Kandy, Sri Lanka

The Dental Root of Sinhalese Buddhism

On the same route
The Royal Palace
walk of faith
Candia and its Lake
The Tooth Chamber
Business in Black & White
Buddha in the Heights
aroma of buddhism
lake colleagues
Unlikely Trio
monks on the way
Lankathilakaya Buddha
DeSilva x 2
faith and fire
The hand
The Lankathilakaya Temple
Window Conversation
checkered buddhism
Berries against Bad Influence
Located in the mountainous heart of Sri Lanka, at the end of the XNUMXth century, Kandy became the capital of the last kingdom of old Ceylon and resisted successive colonial conquest attempts. The city also preserved and exhibited a sacred tooth of the Buddha and, thus, became Ceylon's Buddhist center.

Just after nine in the morning.

The Temple of the Tooth surrenders again to the ceremony Pooja, in its version of daily ritual, called Theva, in either case, a frenzy of faith that has long animated him.

Believers flow in, dressed in their clothes, but barefoot. The women in bright, shiny skirts and shirts and saris. The men, almost all in pants and shirts of the whiteness of purity.

Solemn, the ceremony takes place in a frame of corridors and chambers defined, from floor to ceiling, by carved and varnished wooden grilles.

Family Prayers, Flowers, Fruit and Faith

In a kind of antechamber, families gather, sit on the floor, in a communal prayer in which even the children remain engaged.

In front, along a table spread from one end of a corridor to the other, the faithful deposit the offerings with which they praise Lord Buddha.

Two employees help us organize them into a decent patchwork quilt. Freshly picked water lilies and distinct flowers of the same type and colors, together, and in sections where they match each other.

There is also rice and some fruits, of which exuberant pomegranate berries stand out, arranged and highlighted on paper platters as one of the three fruits that Buddhists consider sacred.

Bylaws are not for everyone present. Or, if it is, the almost daily routine of ritual has faded.

A temple official at a corner of the table looks around.

When he thinks he is safe from the eyes of others, he steals and delights in a handful of pomegranate, with an ethereal texture and flavor that Buddhists believe appeasers of evil and sins.

A Buddhist legend tells that a demon named Hariti got used to devouring children. And that Buddha cured her of this habit by giving her a pomegranate to eat.

Around the table, even if their noses barely pass it, children marvel at the changing exuberance of the board.

Young Buddhists still admire the understanding and elegance with which their parents, with their hands together in front of their faces, once again exalt the Enlightened One.

In a nearby courtyard, between large clay pots equipped with jambés, a trio of monks with shaved heads, in mustard-colored habits, carry out their own prayer, austere as the flagstone floor that supports them.

Arrived through a tunnel lined with intricate motifs – white, yellow, gold – more and more believers prolong the theva of the day. The supreme presence of the Buddha attracts them.

Candia and the Temple of the Tooth that Houses a Buddha Fang

In Cândia, there, in that same temple, the unusual manifestation of one of his teeth, a left canine, to be more rigorous.

Believers access the chamber that preserves it through a door to eternal wisdom, in itself, a kind of religious act fraught with symbolism.

Above the door, between two suns stamped on an undulating sky, is a dragon with a gaping mouth that seems to grant the passage.

On either side of the curtain that serves as a veil, two yellow guardians are accompanied by a doorman identified by a white sarong and vest. The interior reveals an altar, crowned by a gleaming gold Buddha and flanked by two targets.

The sacred canine is kept inside a bell, also a prodigious piece of jewellery.

The lack of a real exposition of the relic, both the room and its surroundings, appear decorated with other teeth.

Large ivories exposed in a curve towards the statues, in a way that is not at all subtle, pointing out their sacredness.

Candia, Tooth of Buddha, Ceylon, Temple of the Tooth

Buddhist priests appear out of nowhere.

They are positioned on another face of that same central chamber, between another set of ivories and a red-gold curtain kept closed.

They inaugurate chants, followed by a shortened mantra.

At the end of the recital, the entourage that accompanies them prostrate themselves in reverence. Of the esteemed monks and the holiness of the Buddha to which monks and any Buddhist aspire.

Mere mortals that we are, faced with such solemnity, our curiosity assails us as to how Buddha's canine would have ended up there.

The Journey of the Tooth of Buddha from India to Candia

Back to the plane of legend, after Gautama Buddha entered the final state of Nirvana, the tooth would have been stored somewhere in the Kalinga region (northeast coast of India).

From there, on the instructions of a local king named Guhasiva, his daughter Princess Hemamali hid her tooth in her hair.

With the protection of her husband Prince Dantha, she managed to travel to the island of present-day Sri Lanka.

In that era of the year 300 AD, Sirimeghavanna ruled the island, king of Anuradhapura before Kashyapa I, the successor who conquered the throne after walling up his father.

And who later took refuge at the top of the famous rock fortress of Sigirya.

Sirimeghavanna assumed the superior responsibility of guarding the tooth. From then on, this custody became part of Sri Lanka's history.

By the XNUMXth and XNUMXth centuries, Candia had become a spiritual center for the two largest sects in the world. Budismo, Mahayana and Theravada.

The Tooth Guard that Validates Ceylon Control

For a long time, the right and duty of custody of the dental relic corresponded to the legitimacy of governing the island.

Accordingly, successive kings built their own “temples of the tooth” next to their royal residences.

In the course of Ceylon's intricate history, the tooth ended up in the island's mountainous heartland, in Candia, since the late XNUMXth century, an expanding kingdom.

We left the Temple of the Tooth. We wander through the vastness that surrounds it and the large artificial lake to the south.

As you would expect in what is considered the Buddhist capital of Sri Lanka, we come across other temples and shrines.

We witnessed new offerings, among colorful flags, smoke and incense.

In this digression, we ended up diverging towards the secular sphere and towards an administrative plan for the city.

Cândia and its Dazzling Notarial and Advocacy Center

Fleeing the deafening roar of old buses and rickshaws, we find ourselves on a street bordered by two-story colonial buildings.

We see a sector of these facades covered in black plates with white letters.

When we examine them, we find that they bear Sinhalese words and, here and there, Western names.

Some sound familiar to us. We are in a domain of notaries and lawyers.

Among so many other Sinhalese, we find one such firm "DeSilva and DeSilva".

The colonial look, something decadent of the place seduces us. We get lost in their rooms, chatting with employees who, by hand, draw up building plans and other official documents.

“I bet they haven't seen a job like this in a long time!” one of them throws us at us, conscious of the classic preciousness of what she was doing.

In English, we still chat with others who make photocopies or dust off secular desks and drawing boards.

We realize that, apart from their workspace, they share the amazement that we saw interest there.

As is the case throughout Sri Lanka, most of the employees have Portuguese names.

Or at least family members who have them.

And yet we are in one of the few cities in Ceylon that have always resisted.

To the Portuguese, and to the other colonial powers with which the Portuguese disputed it.

The Early Arrival of the Portuguese in Ceylon

Portugal came across this island, which the Romans already knew as Taprobana, during Vasco da Gama's first voyage to India. On that expedition, the navigator learned that it was the only cinnamon producer in the World.

Now the spice was really appreciated and sought after in Europe.

Subsequently, D. Manuel I instructed the viceroy D. Francisco de Almeida that, if possible, Ceylon should be controlled.

In 1505, it is said that, dragged by a storm, the navigator son of the viceroy, Lourenço de Almeida, ended up there on the coast, forced to anchor next to the current port of Columbus.

In the one hundred and fifty years that followed (until 1658), stimulated by the importance of the island, the Portuguese established forts and trading posts.

The Gradual Mastery of the Ceylon Coast

Columbus herself, Galle, Jafanapatão, Negumbo, Baticalo and Tricomalee.

In addition to cinnamon, the island was filled with precious stones, pearls, and other riches that its kings and nobles displayed.

In such a way, that several influential personalities in the expansion of the Empire defended that its capital should be transferred from Goa to Ceylon.

Candia, the Tough Kingdom of the Mountains

Three great kingdoms disputed the island: Kotte, the predominant one; Jafanapatão, to the north and, owner and lord of the mountains at the heart of the island, Candia.

As they were used to doing around the world, the Portuguese explored the rivalries between these kingdoms, with missionaries of different orders trying to convert the local kings and nobles to Christianity and mold them to the Portuguese colonial sphere.

The Portuguese ensured the proper Christianization of more than one king of Candia. And, between 1589 and 1594, control of this kingdom. In those five years, the Crown found itself in trouble to designate a new Portuguese king.

This novel of the appointment of the king still existed when, enraged by the execution of a Sinhalese general, the allied forces of the island, disbanded.

And the Portuguese Debacle in Ceylon, at the hands of the Rebel de Cândia and the Dutch

Konnapu Bandara the Kandy Rebel, a feared Sinhalese rival Christianized as Dom João of Austria and who became King of Vimaladharmasuriya, took advantage of the vulnerability of the Portuguese, meanwhile surrounded.

In October 1594, served by a huge army, he cornered and slaughtered them.

He also kidnapped Cusumasana Devi, the native that the Portuguese named Dª Catarina and who, during the year 1591, managed to keep Queen of Cândia.

Soon, the Dutch arrived on the scene. They precipitated the colonial collapse of the Portuguese in Ceylon.

Candia continued to resist. She preserves her lofty place in Sri Lankan history.

It is the Buddha's canine that legitimizes him.

Yala NPElla-Kandy, Sri Lanka

Journey Through Sri Lanka's Tea Core

We leave the seafront of PN Yala towards Ella. On the way to Nanu Oya, we wind on rails through the jungle, among plantations in the famous Ceylon. Three hours later, again by car, we enter Kandy, the Buddhist capital that the Portuguese never managed to dominate.
Sigiriya, Sri Lanka

The Capital Fortress of a Parricide King

Kashyapa I came to power after walling up his father's monarch. Afraid of a probable attack by his brother heir to the throne, he moved the main city of the kingdom to the top of a granite peak. Today, his eccentric haven is more accessible than ever and has allowed us to explore the Machiavellian plot of this Sri Lankan drama.
Lhasa, Tibet

When Buddhism Tires of Meditation

It is not only with silence and spiritual retreat that one seeks Nirvana. At the Sera Monastery, the young monks perfect their Buddhist knowledge with lively dialectical confrontations and crackling clapping of hands.
Galle, Sri Lanka

Galle Fort: A Portuguese and then Dutch (His) story

Camões immortalized Ceylon as an indelible landmark of the Discoveries, where Galle was one of the first fortresses that the Portuguese controlled and yielded. Five centuries passed and Ceylon gave way to Sri Lanka. Galle resists and continues to seduce explorers from the four corners of the Earth.
Mount Koya, Japan

Halfway to Nirvana

According to some doctrines of Buddhism, it takes several lifetimes to attain enlightenment. The shingon branch claims that you can do it in one. From Mount Koya, it can be even easier.
Bagan, Myanmar

The Plain of Pagodas, Temples and other Heavenly Redemptions

Burmese religiosity has always been based on a commitment to redemption. In Bagan, wealthy and fearful believers continue to erect pagodas in hopes of winning the benevolence of the gods.
Nara, Japan

The Colossal Cradle of the Japanese Buddhism

Nara has long since ceased to be the capital and its Todai-ji temple has been demoted. But the Great Hall remains the largest ancient wooden building in the world. And it houses the greatest bronze Vairocana Buddha.
Bingling Yes, China

The Canyon of a Thousand Buddhas

For more than a millennium and at least seven dynasties, Chinese devotees have extolled their religious belief with the legacy of sculpture in a remote strait of the Yellow River. If you disembark in the Canyon of Thousand Buddhas, you may not find all the sculptures, but you will find a stunning Buddhist shrine.
Bhaktapur, Nepal

The Nepalese Masks of Life

The Newar Indigenous People of the Kathmandu Valley attach great importance to the Hindu and Buddhist religiosity that unites them with each other and with the Earth. Accordingly, he blesses their rites of passage with newar dances of men masked as deities. Even if repeated long ago from birth to reincarnation, these ancestral dances do not elude modernity and begin to see an end.
Annapurna Circuit: 6th – Braga, Nepal

The Ancient Nepal of Braga

Four days of walking later, we slept at 3.519 meters from Braga (Braka). Upon arrival, only the name is familiar to us. Faced with the mystical charm of the town, arranged around one of the oldest and most revered Buddhist monasteries on the Annapurna circuit, we continued our journey there. acclimatization with ascent to Ice Lake (4620m).
Nara, Japan

Buddhism vs Modernism: The Double Face of Nara

In the 74th century AD Nara was the Japanese capital. During XNUMX years of this period, emperors erected temples and shrines in honor of the Budismo, the newly arrived religion from across the Sea of ​​Japan. Today, only these same monuments, secular spirituality and deer-filled parks protect the city from the inexorable encirclement of urbanity.
Mount Kyaiktiyo, Myanmar

The Golden and Balancing Rock of Buddha

We are discovering Rangoon when we find out about the Golden Rock phenomenon. Dazzled by its golden and sacred balance, we join the now centuries-old Burmese pilgrimage to Mount Kyaiktyo.
savuti, botswana, elephant-eating lions
Savuti, Botswana

Savuti's Elephant-Eating Lions

A patch of the Kalahari Desert dries up or is irrigated depending on the region's tectonic whims. In Savuti, lions have become used to depending on themselves and prey on the largest animals in the savannah.
Thorong Pedi to High Camp, Annapurna Circuit, Nepal, Lone Walker
Annapurna (circuit)
Annapurna Circuit: 12th - Thorong Phedi a High camp

The Prelude to the Supreme Crossing

This section of the Annapurna Circuit is only 1km away, but in less than two hours it takes you from 4450m to 4850m and to the entrance to the great canyon. Sleeping in High Camp is a test of resistance to Mountain Evil that not everyone passes.
Engravings, Karnak Temple, Luxor, Egypt
Architecture & Design
luxor, Egypt

From Luxor to Thebes: Journey to Ancient Egypt

Thebes was raised as the new supreme capital of the Egyptian Empire, the seat of Amon, the God of Gods. Modern Luxor inherited the Temple of Karnak and its sumptuousness. Between one and the other flow the sacred Nile and millennia of dazzling history.
Totems, Botko Village, Malekula, Vanuatu
Malekula, Vanuatu

Meat and Bone Cannibalism

Until the early XNUMXth century, man-eaters still feasted on the Vanuatu archipelago. In the village of Botko we find out why European settlers were so afraid of the island of Malekula.
good buddhist advice
Ceremonies and Festivities
Chiang Mai, Thailand

300 Wats of Spiritual and Cultural Energy

Thais call every Buddhist temple wat and their northern capital has them in obvious abundance. Delivered to successive events held between shrines, Chiang Mai is never quite disconnected.
Kronstadt Russia Autumn, owner of the Bouquet
Kronstadt, Russia

The Autumn of the Russian Island-City of All Crossroads

Founded by Peter the Great, it became the port and naval base protecting Saint Petersburg and northern Greater Russia. In March 1921, it rebelled against the Bolsheviks it had supported during the October Revolution. In this October we're going through, Kronstadt is once again covered by the same exuberant yellow of uncertainty.
World Food

Gastronomy Without Borders or Prejudice

Each people, their recipes and delicacies. In certain cases, the same ones that delight entire nations repel many others. For those who travel the world, the most important ingredient is a very open mind.
Garranos gallop across the plateau above Castro Laboreiro, PN Peneda-Gerês, Portugal
Castro Laboreiro, Portugal  

From Castro de Laboreiro to the Rim of the Peneda – Gerês Range

We arrived at (i) the eminence of Galicia, at an altitude of 1000m and even more. Castro Laboreiro and the surrounding villages stand out against the granite monumentality of the mountains and the Planalto da Peneda and Laboreiro. As do its resilient people who, sometimes handed over to Brandas and sometimes to Inverneiras, still call these stunning places home.
Spectator, Melbourne Cricket Ground-Rules footbal, Melbourne, Australia
Melbourne, Australia

The Football the Australians Rule

Although played since 1841, Australian Football has only conquered part of the big island. Internationalization has never gone beyond paper, held back by competition from rugby and classical football.
New South Wales Australia, Beach walk
Batemans Bay to Jervis Bay, Australia

New South Wales, from Bay to Bay

With Sydney behind us, we indulged in the Australian “South Coast”. Along 150km, in the company of pelicans, kangaroos and other peculiar creatures aussie, we let ourselves get lost on a coastline cut between stunning beaches and endless eucalyptus groves.
Early morning on the lake

Nantou, Taiwan

In the Heart of the Other China

Nantou is Taiwan's only province isolated from the Pacific Ocean. Those who discover the mountainous heart of this region today tend to agree with the Portuguese navigators who named Taiwan Formosa.

Portfolio, Got2Globe, Best Images, Photography, Images, Cleopatra, Dioscorides, Delos, Greece
Got2Globe Photo Portfolio
Got2Globe Portfolio

The Earthly and the Celestial

Dusk in Itzamna Park, Izamal, Mexico
Izamal, Mexico

The Holy, Yellow and Beautiful Mexican City

Until the arrival of the Spanish conquerors, Izamal was a center of worship for the supreme Mayan god Itzamná and Kinich Kakmó, the one of the sun. Gradually, the invaders razed the various pyramids of the natives. In its place, they built a large Franciscan convent and a prolific colonial houses, with the same solar tone in which the now Catholic city shines.
The inevitable fishing

Florianopolis, Brazil

The South Atlantic Azorean Legacy

During the XNUMXth century, thousands of Portuguese islanders pursued better lives in the southern confines of Brazil. In the villages they founded, traces of affinity with the origins abound.

Era Susi towed by dog, Oulanka, Finland
Winter White
PN Oulanka, Finland

A Slightly Lonesome Wolf

Jukka “Era-Susi” Nordman has created one of the largest packs of sled dogs in the world. He became one of Finland's most iconic characters but remains faithful to his nickname: Wilderness Wolf.
Kukenam reward
Mount Roraima, Venezuela

Time Travel to the Lost World of Mount Roraima

At the top of Mount Roraima, there are extraterrestrial scenarios that have resisted millions of years of erosion. Conan Doyle created, in "The Lost World", a fiction inspired by the place but never got to step on it.
travel western australia, surfspotting
Perth to Albany, Australia

Across the Far West of Australia

Few people worship evasion like the aussies. With southern summer in full swing and the weekend just around the corner, Perthians are taking refuge from the urban routine in the nation's southwest corner. For our part, without compromise, we explore endless Western Australia to its southern limit.
Mother Armenia Statue, Yerevan, Armenia
Yerevan, Armenia

A Capital between East and West

Heiress of the Soviet civilization, aligned with the great Russia, Armenia allows itself to be seduced by the most democratic and sophisticated ways of Western Europe. In recent times, the two worlds have collided in the streets of your capital. From popular and political dispute, Yerevan will dictate the new course of the nation.
The Gran Sabana
Natural Parks

Gran Sabana, Venezuela

A Real Jurassic Park

Only the lonely EN-10 road ventures into Venezuela's wild southern tip. From there, we unveil otherworldly scenarios, such as the savanna full of dinosaurs in the Spielberg saga.

Karanga ethnic musicians join the ruins of Great Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe
UNESCO World Heritage
Great ZimbabweZimbabwe

Great Zimbabwe, Little Bira Dance

Karanga natives of the KwaNemamwa village display traditional Bira dances to privileged visitors to the ruins of Great Zimbabwe. the most iconic place in Zimbabwe, the one who, after the decree of colonial Rhodesia's independence, inspired the name of the new and problematic nation.  
female and cub, grizzly footsteps, katmai national park, alaska
PN Katmai, Alaska

In the Footsteps of the Grizzly Man

Timothy Treadwell spent summers on end with the bears of Katmai. Traveling through Alaska, we followed some of its trails, but unlike the species' crazy protector, we never went too far.
Santa Marta, Tayrona, Simón Bolivar, Ecohabs of Tayrona National Park
Santa Marta and PN Tayrona, Colombia

The Paradise from which Simon Bolivar departed

At the gates of PN Tayrona, Santa Marta is the oldest continuously inhabited Hispanic city in Colombia. In it, Simón Bolívar began to become the only figure on the continent almost as revered as Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary.
Herd in Manang, Annapurna Circuit, Nepal
Annapurna Circuit: 8th Manang, Nepal

Manang: the Last Acclimatization in Civilization

Six days after leaving Besisahar we finally arrived in Manang (3519m). Located at the foot of the Annapurna III and Gangapurna Mountains, Manang is the civilization that pampers and prepares hikers for the ever-dreaded crossing of Thorong La Gorge (5416 m).
Executives sleep subway seat, sleep, sleep, subway, train, Tokyo, Japan
On Rails
Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo's Hypno-Passengers

Japan is served by millions of executives slaughtered with infernal work rates and sparse vacations. Every minute of respite on the way to work or home serves them for their inemuri, napping in public.
Creel, Chihuahua, Carlos Venzor, collector, museum
Chihuahua a Creel, Chihuahua, Mexico

On Creel's Way

With Chihuahua behind, we point to the southwest and to even higher lands in the north of Mexico. Next to Ciudad Cuauhtémoc, we visited a Mennonite elder. Around Creel, we lived for the first time with the Rarámuri indigenous community of the Serra de Tarahumara.
Daily life
Arduous Professions

the bread the devil kneaded

Work is essential to most lives. But, certain jobs impose a degree of effort, monotony or danger that only a few chosen ones can measure up to.
Fluvial coming and going
Iriomote, Japan

The Small Tropical Japanese Amazon of Iriomote

Impenetrable rainforests and mangroves fill Iriomote under a pressure cooker climate. Here, foreign visitors are as rare as the yamaneko, an elusive endemic lynx.
Passengers, scenic flights-Southern Alps, New Zealand
Scenic Flights
Aoraki / Mount Cook, New Zealand

The Aeronautical Conquest of the Southern Alps

In 1955, pilot Harry Wigley created a system for taking off and landing on asphalt or snow. Since then, his company has unveiled, from the air, some of the greatest scenery in Oceania.