White Desert, Egypt

The Egyptian Shortcut to Mars

Desert (Little) White
Jeep plows the extraterrestrial immensity of the White Desert, a section of the great Western Sahara Desert.
el-bawiti style
Bedouin in the middle of the date palm grove on the way to the urban center of El-Bawiti
El-Bawiti of the Little Ones
Motorcyclist passes by a clay replica of the old quarter of El-Bawiti.
Bicolored Mountains of the Black Desert, 50km south of El-Bawiti.
Gateway to the Desert
Traffic runs along the major Cairo-Farafra highway.
mining time
Bedouin farmer in good spirits, despite the obligation to work.
sculptures of time
Two of the countless geological cuts of calcite in the White Desert.
the sweetest bawiti
Date sellers in their shop in El-Bawiti, right in the oasis of Bahariya.
Desert (even) White
Calcite-targeted soil appears in several areas of the White Desert.
Dantesque II
A truck crosses the mineral expanse of the Black Desert.
Night light
Jeep travels along a makeshift road on the outskirts of El-Bawiti.
Mars on Earth
Rock formations polished by the fierce secular winds that sweep across the great Western Sahara Desert.
strange cult
Visitors to the White Desert next to his most famous sculpture: "chicken and atomic bomb.
At a time when conquering the solar system's neighbor has become an obsession, an eastern section of the Sahara Desert is home to a vast related landscape. Instead of the estimated 150 to 300 days to reach Mars, we took off from Cairo and, in just over three hours, we took our first steps into the Oasis of Bahariya. All around, almost everything makes us feel about the longed-for Red Planet.

We left the outskirts of the Egyptian capital.

Aladdin turns off the device that limited the jeep's speed. In the form of unexpected Arabian magic, he frees us for a journey through the White Desert, which is certainly less safe, but accomplished in a brilliant time. The prodigy soon proves to be imperfect.

Once the city of October 6th is passed, already in earnest in the White Desert, the device gives way and inaugurates an irritating tinkle of alarm that would be repeated throughout the entire trip.

A little before noon, we approached a gas station lost in the sandy expanse. Ayman, the guide, tells us that we are going to stop to stretch our legs. We join a small crowd of other bus drivers and passengers.

We drank hot tea and coffee without any great haste. Ayman abbreviates his tea and leaves.

As we left the establishment to wait outside for the return to the road, we noticed that we had entered a prayer room.

When we take a closer look, Ayman was part of a casual male community that shared the same patchwork carpeted mantle, the direction of Mecca and alternating prostrations driven by an unquestioned faith in Allah to which, by all indications, Aladdin did not surrender.

The believer delays what delays. Ten minutes later, he joins us. Each one refreshed in his own way, the cicerone duo announces the second half of the journey:

“Let's do it! From now on, the desert will be much more deserted.”

Gateway to the Desert on the Cairo-Farafra road, White Desert, Egypt

Traffic runs along the major Cairo-Farafra highway.

El-Bahariya: the first of the great oases

Two additional hours of lowly flying into the Saaara, we arrived at one of its rare and always surprising oases, that of El-Bahariya. In the month of December, the temperature is just over 20ºC.

We don't see a foreign soul in the Hotel Panorama where we check in, nor did the unobstructed scenery promised by the establishment. We install ourselves. We went down soon afterwards and shared a quick lunch with the cicerones duo.

Then the owner makes a point of showing us and Ayman the charms of El-Bahariya. With no objections, the three of us got into another jeep and set out to discover.

We were far from thinking that, even as an oasis that it was, the place could prove so lush. And yet, what we have unveiled already 370 km from Cairo is an incredible exception to the desolate and rocky landscape that surrounded us.

El-Bahariya begins as a depression measuring 90km by 40km, surrounded by moderate mountains and attracting a good part of the water only in the appearance of non-existent. In its deepest areas, a dense palm grove of date palms laden with fruit emerges from the ground.

el-bawiti style

It is irrigated by springs and streams of water, some underground, others flowing to the surface through streams and canals that the peasants in those parts manipulate in a complex network of small dikes, opened and closed with one or two stones or three or four earthen troughs.

Dirt paths between the wet and the stew furrow the forest. Farmers with hoes on their shoulders and producers and suppliers dressed in jilabas and turbans ride donkeys loaded with saddlebags full of dates.

In the urban center of El-Bawiti, vendors await us.

mining time,

Bedouin farmer in good spirits, despite the obligation to work.

El-Bawiti: Capital of the El-Bahariya Oasis.

El-Bawiti is the main settlement in the El-Bahariya oasis. It welcomes 30 inhabitants Wahati (read from the oasis), Muslim Bedouins with ancestors in Libya, along the Mediterranean coast and in the Nile Valley.

We confess to Ayman that we love dates. The Egyptian guide intercedes with the host in the area to take us to a store where we could buy them with confidence.

At a glance, we leave the forest and pass through a Sharia Safaya avenue where a sequence of miniature and clay model houses stands out, some colored, others in the natural tone of solidified mud.

El-Bawiti of the Little Ones

We entered a grid of dirt roads that recent rains had made less dusty than usual.

They are delimited by uncharacteristic establishments: grocery stores, rural shops, butchers, a shabby teahouse frequented only by men.

Signs in Arabic and promotional material from the usual multinationals battled for the commercial prominence of each alley, brandishing the most artificial and gaudy tones they could resort to.

From time to time, an old pick-up truck, crammed full of cargo, appears, or, as we could see, from passengers, several munaqqabat, which is like who says stuffed in abayas e niqabs blacks that only reveal their eyes.

These dismal and intimidating costumes usually worn by them outside the home, where they are seen by other men, are far from deserving the admiration or even the agreement of the Egyptians in general, and its propagation has generated apprehension in the authorities who interpret it. as a sign that both religious fundamentalism and disdain for the Cairo government are spreading.

Abundant dates

In that deep Egypt we walked through, there were few women we came across. The ones we saw were either wearing that same black combination or just something less somber.

Lost in this dazzle, somewhere between anthropology and Muslim fashion, we arrived at the date shop we had been promised. There, El-Bawiti glows with color.

the sweetest bawiti

The sign features large olive green and cyan Arabic characters on a white background decorated with date palms and mountains.

The dates, available in different sizes and shades of yellow, brown and gold, are displayed on small fruit-bearing hillocks that emerge from crates.

They are for sale natural, but also packaged, canned, in oil and in other less expected forms. We followed the seller's advice.

We bought a kilo of the newest arrivals, the freshest, the sweetest. Around six in the afternoon, with the sun that had ripened them already dripping behind the palm grove, we returned to the desolate shelter of the Hotel Panorama.

The Dark Side of the White Desert

With the next morning, it's time to head southwest, towards the Egyptian heart of the Sahara. We are accompanied by Mahmoud, a young Bedouin hotel assistant.

We stopped again in El-Bawiti to buy groceries, including a reinforcement of dates which, as was to be expected, had already suffered a huge hole since the previous afternoon. At ten-thirty we left the village.

After only fifty kilometers, we stop at a section of the route called the Black Desert. We climbed one of its many volcanic hills sprinkled with dolerites and dark quartzites.

From the top, we appreciate the half-yellow half-black vastness around it and the almost insignificant passage of one or two vehicles coming from an apparent nothing, destined for another nothing, which only reinforce the surrounding immensity.


During that afternoon, through that Egypt, Cyrenaic in Roman times, inside, the desert takes on several other visuals, each one more surreal than the last.

At four o'clock, we arrived at the White Desert of Farafra, which at least Mahmoud claimed to know well enough not to get lost.

We believe in his promise.

We leave the Cairo-Farafra highway and enter a labyrinth of rocks and large boulders scattered without apparent end, a labyrinth and desert of the kind that, in 636 BC, would have disoriented the Persian king Cambyses II and his army when, in full conquest from Egypt, they sought the Oracle of Amon.

Farafra: the eccentric portal to the Red Planet

Farafra is the second of five depressions in the Great Western Desert. With only 980km2, it occupies half that of Bahariya. The whiteness of its sub-desert soon becomes obvious.

Calcium deposits cover the ground or stand out from it like sculptures that we find it hard to believe are mere millenary products of the impact of sand crystals dragged by the furious wind that often ravages these parts.

Our guides rejoice in the profusion of chalk rock sculptures (calcite) that show us with childlike enthusiasm.

The most famous is the “chicken and the mushroom” also known as the “chicken and the atomic bomb”. A close formation resembles an ice cream. And so it was called.

Others have grander and more formal names. There is “the monolith” and the “Inselberg”.

sculptures of time

We got tired of circulating aboard the jeep.

When we detected a higher plateau in the vicinity of what Ayman had designated as a camp, we went out on foot and pointed to its top with the sun already falling over the horizon.

When we reach the summit, more than with funny shapes, we are confronted with an incredible immensity of stones and polished rocks resting on the calcite-stained soil.

By this time of sunset, the desert preserved little of its white. In fact, as we saw it from there, we were neither in a White Desert nor on Earth.

The ocher-yellow panorama was – no one could convince us otherwise – Martian. Redder and more Martian it grew as twilight crept into the afterglow and subjected the winter clouds to an exuberant incandescence.

Until then, we had been alone. Without us expecting it, two other jeeps appear from who knows where and cross the unlikely scenario. We didn't want to ruin the extraterrestrial imagery.

Accordingly, we envision them as NASA Rovers on an exploration mission.

Mars on Earth

The Sunset Warmed by the Bonfire of Farafra

After half an hour, the resistant light gives way to pitch. We got down from the plateau while we could do it safely and walked towards Ayman, Aladdin and Mahmoud who had been preparing the camp for some time.

We helped solve the careless lack of lighting with which the last one had left El-Bawiti.

Night light

A little later, around a hearty fire, we shared a dinner with fellow Egyptians under the hyper-starry firmament.

Ayman plays some Egyptian music on his cell phone. With the soundtrack he chose in the background, he tries to solve a very earthly problem.

He tells us stories and makes corrections that aim to shorten the distance that, in his mind, Islamic religion and culture kept us.

“You know that we Muslims also believe in Jesus and Mary, at least as historical figures.” secures us between different narratives, another one related to Noah's Ark.

Soon, he tells us of the Egyptian nationalist singers who, during the Six Day War in which Egypt (and several neighboring nations) clashed with Israel, they almost only sang nationalist anthems: “I love you Egypt” and the like.

The fire, like everyone's energies, quickly extinguished. We, Ayman and Aladino retire to the tents. More used to the desert, Mahmoud slept right next door, in the open, despite the foxes and coyotes that had been watching us for a long time, despite his visits in search of food.

We woke up before dawn. For a moment, the scene reverts to the reddish profile of Mars.

As soon as the sun leaves the horizon, the White Desert reassumes its whiteness and brings us back to the Land of the Western Desert. Until the next twilight.

strange cult

Trip carried out with the support of the operator ImageTours. Consult the Egypt Programs of ImageTours.

Edfu to Kom Ombo, Egypt

Up the River Nile, through the Upper Ptolemaic Egypt

Having accomplished the unmissable embassy to Luxor, to old Thebes and to the Valley of the Kings, we proceed against the current of the Nile. In Edfu and Kom Ombo, we surrender to the historic magnificence bequeathed by successive Ptolemy monarchs.
luxor, Egypt

From Luxor to Thebes: Journey to Ancient Egypt

Thebes was raised as the new supreme capital of the Egyptian Empire, the seat of Amon, the God of Gods. Modern Luxor inherited the Temple of Karnak and its sumptuousness. Between one and the other flow the sacred Nile and millennia of dazzling history.
Aswan, Egypt

Where the Nile Welcomes the Black Africa

1200km upstream of its delta, the Nile is no longer navigable. The last of the great Egyptian cities marks the fusion between Arab and Nubian territory. Since its origins in Lake Victoria, the river has given life to countless African peoples with dark complexions.
Mount Sinai, Egypt

Strength in the Legs, Faith in God

Moses received the Ten Commandments on the summit of Mount Sinai and revealed them to the people of Israel. Today, hundreds of pilgrims climb, every night, the 4000 steps of that painful but mystical ascent.
Jaisalmer, India

There's a Feast in the Thar Desert

As soon as the short winter breaks, Jaisalmer indulges in parades, camel races, and turban and mustache competitions. Its walls, alleys and surrounding dunes take on more color than ever. During the three days of the event, natives and outsiders watch, dazzled, as the vast and inhospitable Thar finally shines through.
Damaraland, Namíbia

Namibia On the Rocks

Hundreds of kilometers north of Swakopmund, many more of Swakopmund's iconic dunes Sossuvlei, Damaraland is home to deserts interspersed with hills of reddish rock, the highest mountain and ancient rock art of the young nation. the settlers South Africans they named this region after the Damara, one of the Namibian ethnic groups. Only these and other inhabitants prove that it remains on Earth.
bazaruto, Mozambique

The Inverted Mirage of Mozambique

Just 30km off the East African coast, an unlikely but imposing erg rises out of the translucent sea. Bazaruto it houses landscapes and people who have lived apart for a long time. Whoever lands on this lush, sandy island soon finds himself in a storm of awe.
Dunhuang, China

An Oasis in the China of the Sands

Thousands of kilometers west of Beijing, the Great Wall has its western end and the China and other. An unexpected splash of vegetable green breaks up the arid expanse all around. Announces Dunhuang, formerly crucial outpost on the Silk Road, today an intriguing city at the base of Asia's largest sand dunes.
Atacama Desert, Chile

Life on the Edges of the Atacama Desert

When you least expect it, the driest place in the world reveals new extraterrestrial scenarios on a frontier between the inhospitable and the welcoming, the sterile and the fertile that the natives are used to crossing.
Amboseli National Park, Mount Kilimanjaro, Normatior Hill
Amboseli National Park, Kenya

A Gift from the Kilimanjaro

The first European to venture into these Masai haunts was stunned by what he found. And even today, large herds of elephants and other herbivores roam the pastures irrigated by the snow of Africa's biggest mountain.
Prayer flags in Ghyaru, Nepal
Annapurna (circuit)
Annapurna Circuit: 4th – Upper Banana to Ngawal, Nepal

From Nightmare to Dazzle

Unbeknownst to us, we are faced with an ascent that leads us to despair. We pulled our strength as far as possible and reached Ghyaru where we felt closer than ever to the Annapurnas. The rest of the way to Ngawal felt like a kind of extension of the reward.
coast, fjord, Seydisfjordur, Iceland
Architecture & Design
Seydisfjordur, Iceland

From the Art of Fishing to the Fishing of Art

When shipowners from Reykjavik bought the Seydisfjordur fishing fleet, the village had to adapt. Today, it captures Dieter Roth's art disciples and other bohemian and creative souls.
lagoons and fumaroles, volcanoes, PN tongariro, new zealand
Tongariro, New Zealand

The Volcanoes of All Discords

In the late XNUMXth century, an indigenous chief ceded the PN Tongariro volcanoes to the British crown. Today, a significant part of the Maori people claim their mountains of fire from European settlers.
Ceremonies and Festivities
Pentecost Island, Vanuatu

Naghol: Bungee Jumping without Modern Touches

At Pentecost, in their late teens, young people launch themselves from a tower with only lianas tied to their ankles. Bungee cords and harnesses are inappropriate fussiness from initiation to adulthood.
Jerusalem God, Israel, Golden City
Jerusalem, Israel

Closer to God

Three thousand years of history as mystical as it is troubled come to life in Jerusalem. Worshiped by Christians, Jews and Muslims, this city radiates controversy but attracts believers from all over the world.
young saleswoman, nation, bread, uzbekistan
Fergana Valley, Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan, The Nation That Does Not Lack Bread

Few countries employ cereals like Uzbekistan. In this republic of Central Asia, bread plays a vital and social role. The Uzbeks produce it and consume it with devotion and in abundance.
North Island, New Zealand, Maori, Surfing time
North Island, New Zealand

Journey along the Path of Maority

New Zealand is one of the countries where the descendants of settlers and natives most respect each other. As we explored its northern island, we became aware of the interethnic maturation of this very old nation. Commonwealth as Maori and Polynesia.
4th of July Fireworks-Seward, Alaska, United States
Seward, Alaska

The Longest 4th of July

The independence of the United States is celebrated, in Seward, Alaska, in a modest way. Even so, the 4th of July and its celebration seem to have no end.
Inle Lake, Myanmar

A Pleasant Forced Stop

In the second of the holes that we have during a tour around Lake Inlé, we hope that they will bring us the bicycle with the patched tyre. At the roadside shop that welcomes and helps us, everyday life doesn't stop.
Women with long hair from Huang Luo, Guangxi, China
Longsheng, China

Huang Luo: the Chinese Village of the Longest Hairs

In a multi-ethnic region covered with terraced rice paddies, the women of Huang Luo have surrendered to the same hairy obsession. They let the longest hair in the world grow, years on end, to an average length of 170 to 200 cm. Oddly enough, to keep them beautiful and shiny, they only use water and rice.
Sunset, Avenue of Baobabs, Madagascar
Got2Globe Photo Portfolio

days like so many others

Travel Sao Tome, Ecuador, Sao Tome and Principe, Pico Cão Grande
São Tomé, São Tomé and Príncipe

Journey to where São Tomé points the Equator

We go along the road that connects the homonymous capital to the sharp end of the island. When we arrived in Roça Porto Alegre, with the islet of Rolas and Ecuador in front of us, we had lost ourselves time and time again in the historical and tropical drama of São Tomé.
Ilhéu das Rolas, São Tomé and Príncipe, equator, inlet
Rolas Islet, São Tomé and Principe

Rolas Islet: São Tomé and Principe at Latitude Zero

The southernmost point of São Tomé and Príncipe, Ilhéu das Rolas is lush and volcanic. The big news and point of interest of this island extension of the second smallest African nation is the coincidence of crossing the Equator.
Reindeer Racing, Kings Cup, Inari, Finland
Winter White
Inari, Finland

The Wackiest Race on the Top of the World

Finland's Lapps have been competing in the tow of their reindeer for centuries. In the final of the Kings Cup - Porokuninkuusajot - , they face each other at great speed, well above the Arctic Circle and well below zero.
Almada Negreiros, Roça Saudade, Sao Tome
Saudade, São Tomé, São Tomé and Principe

Almada Negreiros: From Saudade to Eternity

Almada Negreiros was born in April 1893, on a farm in the interior of São Tomé. Upon discovering his origins, we believe that the luxuriant exuberance in which he began to grow oxygenated his fruitful creativity.
very coarse salt
Salta and Jujuy, Argentina

Through the Highlands of Deep Argentina

A tour through the provinces of Salta and Jujuy takes us to discover a country with no sign of the pampas. Vanished in the Andean vastness, these ends of the Northwest of Argentina have also been lost in time.
Sheki, Autumn in the Caucasus, Azerbaijan, Autumn Homes
Sheki, Azerbaijan

autumn in the caucasus

Lost among the snowy mountains that separate Europe from Asia, Sheki is one of Azerbaijan's most iconic towns. Its largely silky history includes periods of great harshness. When we visited it, autumn pastels added color to a peculiar post-Soviet and Muslim life.
Traveler above Jökursarlón icy lagoon, Iceland
Natural Parks
Jökursarlón Lagoon, Vatnajökull Glacier, Iceland

The Faltering of Europe's King Glacier

Only in Greenland and Antarctica are glaciers comparable to Vatnajökull, the supreme glacier of the old continent. And yet, even this colossus that gives more meaning to the term ice land is surrendering to the relentless siege of global warming.
Tequila, Jalisco City, Mexico, Jima
UNESCO World Heritage
Tequila, JaliscoMexico

Tequila: The Distillation of Western Mexico that Animates the World

Disillusioned with the lack of wine and brandy, the Conquistadors of Mexico improved the millenary indigenous aptitude for producing alcohol. In the XNUMXth century, the Spaniards were satisfied with their pinga and began to export it. From Tequila, town, today, the center of a demarcated region. And the name for which it became famous.
Look-alikes, Actors and Extras

Make-believe stars

They are the protagonists of events or are street entrepreneurs. They embody unavoidable characters, represent social classes or epochs. Even miles from Hollywood, without them, the world would be more dull.
Vietnamese queue

Nha Trang-Doc Let, Vietnam

The Salt of the Vietnamese Land

In search of attractive coastlines in old Indochina, we become disillusioned with the roughness of Nha Trang's bathing area. And it is in the feminine and exotic work of the Hon Khoi salt flats that we find a more pleasant Vietnam.

Burning prayers, Ohitaki Festival, fushimi temple, kyoto, japan
Kyoto, Japan

A Combustible Faith

During the Shinto celebration of Ohitaki, prayers inscribed on tablets by the Japanese faithful are gathered at the Fushimi temple. There, while being consumed by huge bonfires, her belief is renewed.
Back in the sun. San Francisco Cable Cars, Life Ups and Downs
On Rails
San Francisco, USA

San Francisco Cable Cars: A Life of Highs and Lows

A macabre wagon accident inspired the San Francisco cable car saga. Today, these relics work as a charm operation in the city of fog, but they also have their risks.
Military Religious, Wailing Wall, IDF Flag Oath, Jerusalem, Israel
Jerusalem, Israel

A Festive Wailing Wall

The holiest place in Judaism is not only attended by prayers and prayers. Its ancient stones have witnessed the oath of new IDF recruits for decades and echo the euphoric screams that follow.
Visitors at Talisay Ruins, Negros Island, Philippines
Daily life
Talisay City, Philippines

Monument to a Luso-Philippine Love

At the end of the 11th century, Mariano Lacson, a Filipino farmer, and Maria Braga, a Portuguese woman from Macau, fell in love and got married. During the pregnancy of what would be her 2th child, Maria succumbed to a fall. Destroyed, Mariano built a mansion in his honor. In the midst of World War II, the mansion was set on fire, but the elegant ruins that endured perpetuate their tragic relationship.
Pisteiro San in action at Torra Conservancy, Namibia
Palmwag, Namíbia

In Search of Rhinos

We set off from the heart of the oasis generated by the Uniab River, home to the largest number of black rhinos in southwest Africa. In the footsteps of a bushman tracker, we follow a stealthy specimen, dazzled by a setting with a Martian feel.
Full Dog Mushing
Scenic Flights
Seward, Alaska

The Alaskan Dog Mushing Summer

It's almost 30 degrees and the glaciers are melting. In Alaska, entrepreneurs have little time to get rich. Until the end of August, dog mushing cannot stop.