Mount Kyaiktiyo, Myanmar

The Golden and Balancing Rock of Buddha

Bike vs Bus
Cyclist passes between buses at a truck station between Yangon and Kin Pun.
Snack vendors outside the transshipment zone to the golden rock of Kyaikhtiyo.
half load
Monks at the front of the lorry box that provides connections between Kin Pun and the middle slope of Mount Kyaikhtiyo.
Rock in Balance
A perspective that reveals the balance in which Kyaikhtiyo's Golden Rock has long held.
woman does not enter
Door that enforces the ban on the entry of women into the enclosure of the golden rock of Kyaikhtiyo.
pray from outside
Women light candles and pray outside the golden rock enclosure.
Monks Conference
Buddhist monks clustered on the polished ground of the golden rock enclosure.
gold on gold
Faithful glue films of gold leaf that renew the coating of the golden rock.
golden sunset
Sun disappears behind the clouds, at a time when Buddhist faithful worship the increasingly resplendent golden rock.
We are discovering Rangoon when we find out about the Golden Rock phenomenon. Dazzled by its golden and sacred balance, we join the now centuries-old Burmese pilgrimage to Mount Kyaiktyo.

Early morning arrival at the bus terminal in Rangoon, we choked on the unexpected ticket table.

We had been walking around Myanmar for several days. Never had the difference in what the Burmese paid the price of “Foreigner” irritated us like there. We barafustrada as possible. More than advisable.

Until a frail-looking young man, uncomfortable with our indignation, lends himself to clarify: “It's not worth it to despair in this way. All backpackers come with the money counted for their long journeys.

And everyone is frustrated by this exploration. But you have to understand that these are government orders. All companies must follow them. Otherwise, if they are discovered, they close them forever.”

The boy's intervention would never resolve the damage that the discrepancy and the additional 15.000 kyats would do to us. Even so, he had the gift of reassuring us and making us resign. We took the backpacks. We settled into the tight seats of the bus, among young Buddhist monks and peasants keeping an eye on the goats and chickens that followed on the roof.

At around 10 in the morning, we finally left.

Hot Journey between Yangon and Kin Pun Village

Reassured by the hot wind that massaged our heads, we let ourselves be carried away by the sway, the bumps and the flash sales attempted by successive itinerant vendors, each time the bus stopped long enough to let them on.

During the first tens of kilometers, the road follows the meanders of the Rangoon River. Soon, we entered the so-called Rangoon-Mandalay highway, the number one road in Myanmar. We continue aiming at Bago and there we make a short stopover. An additional half hour to the north, we reach Hpa Yar Gyi and enter Route 8 which cuts to the southeastern tip of Burma.

Golden Rock of Kyaikhtiyo, Buddhism, Myanmar, Burma

At the outset, we could have followed a much shorter and straighter itinerary heading east. All that arch we were forced to was due to the spread of another primordial river in Myanmar: the Sittang.

Like the Bangladeshi outlet of the Ganges, the last rattle of the Sittang generated an immense delta of swamp and soggy meadow that the Indian Ocean invaded in the form of the Gulf of Martaban.

Accordingly, the overwhelming floods generated by the monsoon rains from these places forced the road to cross the river near Taung Tha Pyay Kan, already well above the delta.

That crossing was so providential that he was entitled to a toll. More than a mere bridge, we were crossing the river border between the Bago region and the mystic Mon State, the state in which the final destination of the trip was located.

Kin Pun: the Overcrowded Transshipment to the Golden Rock of Kyaiktiyo

Around three in the afternoon, almost five hours of road sauna later, we were admitted to Kin Pun. There, we joined a small, tight crowd awaiting transport to an intermediate slope that the outsiders called, in English, the Upper Level.

An open box truck appears out of nowhere. Little by little, the driver and an assistant make the passengers sit, more than squeezed together, pressed against each other on boards to act as benches. Not everything was bad.

Golden Rock of Kyaikhtiyo, Buddhism, Myanmar, BurmaWe follow outdoors. For half an hour, we went up a mountain road surrounded by tropical vegetation furrowed by waterfalls that are longer than voluminous.

Either point would have made enriching photographs. That was, if we could move our arms enough to detach the cameras above the passengers squeezing us.

A succession of souvenir stands and religious shrines, restaurants, tea houses and others filled with essences, substances and products recommended by traditional Burmese medicine confirm our Upper Level.

Despite the name of the place, the epic would not stop there.

Golden Rock of Kyaikhtiyo, Buddhism, Myanmar, Burma

The Heavy But Provident Services of Mount Kyaiktiyo Porters

The Golden Rock hotel awaited us higher up. The one above was so steep that it was work for a troop of porters. Most passengers trust them with their luggage. These sherpa from Mon State put it in large baskets and on their backs.

Recomposed of an inevitable descent, they sweat their stumps and make bones creaking to fulfill the deliveries at the door of the visitors' hotels.

Porters carry more than just luggage. When elderly, incapacitated, too obese, or weak devotees reach the base of the mountain, it is up to the porters to carry them to the top on stretchers made of bamboo.

We comply with hotel registration. It took us long enough to drop the big backpacks we wouldn't need anymore. At those latitudes, sunset would not be long. We grabbed the ones from the equipment. We shot up the ramp.

We pass between the mirrored statues of two large golden lions. Soon after, at the entrance to Golden Rock, a new diversion of funds in “Foreigner” mode multiplied, stains the spirituality that we thought immaculate in the place. We came across not only a Foreigner Entrance Fee, but also a Foreigner Camera Fee.

With no time to get frustrated, we took off and fixed our shoes. Even so, with Buddhist bare feet, on the hard, hot stone, among monks who we believe to be devotees, we investigated the complex.

Golden Rock of Kyaikhtiyo, Buddhism, Myanmar, Burma

The Magical Hour When the Golden Rock Shines the Most

From a privileged balcony, we watched the lapse in which the sun orange the edge of a cloud front, above the mountains. These high clouds canceled out the chromatic exuberance that was expected from the sunset. Accordingly, we focused on the twilight subtlety that followed.

With the fading of light, the blue of the firmament intensifies. And it sparkles the gold that surrounded the great rock, already in its unusual position.

Even almost round, at some 1.100 meters of windy altitude, the Golden Rock insists on resisting on the tip of a polished slab that stands out from a so-called Paung-Laung crest in the mountains of Eastern Yoma.

Golden Rock of Kyaikhtiyo, Buddhism, Myanmar, BurmaWe are on the verge of Mae Sot's Thai border. Over there, Buddhism is little different from Burmese.

Crowning the Golden Rock is the small Kyaiktiyo pagoda (7.3 meters), also golden. In Bagan, further north in Myanmar, wealthy believers have great temples and stupas built.

Those who visit Kyaiktiyo on pilgrimage help to maintain the lining of the set by unrolling and pasting on the face of that spiritual pebble small gold leaves that they buy on the slope that precedes the entrance.

Part of these leaves falls on the slab. It sways back and forth in the wind.

Some remain glued to the bare feet of believers, while they express their faith by feeling and embracing the glossy surface of the stone, while others leave offerings of food, fruit and incense.

Golden Rock of Kyaikhtiyo, Buddhism, Myanmar, BurmaFrom where we admire its movements and the nightfall, we have the feeling that, pressed by the faithful, the stone could fall at any moment. According to legend, what prevents gravity from fulfilling its role is a fine piece of Buddha's hair.

The Buddhist Legend That Has Long Supported the Golden Rock

How Golden Rock got there is explained in an intricate legend. He narrates that, in the middle of the XNUMXth century, the pure asceticism of Taik Tha, a Buddhist hermit priest, will have amazed the Buddha. As a reward, Buddha offered him this piece of hair.

Now the hermit, in turn, offered it to his then king, Tissa, on the condition that he consecrated it in a dedicated pagoda which was to include a stone in the shape of the head of Taik Tha. King Tissa tried by all means.

He failed in his quest to find a stone with the right profile. Desperate, he begged help from Thagyamin, the heavenly king of Buddhist cosmology.

Thagyamin had supernatural powers inherited from his father Zawgyi, a prodigious alchemist, and his mother, a Naga princess, who is, so to speak, a semi-divine, half-human, half-serpent that inhabits the underworld.

Thagyamin resorted to his formidable strength. He plucked the stone Tissa was fetching from the bottom of the ocean and pushed it over a boat, out to sea. Once on land, he placed the stone where it stood and we admired it.

In order to complete his sacred work, he built the small pagoda on top of the rock as a shrine to the hair of Buddha and forevermore.

The term mon kyaiktiyo by which the shrine is known, by the way, translates as a pagoda on the head of a hermit.

Over time, this rock head became the third most important pilgrimage site in Myanmar. Only the Shwedagon pagoda, in Yangon, and the Mahamuni pagoda, located southwest of Mandalay, the second city in the country, preceded it.

Golden Rock of Kyaikhtiyo, Buddhism, Myanmar, Burma

Women Don't Get In: An Unusual Buddhist Determination

By secular order of Buddhism, the entry of women in the complex is prohibited. This ban comes from another. According to the Buddha's precepts, women cannot touch monks, as they live under a vow of chastity.

Since the stone itself emulates the head of a hermit-monk, they are prohibited from approaching or touching the Golden Rock.

Still, the most devout women make their own pilgrimage to the place. Instead of touching it, they praise Golden Rock from some distance away.

We see them sitting outside the ultimate fence wall that isolates the rock. They pray and light candles after candles.

Golden Rock of Kyaikhtiyo, Buddhism, Myanmar, BurmaAt a certain point, we found that the gilding of its many small fires rivals that of the sanctuary pebble, even though, with the metamorphosis from dusk to night, the focuses that fall on it gild it twice.

That night, the believers who worshiped the Golden Rock were little more than a few dozen.

Every year, during the day of Tabaung's full moon which happens in March, around 90.000 candles are lit. Illuminated by the corresponding 90.000 flames, the rock shines brighter than ever.

On that day, several hundred, even a few thousand Buddhist faithful flock to Mount Kyaiktiyo. Your access to the Golden Rock base is strictly controlled. Even so, the longed-for contact with the pebble of Buddha is disputed to the last centimeter.

Legend has it that Buddhist believers who complete the 13km pilgrimage from Kinpun at least three times a year find themselves gifted with prosperity and community recognition.

The possibilities of pleasing Buddha do not stop there. The same legend that until then had illustrated and justified the Golden Rock's Buddhist and tightrope walker's reason for being, explains that, upon arrival at Mount Kyaiktiyo, the boat used by the celestial king Thagyami turned to stone.

Buddhist believers also take the opportunity to praise this stone, located a mere 300 meters from the Golden Rock and named the Kyaukthanban stupa.

Around six in the afternoon, Golden Rock begins to give way to the night pitch. Only a few more resilient believers prolonged their worship of the golden stone.

Golden Rock of Kyaikhtiyo, Buddhism, Myanmar, BurmaThe long pilgrimage from Yangon was beginning to impose on us the due fatigue. In these matters of worldly energies, Buddha would be of little help to us. We pick up at the hotel. We try to revive ourselves.

Yangon, Myanmar

The Great Capital of Burma (Delusions of the Military Junta aside)

In 2005, Myanmar's dictatorial government inaugurated a bizarre and nearly deserted new capital. Exotic, cosmopolitan life remains intact in Yangon, Burmese's largest and most fascinating city.
Inle Lake, Myanmar

A Pleasant Forced Stop

In the second of the holes that we have during a tour around Lake Inlé, we hope that they will bring us the bicycle with the patched tyre. At the roadside shop that welcomes and helps us, everyday life doesn't stop.
Bagan, Myanmar

The Plain of Pagodas, Temples and other Heavenly Redemptions

Burmese religiosity has always been based on a commitment to redemption. In Bagan, wealthy and fearful believers continue to erect pagodas in hopes of winning the benevolence of the gods.
u-bein BridgeMyanmar

The Twilight of the Bridge of Life

At 1.2 km, the oldest and longest wooden bridge in the world allows the Burmese of Amarapura to experience Lake Taungthaman. But 160 years after its construction, U Bein is in its twilight.
Chiang Mai, Thailand

300 Wats of Spiritual and Cultural Energy

Thais call every Buddhist temple wat and their northern capital has them in obvious abundance. Delivered to successive events held between shrines, Chiang Mai is never quite disconnected.
Nara, Japan

The Colossal Cradle of the Japanese Buddhism

Nara has long since ceased to be the capital and its Todai-ji temple has been demoted. But the Great Hall remains the largest ancient wooden building in the world. And it houses the greatest bronze Vairocana Buddha.
Miyajima, Japan

Shintoism and Buddhism with the Tide

Visitors to the Tori of Itsukushima admire one of the three most revered scenery in Japan. On the island of Miyajima, Japanese religiosity blends with Nature and is renewed with the flow of the Seto Inland Sea.
Lhasa, Tibet

When Buddhism Tires of Meditation

It is not only with silence and spiritual retreat that one seeks Nirvana. At the Sera Monastery, the young monks perfect their Buddhist knowledge with lively dialectical confrontations and crackling clapping of hands.
Nara, Japan

Buddhism vs Modernism: The Double Face of Nara

In the 74th century AD Nara was the Japanese capital. During XNUMX years of this period, emperors erected temples and shrines in honor of the Budismo, the newly arrived religion from across the Sea of ​​Japan. Today, only these same monuments, secular spirituality and deer-filled parks protect the city from the inexorable encirclement of urbanity.
Mount Koya, Japan

Halfway to Nirvana

According to some doctrines of Buddhism, it takes several lifetimes to attain enlightenment. The shingon branch claims that you can do it in one. From Mount Koya, it can be even easier.
Lhasa, Tibet

Sera, the Monastery of the Sacred Debate

In few places in the world a dialect is used as vehemently as in the monastery of Sera. There, hundreds of monks, in Tibetan, engage in intense and raucous debates about the teachings of the Buddha.
Kyoto, Japan

The Kyoto Temple Reborn from the Ashes

The Golden Pavilion has been spared destruction several times throughout history, including that of US-dropped bombs, but it did not withstand the mental disturbance of Hayashi Yoken. When we admired him, he looked like never before.
berry, Myanmar

A Journey to Bago. And to the Portuguese Kingdom of Pegu

Determined and opportunistic, two Portuguese adventurers became kings of Pegu's kingdom. His dynasty only lasted from 1600 to 1613. It has gone down in history.
Inle Lake, Myanmar

The Dazzling Lakustrine Burma

With an area of ​​116km2, Inle Lake is the second largest lake in Myanmar. It's much more than that. The ethnic diversity of its population, the profusion of Buddhist temples and the exoticism of local life make it an unmissable stronghold of Southeast Asia.
savuti, botswana, elephant-eating lions
Savuti, Botswana

Savuti's Elephant-Eating Lions

A patch of the Kalahari Desert dries up or is irrigated depending on the region's tectonic whims. In Savuti, lions have become used to depending on themselves and prey on the largest animals in the savannah.
Herd in Manang, Annapurna Circuit, Nepal
Annapurna (circuit)
Annapurna Circuit: 8th Manang, Nepal

Manang: the Last Acclimatization in Civilization

Six days after leaving Besisahar we finally arrived in Manang (3519m). Located at the foot of the Annapurna III and Gangapurna Mountains, Manang is the civilization that pampers and prepares hikers for the ever-dreaded crossing of Thorong La Gorge (5416 m).
Sirocco, Arabia, Helsinki
Architecture & Design
Helsinki, Finland

The Design that Came from the Cold

With much of the territory above the Arctic Circle, Finns respond to the climate with efficient solutions and an obsession with art, aesthetics and modernism inspired by neighboring Scandinavia.
Boats on ice, Hailuoto Island, Finland.
Hailuoto, Finland

A Refuge in the Gulf of Bothnia

During winter, the island of Hailuoto is connected to the rest of Finland by the country's longest ice road. Most of its 986 inhabitants esteem, above all, the distance that the island grants them.
cowboys oceania, rodeo, el caballo, perth, australia
Ceremonies and Festivities
Perth, Australia

The Oceania Cowboys

Texas is on the other side of the world, but there is no shortage of cowboys in the country of koalas and kangaroos. Outback rodeos recreate the original version and 8 seconds lasts no less in the Australian Western.
napier, New Zealand

Back to the 30s – Old-Fashioned Car Tour

In a city rebuilt in Art Deco and with an atmosphere of the "crazy years" and beyond, the adequate means of transportation are the elegant classic automobiles of that era. In Napier, they are everywhere.
Fogón de Lola, great food, Costa Rica, Guápiles
Fogón de Lola Costa Rica

The Flavor of Costa Rica of El Fogón de Lola

As the name suggests, the Fogón de Lola de Guapiles serves dishes prepared on the stove and in the oven, according to Costa Rican family tradition. In particular, Tia Lola's.
Okinawa, Japan

Ryukyu Dances: Centuries old. In No Hurry.

The Ryukyu kingdom prospered until the XNUMXth century as a trading post for the China and Japan. From the cultural aesthetics developed by its courtly aristocracy, several styles of slow dance were counted.
Bungee jumping, Queenstown, New Zealand
Queenstown, New Zealand

Queenstown, the Queen of Extreme Sports

In the century. XVIII, the Kiwi government proclaimed a mining village on the South Island "fit for a queen".Today's extreme scenery and activities reinforce the majestic status of ever-challenging Queenstown.
cheap flights, buy cheap flights, cheap airline tickets,
Travel does not cost

Buy Flights Before Prices Take Off

Getting cheap flights has become almost a science. Stay on top of the basics why the airline fares market governs and avoid the financial discomfort of buying at a bad time.
Jumping forward, Pentecost Naghol, Bungee Jumping, Vanuatu
Pentecost Island, Vanuatu

Pentecost Naghol: Bungee Jumping for Real Men

In 1995, the people of Pentecostes threatened to sue extreme sports companies for stealing the Naghol ritual. In terms of audacity, the elastic imitation falls far short of the original.
View of Fa Island, Tonga, Last Polynesian Monarchy
Got2Globe Photo Portfolio
Got2Globe Portfolio

Exotic Signs of Life

Rabat, Malta, Mdina, Palazzo Xara
Rabat, Malta

A Former Suburb in the Heart of Malta

If Mdina became the noble capital of the island, the Knights Hospitaller decided to sacrifice the fortification of present-day Rabat. The city outside the walls expanded. It survives as a popular and rural counterpoint to the now living museum in Mdina.
Torshavn, Faroe Islands, rowing
Tórshavn, Faroe Islands

Thor's Faroese Port

It has been the main settlement in the Faroe Islands since at least 850 AD, the year in which Viking settlers established a parliament there. Tórshavn remains one of the smallest capitals in Europe and the divine shelter of about a third of the Faroese population.
Horses under a snow, Iceland Never Ending Snow Island Fire
Winter White
Husavik a Myvatn, Iceland

Endless Snow on the Island of Fire

When, in mid-May, Iceland already enjoys some sun warmth but the cold and snow persist, the inhabitants give in to an intriguing summer anxiety.
Kukenam reward
Mount Roraima, Venezuela

Time Travel to the Lost World of Mount Roraima

At the top of Mount Roraima, there are extraterrestrial scenarios that have resisted millions of years of erosion. Conan Doyle created, in "The Lost World", a fiction inspired by the place but never got to step on it.
Enriquillo, Great Lake of the Antilles, Dominican Republic, view from Cueva das Caritas de Taínos
Lake Enriquillo, Dominican Republic

Enriquillo: the Great Lake of the Antilles

Between 300 and 400 km2, situated 44 meters below sea level, Enriquillo is the supreme lake of the Antilles. Regardless of its hypersalinity and the stifling, atrocious temperatures, it's still increasing. Scientists have a hard time explaining why.
Mother Armenia Statue, Yerevan, Armenia
Yerevan, Armenia

A Capital between East and West

Heiress of the Soviet civilization, aligned with the great Russia, Armenia allows itself to be seduced by the most democratic and sophisticated ways of Western Europe. In recent times, the two worlds have collided in the streets of your capital. From popular and political dispute, Yerevan will dictate the new course of the nation.
Piton de la Fournaise, Réunion, the volcano path
Natural Parks
Piton de la Fournaise, Reunion Island

The Turbulent Volcano of Réunion

At 2632m, the Piton de la Fournaise, Réunion's only eruptive volcano, occupies almost half of this island we explored, mountains up, mountains down. It is one of the most active and unpredictable volcanoes in the Indian Ocean and on Earth.
Boat and helmsman, Cayo Los Pájaros, Los Haitises, Dominican Republic
UNESCO World Heritage
Samaná PeninsulaLos Haitises National Park Dominican Republic

From the Samaná Peninsula to the Dominican Haitises

In the northeast corner of the Dominican Republic, where Caribbean nature still triumphs, we face an Atlantic much more vigorous than expected in these parts. There we ride on a communal basis to the famous Limón waterfall, cross the bay of Samaná and penetrate the remote and exuberant “land of the mountains” that encloses it.
Earp brothers look-alikes and friend Doc Holliday in Tombstone, USA
tombstone, USA

Tombstone: the City Too Hard to Die

Silver veins discovered at the end of the XNUMXth century made Tombstone a prosperous and conflictive mining center on the frontier of the United States to Mexico. Lawrence Kasdan, Kurt Russell, Kevin Costner and other Hollywood directors and actors made famous the Earp brothers and the bloodthirsty duel of “OK Corral”. The Tombstone, which, over time, has claimed so many lives, is about to last.
Dominican Republic, Bahia de Las Águilas Beach, Pedernales. Jaragua National Park, Beach
Lagoa Oviedo a Bahia de las Águilas, Dominican Republic

In Search of the Immaculate Dominican Beach

Against all odds, one of the most unspoiled Dominican coastlines is also one of the most remote. Discovering the province of Pedernales, we are dazzled by the semi-desert Jaragua National Park and the Caribbean purity of Bahia de las Águilas.
Hikers on the Ice Lake Trail, Annapurna Circuit, Nepal
Annapurna Circuit: 7th - Braga - Ice Lake, Nepal

Annapurna Circuit – The Painful Acclimatization of the Ice Lake

On the way up to the Ghyaru village, we had a first and unexpected show of how ecstatic the Annapurna Circuit can be tasted. Nine kilometers later, in Braga, due to the need to acclimatize, we climbed from 3.470m from Braga to 4.600m from Lake Kicho Tal. We only felt some expected tiredness and the increase in the wonder of the Annapurna Mountains.
Back in the sun. San Francisco Cable Cars, Life Ups and Downs
On Rails
San Francisco, USA

San Francisco Cable Cars: A Life of Highs and Lows

A macabre wagon accident inspired the San Francisco cable car saga. Today, these relics work as a charm operation in the city of fog, but they also have their risks.
Christian believers leaving a church, Upolu, Western Samoa
Upolu, Samoa  

The Broken Heart of Polynesia

The imagery of the paradisiacal South Pacific is unquestionable in Samoa, but its tropical beauty does not pay the bills for either the nation or the inhabitants. Anyone who visits this archipelago finds a people divided between subjecting themselves to tradition and the financial stagnation or uprooting themselves in countries with broader horizons.
Busy intersection of Tokyo, Japan
Daily life
Tokyo, Japan

The Endless Night of the Rising Sun Capital

Say that Tokyo do not sleep is an understatement. In one of the largest and most sophisticated cities on the face of the Earth, twilight marks only the renewal of the frenetic daily life. And there are millions of souls that either find no place in the sun, or make more sense in the “dark” and obscure turns that follow.
Esteros del Iberá, Pantanal Argentina, Alligator
Iberá Wetlands, Argentina

The Pantanal of the Pampas

On the world map, south of the famous brazilian wetland, a little-known flooded region appears, but almost as vast and rich in biodiversity. the Guarani expression Y bera defines it as “shining waters”. The adjective fits more than its strong luminance.
Full Dog Mushing
Scenic Flights
Seward, Alaska

The Alaskan Dog Mushing Summer

It's almost 30 degrees and the glaciers are melting. In Alaska, entrepreneurs have little time to get rich. Until the end of August, dog mushing cannot stop.