, high above a range of pairs that includes La Giganta, Tenório, Espiritu Santo, Santa Maria, Rincón de La Vieja and Orosi. Inactive with respect to eruptions, it feeds a prolific geothermal field that warms the lives of Costa Ricans in its shadow.
Sheki, Autumn in the Caucasus, Azerbaijan, Autumn Homes
Sheki, Azerbaijan

autumn in the caucasus

Lost among the snowy mountains that separate Europe from Asia, Sheki is one of Azerbaijan's most iconic towns. Its largely silky history includes periods of great harshness. When we visited it, autumn pastels added color to a peculiar post-Soviet and Muslim life.
Atacama woman, Life on the edge, Atacama Desert, Chile
Natural Parks
Atacama Desert, Chile

Life on the Edges of the Atacama Desert

When you least expect it, the driest place in the world reveals new extraterrestrial scenarios on a frontier between the inhospitable and the welcoming, the sterile and the fertile that the natives are used to crossing.
Jingkieng Wahsurah, Nongblai Village Roots Bridge, Meghalaya, India
UNESCO World Heritage
Meghalaya, India

The Bridges of the Peoples that Create Roots

The unpredictability of rivers in the wettest region on Earth never deterred the Khasi and the Jaintia. Faced with the abundance of trees elastic fig tree in their valleys, these ethnic groups got used to molding their branches and strains. From their time-lost tradition, they have bequeathed hundreds of dazzling root bridges to future generations.
female and cub, grizzly footsteps, katmai national park, alaska
PN Katmai, Alaska

In the Footsteps of the Grizzly Man

Timothy Treadwell spent summers on end with the bears of Katmai. Traveling through Alaska, we followed some of its trails, but unlike the species' crazy protector, we never went too far.
Cahuita National Park, Costa Rica, Caribbean, Punta Cahuita aerial view
Cahuita, Costa Rica

Dreadlocked Costa Rica

Traveling through Central America, we explore a Costa Rican coastline as much as the Caribbean. In Cahuita, Pura Vida is inspired by an eccentric faith in Jah and a maddening devotion to cannabis.
Ulugh Beg, Astronomer, Samarkand, Uzbekistan, A Space Marriage
Samarkand, Uzbekistan

The Astronomer Sultan

The grandson of one of the great conquerors of Central Asia, Ulugh Beg, preferred the sciences. In 1428, he built a space observatory in Samarkand. His studies of the stars led him to name a crater on the Moon.
Train Fianarantsoa to Manakara, Malagasy TGV, locomotive
On Rails
Fianarantsoa-Manakara, Madagascar

On board the Malagasy TGV

We depart Fianarantsoa at 7a.m. It wasn't until 3am the following morning that we completed the 170km to Manakara. The natives call this almost secular train Train Great Vibrations. During the long journey, we felt, very strongly, those of the heart of Madagascar.
Merida cable car, Renovation, Venezuela, altitude sickness, mountain prevent to treat, travel
Mérida, Venezuela

The Vertiginous Renovation of the World's Highest Cable Car

Underway from 2010, the rebuilding of the Mérida cable car was carried out in the Sierra Nevada by intrepid workers who suffered firsthand the magnitude of the work.
Visitors at Talisay Ruins, Negros Island, Philippines
Daily life
Talisay City, Philippines

Monument to a Luso-Philippine Love

At the end of the 11th century, Mariano Lacson, a Filipino farmer, and Maria Braga, a Portuguese woman from Macau, fell in love and got married. During the pregnancy of what would be her 2th child, Maria succumbed to a fall. Destroyed, Mariano built a mansion in his honor. In the midst of World War II, the mansion was set on fire, but the elegant ruins that endured perpetuate their tragic relationship.
Sheep and hikers in Mykines, Faroe Islands
Mykines, Faroe Islands

In the Faeroes FarWest

Mykines establishes the western threshold of the Faroe archipelago. It housed 179 people but the harshness of the retreat got the better of it. Today, only nine souls survive there. When we visit it, we find the island given over to its thousand sheep and the restless colonies of puffins.
Passengers, scenic flights-Southern Alps, New Zealand
Scenic Flights
Aoraki / Mount Cook, New Zealand

The Aeronautical Conquest of the Southern Alps

In 1955, pilot Harry Wigley created a system for taking off and landing on asphalt or snow. Since then, his company has unveiled, from the air, some of the greatest scenery in Oceania.